unnamed tOSU coach

but I don't want Mack Brown

Yeah, that guy sucked!

Personally, I am okay with coaches that win a national title and 10+ games a year for a decade also being classy and not doing anything to hurt the reputation of the school.

If Charlie Strong had been better at winning games, he would have been a great representative too.

I do not think Herman was ever a great representative as a hire, but as long as he is scandal free and wins 10+ a year, I have no issues.
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Yeah, that guy sucked!

Personally, I am okay with coaches that win a national title and 10+ games a year for decade also being classy and not doing anything to hurt the reputation of the school.

If Charlie Strong had been better at winning games, he would have been a great representative too.

I do not think Herman was ever a great representative as a hire, but as long as he is scandal free and wins 10+ a year, I have no issues.

Maybe he meant the post-Alabama loss Mack Brown...
Never thought I’d say this but my opinion of Finebaum is moving from skepticism and disdain to cautious respect. The dude says what he believes.

But a word of caution to “my favorite HF contributor,” Dukesteer:

Because of Finebaum’s bias for Bama and the SEC, perhaps he is taking advantage of an opportunity to discredit a rival.

Regardless, I like it.
Maybe he meant the post-Alabama loss Mack Brown...

I did.

I, too, am completely on board with a coach who wins 10+ a year and represents The University with class. Unfortunately, the game had passed Mack Brown by on a number of levels and he wasn't going to reach those heights again. Being classy while being outcoached and outplayed by the Baylors and TCU's of the world isn't enough at Texas and it never will be.

Charlie Strong was and would have been an awesome representative but he was in over his head in the Big 12 and part of me wonders if he ever really wanted the job in the first place.
el Sapo
I wondered the same thing almost from the first.
It seemed like he took the job since it was such a high profile job and he felt he shouldn't pass it up. It just didn't seem his heart was in it.

I wanted him to do well here. I am glad he is doing a good job at USF.
part of me wonders if he ever really wanted the job in the first place.

Yup, I had some of the same thoughts very early on about CS, but like the vast majority of our fans, I wanted him to succeed at UT. As Horn 6271 said, I'm pleased he is happy and doing well at USF.
I’m thinking that Meyer has his staff take HS coaches to strip clubs to win them over for recruiting purposes. That’s just the kind of operation that low life runs. Then when Meyer has the spotlight on him due to allowing a wife beater on his staff he tries to take the focus off him. We already know he doesn’t like Herman. He also feels Herman is the one that turned him in on knowing Zach Smith beat his wife. So now what he ordered Herman to do he’s now turning him in. Of course not for any kind of violations but to pay him back and get him I trouble with the wifey.

I just can’t imagine Tom taking them to a strip bar on the football team’s dollar without being told or getting the green light to do so.
He also feels Herman is the one that turned him in on knowing Zach Smith beat his wife

The dumbest thing in this whole thing is Meyer and tOSU fans feeling Herman somehow caused this over a recruit. McMurphy and Courtney Smith have both said McMurphy began investigating following Zach Smith’s legal trouble this summer and Herman had nothing to do with anything. The timelines really do not even add up to a Herman conspiracy. I guess it is about trying to deflect blame for Meyer and the tOSU fans, but man, it’s incredibly asinine and, as many have pointed out, makes tOSU fans and Meyer look worse.
Name me a national champion in the past 20 years that had a coach that no one questioned as to morals/doing it right/etc etc....you can't use Mack Brown because Charlie had to "right the ship", get rid of all the hoodlums...….Nebraska, Michigan, Miami, USC, Texas, Alabama, Auburn.....go ahead, pick one....tell me how perfect their coach was, how pure his recruiting was, his methods, his persona.....you can't because you're pursuing a pipe dream...…..

I just want to come back and call bull puckey on this statement. Since you were replying to me, I'll say that Mack is exactly the "type" of coach I described. It's like you didn't read what I said. You make it sound like people who want moral leaders expect Jesus or Ghandi.

I'm not going to flesh out what a little skeleton or a big skeleton is, but many people are very ok with little skeletons in the closet of their "moral leaders." Most everyone is reasonable in their approach and don't demand someone walking on water.

You create a false pipe dream when you make it seem like fans who want a moral coach expect them to have international missions to Haiti as their main hobby. I didn't say it. Haven't seen anyone on here say it. I don't want JoePa who hides sexual assault. I don't want coaches spending money on hookers for players or recruits.

So far, there's nothing in this story or any story about Tom Herman that leads me to believe he has any big skeletons. Personally, going to strip clubs is a skeleton for me, but it's a little one. He still fits the category imo. He's a guy that MOSTLY tries to do it by-the-books. That's a moral leader as a coach.

You really imply that the only winners are cheaters. I don't buy that. And I don't know why you think you can call Mack Brown an immoral leader because he wasn't perfect.
Personally, I am okay with coaches that win a national title and 10+ games a year for a decade also being classy and not doing anything to hurt the reputation of the school.

If Charlie Strong had been better at winning games, he would have been a great representative too.

I do not think Herman was ever a great representative as a hire, but as long as he is scandal free and wins 10+ a year, I have no issues.

*CHAMPIONSHIPS ... wins CHAMPIONSHIPS, @Htown77 ... 10+wins can be had every year if the schedule is made to favor that. Can't win championships without being and having champions on the roster.

Otherwise ... I agree.
The dumbest thing in this whole thing is Meyer and tOSU fans feeling Herman somehow caused this over a recruit. McMurphy and Courtney Smith have both said McMurphy began investigating following Zach Smith’s legal trouble this summer and Herman had nothing to do with anything. The timelines really do not even add up to a Herman conspiracy. I guess it is about trying to deflect blame for Meyer and the tOSU fans, but man, it’s incredibly asinine and, as many have pointed out, makes tOSU fans and Meyer look worse.

They're just being vindictive little children. Herman's trip to the strip club has nothing to do with Zach beating his wife and Meyer enabling it. We all know that. It goes to show how ruthless ambition really is; and in my opinion it's a form of mental illness when it reaches this level of proportion. But our society glorifies the wrong thing so we admire these obsessive one-trick pony's who in reality are very warped human beings.
You people need to grow up! For us old timers, this isn't our first rodeo.

SMU gets in deep **** - response "Texas did it to us because we beat them"

Baylor gets exposed - response "Texas did it because we beat them"

Now Urban Myth is looking for scape goats, he quickly reviews the response of the only school to receive the death penalty and the latest huge scandal.

They're just being vindictive little children. Herman's trip to the strip club has nothing to do with Zach beating his wife and Meyer enabling it. We all know that. It goes to show how ruthless ambition really is; and in my opinion it's a form of mental illness when it reaches this level of proportion. But our society glorifies the wrong thing so we admire these obsessive one-trick pony's who in reality are very warped human beings.

“Brett McMurphy was first to uncover the domestic violence allegations against Smith through police records and an on-the-record interview with Smith’s wife, Courtney.”

“Prior to the alleged strip club incident, a report surfaced that claimed Herman was the whistleblower who allegedly tipped off McMurphy about Smith’s lengthy history of domestic disputes, which Herman adamantly denied”

It is not in the article, but both McMurphy and Courtney Smith denied this as well.

The problem here is, it is stupid vindictiveness. As @SabreHorn points out, it is a “blame Texas” diversion tactic. I just cannot get over there are tOSU fans who actually believe it. It I enountered one in person, I’d have to call them a dumb***.
You people need to grow up! For us old timers, this isn't our first rodeo.

SMU gets in deep **** - response "Texas did it to us because we beat them"

Baylor gets exposed - response "Texas did it because we beat them"

Now Urban Myth is looking for scape goats, he quickly reviews the response of the only school to receive the death penalty and the latest huge scandal.

You are right and I do understand -and agree...but times have changed.....The power of social media, internet, and proliferation of irresponsible media/reporting makes these things much trickier now. It was worth talking about because these things can get "inflamed" quickly and even without reason or sensibility these days. I do get where you're coming from...I believe the matter to be over now and don't think we'll hear much on it.....that is unless the NCAA gives it a sniff.
But one good thing has come out it at least
This expression seems to be kind of a catch-all response for any situation
