unnamed tOSU coach

In this "but what about" era of public discourse people who love people who protected accused spousal abusers, rapists and pedophiles can say "But what about Tom Herman, He's accused of being in a strip club with a staff member and a high school coach in 2014." I can stand it.
That was 2 employers ago.
I've been in those places... Maybe even once after I turned 35. They are seedy and exploitive. The biggest victim in my book are the blue-balled losers forking over cash to women who absent cash transactions wouldn't give them a friendly glance.
Can't help but chime in on this...
The most striking thing in conversations like these are that those who are taking the defense of any supposed, implied or stated to be immoral activity are always the ones up-in-arms (even at times angry), the greatly offended, and riled in the dialogue, all the while villifying the other ("accusing") party for their perceived unwarranted, aggressive, and judgemental action. It's hypocrisy of a terrible kind based in personal delusion. One side rushes to defend against this injustice (the perceived judgemental "attack") passionately defending everyone's right to do whatever they please with loose analogies and vague parallels that don't align, all while preserving their own right to judge (and with a great helping of "righteous" indignation and "stupid- shaming" I might add).
Bottom line...everyone wants to defend their personal right to their own guilty pleasure, so they will passionately defend another's. No one wants to defend another person's right to disagree with or disapprove of this. I will.
Bottom line...we were a better society when we used good sound judgement and applied morality in the application of our personal lives...and held one another accountable.
Some of you try to equate moral or ethical judgement with condemnation. I wouldn't condemn Tom Herman for this thing,
but I can say that I believe it isn't wise, healthy for, or befitting of a head coach (or any coach) of a university to be at a strip club. Furthermore....it appears to be in violation of recruiting rules. Doesn't mean he's guilty here at UT because of past actions, but might call his character into question. I'm questioning it.
But hey...who cares about right and wrong....right??
Oh yeah...I forgot...WE make it up as we go to suit our own desires...it's all just a matter of opinion.
Whatever.....Frederich Neitzsche was a fool. I still believe in right and wrong.
All ShAArk initially said was he had a problem with it. I wouldn't make a spectacle of it or villify the man (TH)...nor fire him - but I have a problem with it, too.
The passion (and tone) with which you guys jump on ShAArk here is very telling.
Now cue the vague parallels that don't parallel and in-analogous analogies...as well as ironic misquoting of scripture by those who normally don't pay any attention to it in 3...2....1....
Can't help but chime in on this...
The most striking thing in conversations like these are that those who are taking the defense of any supposed, implied or stated to be immoral activity are always the ones up-in-arms (even at times angry), the greatly offended, and riled in the dialogue, all the while villifying the other ("accusing") party for their perceived unwarranted, aggressive, and judgemental action. It's hypocrisy of a terrible kind based in personal delusion. One side rushes to defend against this injustice (the perceived judgemental "attack") passionately defending everyone's right to do whatever they please with loose analogies and vague parallels that don't align, all while preserving their own right to judge (and with a great helping of "righteous" indignation and "stupid- shaming" I might add).
Bottom line...everyone wants to defend their personal right to their own guilty pleasure, so they will passionately defend another's. No one wants to defend another person's right to disagree with or disapprove of this. I will.
Bottom line...we were a better society when we used good sound judgement and applied morality in the application of our personal lives...and held one another accountable.
Some of you try to equate moral or ethical judgement with condemnation. I wouldn't condemn Tom Herman for this thing,
but I can say that I believe it isn't wise, healthy for, or befitting of a head coach (or any coach) of a university to be at a strip club. Furthermore....it appears to be in violation of recruiting rules. Doesn't mean he's guilty here at UT because of past actions, but might call his character into question. I'm questioning it.
But hey...who cares about right and wrong....right??
Oh yeah...I forgot...WE make it up as we go to suit our own desires...it's all just a matter of opinion.
Whatever.....Frederich Neitzsche was a fool. I still believe in right and wrong.
All ShAArk initially said was he had a problem with it. I wouldn't make a spectacle of it or villify the man (TH)...nor fire him - but I have a problem with it, too.
The passion (and tone) with which you guys jump on ShAArk here is very telling.
Now cue the vague parallels that don't parallel and in-analogous analogies...as well as ironic misquoting of scripture by those who normally don't pfay any attention to it in 3...2....1....
Further proof there's no shortage of people in this world nothing short of desperate to feel morally superior to everyone else.
I've been in those places... Maybe even once after I turned 35. They are seedy and exploitive. The biggest victim in my book are the blue-balled losers forking over cash to women who absent cash transactions wouldn't give them a friendly glance.
Uh, yeah. That’s why they exist.
wow ...

I think some of y'all need to re read the OP for crying out loud.

If the allegation is true, I'd be personally disappointed ... my question/concern for the 5th or 6th time ...

if the allegation is true, and if any of you can confirm that it is (which is why I posted in the first place) ... is this a problem for our program given that NOW (regardless of 2 employers ago) it's become a HUGE issue for another university.

Return to your strawman that Shaark92 thinks he's morally superior to any/all of ya and AATTACK!
wow ...

I think some of y'all need to re read the OP for crying out loud.

If the allegation is true, I'd be personally disappointed ... my question/concern for the 5th or 6th time ...

if the allegation is true, and if any of you can confirm that it is (which is why I posted in the first place) ... is this a problem for our program given that NOW (regardless of 2 employers ago) it's become a HUGE issue for another university.

Return to your strawman that Shaark92 thinks he's morally superior to any/all of ya and AATTACK!
Any progress on that naming one student athlete dismissed for going to a strip club or is it pretty much status quo?
I think those of us who have been inside a strip club or don't watch women's sports or whatever deadly immoral sin we've committed just don't think it's worth anyone's time to hand-wring over whether or not Tom Herman has ever been in a strip club for any reason. We don't care, and think that giving any energy towards vilifying a man for breaking zero laws is "letting the terrorists win".....
and again ... it's not what I think personally nor what you think personally ... it's what are the ramifications given the CURRENT conditions of another university which is having to contend with the very same event.

Perhaps this event is an "add on" to the problem ... but Meyer is suspended because a subordinate acted as such ...

You don't consider it a big deal. I hope you're right, for the sake of our program .. not me and not you. Last time I checked, the program is bigger than any of us not named Darrel K Royal.
I think those of us who have been inside a strip club or don't watch women's sports or whatever deadly immoral sin we've committed just don't think it's worth anyone's time to hand-wring over whether or not Tom Herman has ever been in a strip club for any reason. We don't care, and think that giving any energy towards vilifying a man for breaking zero laws is "letting the terrorists win".....
Finally the voice of reason.
but Meyer is suspended because a subordinate acted as such ...

I am really missing something here.
Meyer was suspended because a subordinate was allegedly beating his wife since 2009, when he also worked for Meyer at Florida, and Meyer publicly lied about his knowledge of the events in question.
What does this have to with strip clubs?
I know next to nothing of NCAA recruitment rules, but unless Herman brought an underage player to the club and bought him drinks, or spent university money on lap dances for the high school coach, I don't know why anybody makes a big deal of this.
Oye vay ... as my yiddish-speaking friends would say ...

first ... can anyone confirm this "unnamed tOSU coach" WAS indeed Herman? The guy who was with the tOSU coach under investigation for taking a HS coach to this club ... on university time.

If you can't ... say so ... or abstain from saying anything. You're not answering the question.

@moondog_LFZ perhaps there are multiple/independent tOSU investigations occuring on the football coaching staff, but I thought these were related (ie same guy under Meyer). I could be wrong. I'm not following this real close, I just know this referenced OP incident has been used as a point about which to claim The University is (will be) in trouble.

That's it. No stink bomb about what I think ... what I wish ... looking for a little help. With help like this ... well ... no wonder we've been stinking-up the place on the gridiron! :P

Further proof there's no shortage of people in this world nothing short of desperate to feel morally superior to everyone else.
...Exactly what I'm talking about, Idon'tE.
I do not feel morally superior to you or anyone else. On the contrary.
Morality is not a contest between you and me. Me pointing out that something isn't good, healthy, or wise in no way indicts you as a bad person or elevates me as a good one (in my mind or elsewhere).
I care for the good of all and would condemn no one. I haven't the power, the heart, or desire to..and I myself have felt the pain of my own immorality.
It is all I can do to make it through a day without falling on my face.
Either there is truth or there isn't. I, for one, believe there is. I don't believe I can make it up any more than you can. But I believe it is. All I want to do is pursue it...and align myself with it. I wouldn't wish for any man not to do the same. I post what I post because I care...truly, deeply. Why do you?
I think those of us who have been inside a strip club or don't watch women's sports or whatever deadly immoral sin we've committed just don't think it's worth anyone's time to hand-wring over whether or not Tom Herman has ever been in a strip club for any reason. We don't care, and think that giving any energy towards vilifying a man for breaking zero laws is "letting the terrorists win".....
Zucker...I totally get this post. I have jumped in the fray here only to point out some things about how people love to "attack" those who try to raise moral issues....and in the process enact their own version of "moral superiority" all the while claiming the other guy's doing it.
I get what you are saying and I myself feel similarly in the context of UT, the present, and to what degree we should make a big deal of it. I raised an eyebrow, and it's disappointing to me, but that is as far as I take it. I don't condemn or seek to villify TH, you or anyone else over this issue.
Me pointing out that something isn't good, healthy, or wise

Well, that's like, your opinion, man. ;)
I am really missing something here.
Meyer was suspended because a subordinate was allegedly beating his wife since 2009, when he also worked for Meyer at Florida, and Meyer publicly lied about his knowledge of the events in question.
What does this have to with strip clubs?
I know next to nothing of NCA

Few are saying that Tom Herman is perfect or a choir boy. In fact, he can be an arrogant and abrasive ***, as I have observed in previous posts. If the story is true — and that’s a big “if” — then he should be called out for it if the behavior was indeed inappropriate.

But to attempt to equate the alleged TH/strip club incident to the pattern of behavior that has been associated with Urban Meyer for at least 9 years is like attempting to equate jaywalking to mass murder. Let’s get real.

Until we see otherwise, my take is that the TH story is just another distraction in a series of purposeful distractions to divert attention away from what happened — or didn’t happen, as in “didn’t get addressed” — at tOSU. Whether or not the apologists get it (and they probably don’t and won’t), that school has been tarnished for decades to come.
I reread the OP and linked article.
It's just something dredged up and posted on an OSU board in hopes of screwing with Herman, IMO.
It states the powers that be at OSU turned this info over to the NCAA in case any rules were violated.
So, until we hear something from the NCAA, or this story gains more attention then an OSU board, I am not going to wring my hands over it any further.

I have two words for your aggy friend.
Jamis Winston

Few are saying that Tom Herman is perfect or a choir boy. In fact, he can be an arrogant and abrasive ***, as I have observed in previous posts. If the story is true — and that’s a big “if” — then he should be called out for it if the behavior was indeed inappropriate.

But to attempt to equate the alleged TH/strip club incident to the pattern of behavior that has been associated with Urban Meyer for at least 9 years is like attempting to equate jaywalking to mass murder. Let’s get real.

Until we see otherwise, my take is that the TH story is just another distraction in a series of purposeful distractions to divert attention away from what happened — or didn’t happen, as in “didn’t get addressed” — at tOSU. Whether or not the apologists get it (and they probably don’t and won’t), that school has been tarnished for decades to come.
This is a great post on the real topic....and so was Moondog's original, quoted post.
Together they hit head on the real issue here...tosu's disgraceful and shameless handling of the entire situation. My first post on the TH "press" release the other day was simply...."They still don't get it," referring to tosu and their brood.
Then what, or who is it up to?
You asked...
Moondog, I believe in absolute truth and also in one God who established it as the fabric of all things at Creation. I believe the Bible is God's inerrant word and that Jesus Christ is the Savior of men. I believe we should respect one another and each man/woman's right to believe what he or she chooses, yet love one another enough to challenge each other and pursue truth together. There is much at stake.
I think it's sad that people rush to judgement and villification of anyone defending moral or spiritual points of view, but so many other things they are OK with that would appear to be so much more troubling...and yet they are reluctant to judge those. (Not talking about condemnation or "passing judgement", but simply applying good sound judgement.)
I don't think questioning something like TH going to the strip club (if it's even true) means someone is necessarily doing anything more than just that, though anyone who so much as raised the question on this forum were presumptuously assumed to be doing much more than just that... questioning it. I personally posted nothing on it originally other than my belief that tosu nation was "missing the point". I only jumped in due to the discourse with ShAArk and then aired my opinion just to be transparent, fair and honest intellectually.
Again, to me it seems the rush to judgement these days often lies on the "other" side than it is presumed or accused of being. I wouldn't want to see hornfans go the way of the world and see certain groups of people receive unwarranted and undue pressure to conform to accepted thought or be silenced through pressure.
I liked your posts on the topic itself and am all for spending no more time focusing on this and instead focusing on our shared belief that tosu has acted remarkably shameful in this whole matter, OU sucks, aggy will do aggy things, and can't wait for the season to start.
I do think it's fascinating that the whole tosu issue highlights a determination by men to create their own reality, ignoring truth....and here we are on a forum about it debating reality ourselves...or some aspect of it.
I'll 2nd the motion we get back to football if you guys wish to.
We are testing the notion of burntorange blood being thicker than water. ;)
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That's it. No stink bomb about what I think ... what I wish ... looking for a little help. With help like this ... well ... no wonder we've been stinking-up the place on the gridiron! :p

I know we are trying to give this a rest....I just saw this post. It really captures the heart/point of why I even joined the fray. I'm not sure I agree with or even understand all of ShAArk's points in his posts, but I've been concerned about what seems to be a Lord of the Flies mentality sometimes here lately, with people readily jumping on others for not saying the "right" things. Let's don't eat each other please.
I've seen it on other team's boards, and it never made any sense to me. I dont think anyone is trying to do any harm here. Just stating opinions/beliefs and having some fun...I hope.
This says it all....
Gene Smith's attorney says Gene Smith and Meyer "fell on the sword for a university they love dearly"

Excuse me now while I go get a box of tissues...just tragic
Can't help but chime in on this...
The most striking thing in conversations like these are that those who are taking the defense of any supposed, implied or stated to be immoral activity are always the ones up-in-arms (even at times angry), the greatly offended, and riled in the dialogue, all the while villifying the other ("accusing") party for their perceived unwarranted, aggressive, and judgemental action. It's hypocrisy of a terrible kind based in personal delusion. One side rushes to defend against this injustice (the perceived judgemental "attack") passionately defending everyone's right to do whatever they please with loose analogies and vague parallels that don't align, all while preserving their own right to judge (and with a great helping of "righteous" indignation and "stupid- shaming" I might add).
Bottom line...everyone wants to defend their personal right to their own guilty pleasure, so they will passionately defend another's. No one wants to defend another person's right to disagree with or disapprove of this. I will.
Bottom line...we were a better society when we used good sound judgement and applied morality in the application of our personal lives...and held one another accountable.
Some of you try to equate moral or ethical judgement with condemnation. I wouldn't condemn Tom Herman for this thing,
but I can say that I believe it isn't wise, healthy for, or befitting of a head coach (or any coach) of a university to be at a strip club. Furthermore....it appears to be in violation of recruiting rules. Doesn't mean he's guilty here at UT because of past actions, but might call his character into question. I'm questioning it.
But hey...who cares about right and wrong....right??
Oh yeah...I forgot...WE make it up as we go to suit our own desires...it's all just a matter of opinion.
Whatever.....Frederich Neitzsche was a fool. I still believe in right and wrong.
All ShAArk initially said was he had a problem with it. I wouldn't make a spectacle of it or villify the man (TH)...nor fire him - but I have a problem with it, too.
The passion (and tone) with which you guys jump on ShAArk here is very telling.
Now cue the vague parallels that don't parallel and in-analogous analogies...as well as ironic misquoting of scripture by those who normally don't pay any attention to it in 3...2....1....

It's very condescending to condescend on the condescenders who condescend on the actions of the guilty.

If you never done it, then you don't know, if you have then you are guilty.
That is very straight forward and clear.
I can't believe Herman would not know this.
I hope he didn't do it

thanks for posting the reg.
Based on the rule, it would seem that you can entertain somebody as long as the institution does not provide funds for said entertainment.

How do we know that the meeting, assuming it happened, was just two guys getting together for a few beers and some eye candy? As long as TH didn't pick up the tab, shouldn't be a problem.

Of course, if TH used his own money and not the university's money, would that still be a violation?