Then what, or who is it up to?
You asked...
Moondog, I believe in absolute truth and also in one God who established it as the fabric of all things at Creation. I believe the Bible is God's inerrant word and that Jesus Christ is the Savior of men. I believe we should respect one another and each man/woman's right to believe what he or she chooses, yet love one another enough to challenge each other and pursue truth together. There is
much at stake.
I think it's sad that people rush to judgement and villification of anyone defending moral or spiritual points of view, but so many other things they are OK with that would appear to be so much more troubling...and yet they are reluctant to judge those. (Not talking about condemnation or "passing judgement", but simply applying good sound judgement.)
I don't think questioning something like TH going to the strip club (if it's even true) means someone is necessarily doing anything more than just that, though anyone who so much as raised the question on this forum were presumptuously assumed to be doing much more than just that... questioning it. I personally posted nothing on it originally other than my belief that tosu nation was "missing the point". I only jumped in due to the discourse with ShAArk and then aired my opinion just to be transparent, fair and honest intellectually.
Again, to me it seems the rush to judgement these days often lies on the "other" side than it is presumed or accused of being. I wouldn't want to see hornfans go the way of the world and see certain groups of people receive unwarranted and undue pressure to conform to accepted thought or be silenced through pressure.
I liked your posts on the topic itself and am all for spending no more time focusing on this and instead focusing on our shared belief that tosu has acted remarkably shameful in this whole matter, OU sucks, aggy will do aggy things, and can't wait for the season to start.
I do think it's fascinating that the whole tosu issue highlights a determination by men to create their own reality, ignoring truth....and here we are on a forum about it debating reality ourselves...or some aspect of it.
I'll 2nd the motion we get back to football if you guys wish to.
We are testing the notion of burntorange blood being thicker than water.