unnamed tOSU coach

The fact that everyone got into a huge herman/strip club debate over an unsubstantiated accusation from an unreliable source means the tOSU reporter has succeeded in his goal to sow dissension :(
The fact that everyone got into a huge herman/strip club debate over an unsubstantiated accusation from an unreliable source means the tOSU reporter has succeeded in his goal to sow dissension
Does the tOSU reporter have connections to Putin?

(Sorry Dionysus. Couldn’t help myself.)
RainH2O - please, paragraphs. If a post takes up my entire screen top to bottom, without any blank lines, I'm skipping it. I don't care if it's long, but I think separating the paragraphs would help (for more than just me, although it's just a case).

In case you forgot we live in the good ol' USA. We don't require people to prove themselves innocent.

Sounds like you're making the same point he was, so I'm confused as to why it began with a shot.

Any progress on that naming one student athlete dismissed for going to a strip club or is it pretty much status quo?

That's a red herring, so why bring it up 3 or 4 times as if it was a challenge he accepted?
RainH2O - please, paragraphs. If a post takes up my entire screen top to bottom, without any blank lines, I'm skipping it. I don't care if it's long, but I think separating the paragraphs would help (for more than just me, although it's just a case).
You got it...my apologies.
RainH2O - please, paragraphs. If a post takes up my entire screen top to bottom, without any blank lines, I'm skipping it. I don't care if it's long, but I think separating the paragraphs would help (for more than just me, although it's just a case).

Sounds like you're making the same point he was, so I'm confused as to why it began with a shot.

That's a red herring, so why bring it up 3 or 4 times as if it was a challenge he accepted?
That's a red herring, so why bring it up 3 or 4 times as if it was a challenge he accepted?
In his 6th post on page one he wrote'

"Not everyone is seeking to represent a University which has a code of conduct..
plenty of student athletes have been dismissed for the same thing...".
How is my asking for him to provide evidence this is true a red herring?
I am really missing something here.
Meyer was suspended because a subordinate was allegedly beating his wife since 2009, when he also worked for Meyer at Florida, and Meyer publicly lied about his knowledge of the events in question.
What does this have to with strip clubs?
I know next to nothing of NCAA recruitment rules, but unless Herman brought an underage player to the club and bought him drinks, or spent university money on lap dances for the high school coach, I don't know why anybody makes a big deal of this.
Austin Ward reports speculation of (at best) an unseemly event at best who cares.
Does he not know that Meyer interfered with a University investigation by destroying text messages?
In his 6th post on page one he wrote'

"Not everyone is seeking to represent a University which has a code of conduct..
plenty of student athletes have been dismissed for the same thing...".
How is my asking for him to provide evidence this is true a red herring?
You're not. Just pointing out the statement is not true.

Unbelievable that tOSU let Meyer get away with destroying evidence in THIS investigation. Shame on them and the tOSU press including this putts that thinks this article is more important than Meyer destroying evidence.
I'll just say that, if you apply morals to every position of authority and for players on your team, eventually you'll have a coach who isn't really a coach but an ordained minister (and you're rolling the dice saying all ordained ministers have morals/are perfect), and no one would come watch a bunch of 18-23 year olds that play running back and run a 5.0 forty.....I'll even go as far as to say if you applied this logic to private companies, you would get cfo's that would drive the company into the ground.....no one is perfect, and to try and apply some sort of higher moral ground because it's your coach at your university seems to be an act of folly. Urban Meyer isn't perfect but he can coach college kids to victory, just like Saban and others. Tom Landry probably had skeletons in his closet, but, back in his day, the press was on his side, he was indeed a pretty good moral person, but I'll bet he wasn't perfect, and if someone tried to apply an extreme moral standard, then Landry would fail as well (IMO)
this whole tosu thing is about dealing with molehills as molehills and mountains as mountains. i want a moral leader, not a perfect one.

as such, i want skeletons to be little ones if there's a big one, i want a leader so crafty, he knows when to come out ahead of a big skeleton in his past, atone for it, create a foundation for it, and become the spokesman for how to prevent these types of skeletons.

and i want a university that is always watchful for wrongdoing, but never quick to grab torches and pitchforks. be proactive to maintain standards, wise in how they measure wrongdoing, and measured in response to what they find.

1) unnamed coach might be herman, but we don't know
2) unnamed coach went to strip club with high school coaches, but we don't know who paid for it
3) if they used school money to pay for high school coaches to go to strip clubs, that is against policies. if they used their own money, it's against some moral codes
4) if it was herman, and before he was hired at UT, then he and UT need to have good, private, frank, discussions behind closed doors, maybe have a statement, and move on.
I haven't read any comments on this thread because having been to Columbus, I can't get the image of what a titty bar dancer in Columbus would look like out of my mind.

Other question, do they make stripper poles to hold 210 pound dancers?
this whole tosu thing is about dealing with molehills as molehills and mountains as mountains. i want a moral leader, not a perfect one.

as such, i want skeletons to be little ones if there's a big one, i want a leader so crafty, he knows when to come out ahead of a big skeleton in his past, atone for it, create a foundation for it, and become the spokesman for how to prevent these types of skeletons.

and i want a university that is always watchful for wrongdoing, but never quick to grab torches and pitchforks. be proactive to maintain standards, wise in how they measure wrongdoing, and measured in response to what they find.

1) unnamed coach might be herman, but we don't know
2) unnamed coach went to strip club with high school coaches, but we don't know who paid for it
3) if they used school money to pay for high school coaches to go to strip clubs, that is against policies. if they used their own money, it's against some moral codes
4) if it was herman, and before he was hired at UT, then he and UT need to have good, private, frank, discussions behind closed doors, maybe have a statement, and move on.
I think you'll get what you want if Tom Herman doesn't win 10 games in a season in the next two or three...….I don't pretend to know what goes on behind closed doors of Mack Brown, Charlie Strong, Tom Herman, etc, but I know this....you'll never have a winning program worrying about petty crap like strip clubs......you'll have Mr. Rogers/Charlie Strong coaching your team, and you'll like that bs about respecting women and no guns and wear a tie....but in the end, it's about beating the guy across from you on the line of scrimmage....and if a school is more worried about the marriage of a receivers coach or whether someone was spotted at a strip club or not, that school is not going to the CFP or a major bowl, because they had to stop and make sure that no animals were harmed in the making of the picture.....I don't know if Charlie Strong has any skeletons, but he had the public relations of a very nice gentleman who had rules, but when he walked the sidelines of a UT football game, he looked lost and puzzled by the goings on right before his eyes...….Name me a national champion in the past 20 years that had a coach that no one questioned as to morals/doing it right/etc etc....you can't use Mack Brown because Charlie had to "right the ship", get rid of all the hoodlums...….Nebraska, Michigan, Miami, USC, Texas, Alabama, Auburn.....go ahead, pick one....tell me how perfect their coach was, how pure his recruiting was, his methods, his persona.....you can't because you're pursuing a pipe dream...…..
I think you'll get what you want if Tom Herman doesn't win 10 games in a season in the next two or three...….I don't pretend to know what goes on behind closed doors of Mack Brown, Charlie Strong, Tom Herman, etc, but I know this....you'll never have a winning program worrying about petty crap like strip clubs......you'll have Mr. Rogers/Charlie Strong coaching your team, and you'll like that bs about respecting women and no guns and wear a tie....but in the end, it's about beating the guy across from you on the line of scrimmage....and if a school is more worried about the marriage of a receivers coach or whether someone was spotted at a strip club or not, that school is not going to the CFP or a major bowl, because they had to stop and make sure that no animals were harmed in the making of the picture.....I don't know if Charlie Strong has any skeletons, but he had the public relations of a very nice gentleman who had rules, but when he walked the sidelines of a UT football game, he looked lost and puzzled by the goings on right before his eyes...….Name me a national champion in the past 20 years that had a coach that no one questioned as to morals/doing it right/etc etc....you can't use Mack Brown because Charlie had to "right the ship", get rid of all the hoodlums...….Nebraska, Michigan, Miami, USC, Texas, Alabama, Auburn.....go ahead, pick one....tell me how perfect their coach was, how pure his recruiting was, his methods, his persona.....you can't because you're pursuing a pipe dream...…..

i ?think? Tom is a moral man, not a perfect one. and i'm ok with a few skeletons. I guess that's my point.
In his 6th post on page one he wrote'

"Not everyone is seeking to represent a University which has a code of conduct..
plenty of student athletes have been dismissed for the same thing...".
How is my asking for him to provide evidence this is true a red herring?

*crickets chirping*
Yeah, that's what I thought.
wow .. y'all have been busy.

some good points and they are appreciated. I'll again try to recage the gyro ... yes I have my personal opinion, but it's not relevant. The question was posed for this group's opportunity to validate or refuse the allegation ...

others ... well ... keep scratching and building those strawmen. I know it helps rebuild one's self esteem. I'll take a hit for failing to realize you weren't sincere in response and my resultant personal opinion offered which muddied the water ... when it's the potential for scandal whether any of us agree it's a good place to be for any reason ... or not ... which was my concern. Play on.
This article is unbelievable. The headline is about Herman going to the strip bar but the story is 95% about how Meyer clearly and deliberately tried to cover things up. But Ohio State concluded he did not deliberately try to mislead the media. I guess they didn't deliberately try to draw the wrong conclusion in their report. ESPN also reported that Meyer and Smith were allowed to meet with the team. Some punishment. This has got to be the most arrogant University, bar none.

Texas' Herman ID'd as Smith strip club partner
Disappointed, but this is a red herring. 0 correlation between "hanging out with a coworker" and "supporting said coworker in abusing his family".
If they didn’t bring any recruits with them why is this even a headline story? Ohio state trying hard to change the focus, how bout finding those deleted text messages from urban Meyers phone.
Now that it is confirmed, everyone feel free to debate. I still find Ohio State’s obsession with Herman in this whole debacle bizarre.

The good news is, if that is the worst dirt tOSU can find on Herman, then we should not have to worry about any off the field issues with him moving forward.
The unfortunate thing here is....Who (and for what exactly) will ultimately hold Ohio State accountable for the obvious flaws in their handling of the whole matter?

So we've learned in the last few years you can't foster violation of young men (Penn State), but you can foster violation of young women (Baylor) and also domestic violence (Ohio State).

I realize the thread has morphed into a justifiable focus on tosus disgraceful PR spin machine, but the real question is: Why not? Why don't they just handle this however they want? Who will intervene ----other than the very unbiased and impartial special investigative firm?
Apparently the NCAA doesnt want to involve themselves in these matters...and who else would/could?
The unfortunate thing here is....Who (and for what exactly) will ultimately hold Ohio State accountable for the obvious flaws in their handling of the whole matter?

So we've learned in the last few years you can't foster violation of young men (Penn State), but you can foster violation of young women (Baylor) and also domestic violence (Ohio State).

I realize the thread has morphed into a justifiable focus on tosus disgraceful PR spin machine, but the real question is: Why not? Why don't they just handle this however they want? Who will intervene ----other than the very unbiased and impartial special investigative firm?
Apparently the NCAA doesnt want to involve themselves in these matters...and who else would/could?

The Feds? Was there a Title IX violation or not? If there wasn't then it's the media and/or some pagan of virtue such as the Maryland President who has to do something about it. The media has to shame them to the extent that it impacts recruiting. The internal virtue police must have enough power and nerve to clean house. But they have to be willing to lose their own job to do it.

We know the fan base doesn't care. Look at Baylor's.
Now that it is confirmed, everyone feel free to debate. I still find Ohio State’s obsession with Herman in this whole debacle bizarre.

The good news is, if that is the worst dirt tOSU can find on Herman, then we should not have to worry about any off the field issues with him moving forward.
Nope I still have questions that need to be answered for example was it just a topless bar are was it one of those bring your own drinks fully Bucky naked places. If he got a dance was the girls name sugar, spice, or Cinnamon? Where did he put his singles after said dance did he get stinky pinky. The people want to know.
Been watching this from afar for a while and not said anything but here goes...

I'd say the bad blood between Meyer and Herman is about at a rolling boil. For whatever reasons, recruiting the state of Texas probably, Meyer has seemed to have it out for Herman at Texas since he got here... starting with the potshots he took one year ago after the Maryland loss. Those comments seemed low and calculated to me. Always did.

In the Courtney Smith deal Urban Meyer seems to have been very well coached throughout the whole process and football field success and $$ is the reason he still has a job. I absolutely believe he knew and he lied. He strikes me as an arrogant mercenary who's used to getting into the mud and coming away clean.

I know Tom Herman can beat Goliath.. saw him do it at Houston and here.. he can BE Goliath. Urban Meyer sure doesn't seem to want that. That said I'm not convinced Herman's not pretty arrogant himself. Seems pretty thin-skinned too. Maybe it's the pressure at Texas and trying to turn the corner and culture with other people's players. For me the jury is still out on Tom Herman. I don't want an Art Briles or Urban Meyer anywhere near our campus but I don't want Mack Brown, Charley Strong, or Mister Rogers either.

These are grown men with big salaries and big egos so I'll take strip clubs over Sallie's cookies any day as long our guys aren't on the police blotter, the NCAA isn't renting a floor at Bellmont, and we're sharpening our axe for an Ohio State bloodletting in the playoffs.

Hookem :hookem: