Trump's Team

If I understand your meaning, we are 100% on the same page. Too many people are having children out of wedlock and children that they can't support. If I were in charge, we'd do away with credits for having children and there would be a lifetime cap on welfare benefits no matter how many children you have.

One simple event alone would help us in this part of the world -- the Pope could make one little change to his doctrine.
This is kind of funny -- Elizabeth Warren's filibuster of Sessions was going great --Until they made her sit down and shut up

Under the Senate’s “Rule 19,” senators are not allowed to “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.”
This is kind of funny -- Elizabeth Warren's filibuster of Sessions was going great --Until they made her sit down and shut up
Warren knew exactly what she was doing with an attempted end-around the Senate rules. Glad to see that McConnell had the sack to shut it down.
Californians on the street asked what they thought about Donald Trump's decision to nominate Rob Kardashian to the Supreme Court .....

It amazes me how readily people will lie when you put a mike in front of them, just so they can avoid looking uninformed (ironically) even when they don't know what it is they're lying about and have no way of knowing if any of what they're saying makes sense.

Letting them have that chance should be our top priority and shouldn't be contingent on the public school reforming itself.

If it's true - and I think the consensus on this board would be that it is - that the problems with our schools have more to do with family issues and less with the schools, then I'm not sure why it's even an argument that we need to take this approach. We know spending more money will be wasted, and will likely do more harm than good for kids who could really excel and "break the cycle" given the chance. The issues holding the other kids back won't be fixed in the school, so I don't really understand why we keep trying.

Muslims are taking over Europe, but they're not doing it by invasion or terrorism (though that is happening). They're mostly doing it by procreation. Native European women virtually don't have children anymore.

Mark Stein wrote a pretty good book about this called "America Alone." It's definitely not PC, but it basically lays out exactly what you're talking about here.
We need more fully westernized, educated people who are responsible adults having children and creating real families, and if that has to be incentivized, then so be it. Our country and culture depend on it.

I read that in Europe the average non-muslim woman had 1.8 children vs. the average muslim woman's 3.1 children. Throw in unrestricted immigration and Europe's destiny isn't hard to predict.

Islam is predicted to surpass Christianity as the world's largest religion sometime after 2050.
The Warren video is above, here are the other two

Has senility taken Nancy?

Maxine does not have the senility excuse, she has always been this way


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This is kind of funny -- Elizabeth Warren's filibuster of Sessions was going great --Until they made her sit down and shut up

Under the Senate’s “Rule 19,” senators are not allowed to “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.”

Her Facebook broadcast in the hallway had millions of views as of last night and got a lot of media exposure. I'm not sure McConnell won this little spat. Virtually nobody would have heard that letter had it been read on the Senate floor. No, I have not watched the Facebook video.
The rule came from a 1902 fistfight among two senators from the same state

It was February 1902 and a feud was escalating between the two Democratic senators from South Carolina. Benjamin Tillman, the senior senator and something of a political boss in the state, had grown angry that John McLaurin, his protege, was allowing Senate Republicans to court him on some issues, including the annexation of the Philippines.

Furious that McLaurin was colluding with the other side of the aisle, Tillman used a Feb. 22, 1902, speech on the Senate floor to harangue the younger senator. Gesturing toward McLaurin’s empty chair, Tillman accused his counterpart of treachery and corruption, saying he had succumbed to “improper influences,” according to a Senate history of the dispute.

When McLaurin caught wind of Tillman’s remarks, he rushed into the chamber and shouted that Tillman was telling a “willful, malicious and deliberate lie.”

A fistfight erupted. As Senate historians recounted, “The 54-year-old Tillman jumped from his place and physically attacked McLaurin, who was 41, with a series of stinging blows. Efforts to separate the two combatants resulted in misdirected punches landing on other members.”

Her Facebook broadcast in the hallway had millions of views as of last night and got a lot of media exposure. I'm not sure McConnell won this little spat. Virtually nobody would have heard that letter had it been read on the Senate floor. No, I have not watched the Facebook video.

Hey, look, something we can all agree on -- The more national exposure of Elizabeth Warren the better

Apparently she is in a tough spot. The more she does speak out and act cantankerously, the more her polls slide. However, the trade-off for her is that her donations rise from the BMDs at the same time. What's a girl to do?
I read that in Europe the average non-muslim woman had 1.8 children vs. the average muslim woman's 3.1 children. Throw in unrestricted immigration and Europe's destiny isn't hard to predict.

The issues sorta go together and feed off each other. European women aren't having kids, which means the European economy isn't going to have enough workers or enough in the future. That's a major reason why they're having to rely on immigration. If European women would start reproducing again, there'd be much less clamoring for boosting immigration levels in general and far less tolerance for Islamic immigration.

I'm not Catholic, and I don't have a moral problem with birth control. In fact, if birth control didn't exist, I probably would never have met my own wife, because I would have "abstained" in my younger years and would therefore have married much earlier (just bein' honest). However, do I think birth control does have some negative consequences? Absolutely it does.
Looks like Sessions will be confirmed at 6pm tonight

Hopefully, his first step will be to get some efficient organization of the Civil Div -- that oral argument yesterday by them (which i think was by telephone) was pretty poor. Sessions will have a lot to do, no doubt, but better get this part ironed out fast. No more staff attorneys with poor oral argument skills leading key cases
Looks like Sessions will be confirmed at 6pm tonight

Hopefully, his first step will be to get some efficient organization of the Civil Div -- that oral argument yesterday by them (which i think was by telephone) was pretty poor. Sessions will have a lot to do, no doubt, but better get this part ironed out fast. No more staff attorneys with poor oral argument skills leading key cases

I've handled some FTCA cases with US attorneys, and the biggest problem I could see is that they didn't give a crap and dragged their feet on everything. When they actually showed up in the courtroom, I would usually give them a B- grade.

If I was a judge, it would take pretty extraordinary circumstances to get me to allow lawyers to appear for a hearing by phone.
If I was a judge, it would take pretty extraordinary circumstances to get me to allow lawyers to appear for a hearing by phone.
I agree, but I think this case would qualify. You can't expect attorneys to prepare for argument around the clock, and still find time to travel to a common location. Plus, the judges weren't together, either.
Trump's State Dept. rushed another 100 Syrians into the U.S. after the temp restraining order took effect. His own State Dept!!! Sessions needs to get in there and start firing Obama people.

And why do we seem to import only Syrians, Somalis, and other third world rejects? How about importing some Europeans from Sweden, Norway, Germany, and the like. You know women that are afraid to go out alone now because young, horny, muslim males have made their cities unsafe to walk around in and males who might actually get a job and melt in the American melting pot.
I agree, but I think this case would qualify. You can't expect attorneys to prepare for argument around the clock, and still find time to travel to a common location. Plus, the judges weren't together, either.

There are legitimate reasons. However, it was a pet peeve of mine when some douchey defense counsel would set a hearing (and usually for a stupid reason) and, and I would get dressed up and drive down to the courthouse and have the defense lawyer call into judge's office and try to appear by phone. It especially pissed me off if I had to travel for the hearing and defense counsel was local. If you set a hearing, absent an emergency, you better show up, and it goes over like a fart in a broken elevator if you don't, even if the judge lets you call in.
Her Facebook broadcast in the hallway had millions of views as of last night and got a lot of media exposure. I'm not sure McConnell won this little spat. Virtually nobody would have heard that letter had it been read on the Senate floor. No, I have not watched the Facebook video.

And so Bernie Sanders gets them to let him read the King letter on the record, so he can go on Facebook and claim that it's preposterous that they wouldn't let Warren (she's a woman, in case you didn't know!) read the letter, but they didn't care if he did it. So clearly, it's about shutting up the little woman...

I used to respect Bernie. I didn't agree but I at least thought he was honest. He's shown himself to be a liar and a phony this past year.
And so Bernie Sanders gets them to let him read the King letter on the record, so he can go on Facebook and claim that it's preposterous that they wouldn't let Warren (she's a woman, in case you didn't know!) read the letter, but they didn't care if he did it. So clearly, it's about shutting up the little woman...

I used to respect Bernie. I didn't agree but I at least thought he was honest. He's shown himself to be a liar and a phony this past year.

He wasn't the only Senator. I believe 3 Senators either read the entire letter or portions of it on the Senate floor. McConnell's response was something along the order that Warren's statements preceding the reading of the letter were aggressive and confrontational. Who knows whether that is real or not. I suspect McConnell recognized the perception was not something they could win so he achieved muzzling Warren for the moment and minimized the damage that could have been done.
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Trump's State Dept. rushed another 100 Syrians into the U.S. after the temp restraining order took effect. His own State Dept!!! Sessions needs to get in there and start firing Obama people.

I read in Brietbart that 100 new Syrian refugees arrived on Monday. Link. Not even they accuse State Department employees of doing anything proactive to make it happen. They simply complied with the Court order. Can you provide a link to something suggesting otherwise?
Seriously? Here is the headline and first paragraph from the link you posted
"100 Syrian Refugees Rush into Country After Seattle Judge Halts Trump Executive Order
One hundred Syrian refugees rushed into the country on Monday, the first full week day after Federal District Judge James Robart issued a temporary restraining order halting key elements of President Donald Trump’s immigration executive order, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.”

NJ, did this stat from the link you give you pause to think maybe we should not be so quick to RUSH these people in? Or do you think we should not test them for diseases?

"As Breitbart News reported previously, during the five years between 2010 and 2014, 40 percent of all cases of active tuberculosis (TB) diagnosed in Minnesota, or 296 out of 732 total cases, were diagnosed in refugees, who account for about one percent of the state’s population.

Two hundred and ninety-six refugees were diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) between 2010 and 2014 in Minnesota, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. . .

During the five years between 2010 and 2014, 732 cases of active TB were diagnosed in Minnesota. Of these, 81 percent, or 593, were foreign-born. Of foreign-born cases, 50 percent, or 296, were refugees, according to “The Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Minnesota, 2010-2014,” a report published."

thanks for the link. It contained info I did not know.

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