MNUCHIN and SHULKIN (I thought this was a good job for Romney) confirmed
The Linda McMahon confirmation vote is at 10 am
And Mitch invoked cloture on 6 more --MULVANEY, PRUITT, ROSS, CARSON, ZINKE, PERRY
The story of how this is working is that the Dems are fighting almost every single person
To get a confirmation vote, you first consent to end debate.
If consent is not given, the debate part can go on and on.
That's where cloture comes in. Invoking cloture sets the table for a VOTE on the cloture motion.
Thus, the steps McConnell has been forced to take in almost every instance to defeat fillibuster is --
1 Invoke Cloture
2 Cloture Vote
3 Confirmation Vote
When a cloture vote passes, it triggers 30 hour debates for EACH nominee.
After cloture vote passes, if Dems dig in their heels on each nominee that is 180 hours of debate just to get this next group all six through.
So this group of 6 puts Senate Dems in a little bit of a pickle -- Do they literally shut down the Senate and close it for ALL business for 180 hours?
Not all of these people are "controversial" (if any of them are). So Mitch may be able to "negotiate" to get some degree of consent to limit debate on some nominees.
But, if Dems play hardball then after the McMahon vote, it will take the rest of the week just to get two more confirmed (probably Mulvaney and Pruitt). And I think the Senate is off next week. So, this will be interesting to see if they just continue stonewall everything.
They are within their rights, but it wont be forgotten.