Trump's Team

Kelly on the job
He went on some pre-dawn sweeps (knock and talk) with the ICE officers
Also went into some border tunnels to get a first hand look at the challenges for both DHS units.
Kelly certainly cuts a different path than Obama's hand picked person who who shifted focus of DHS onto "right-wing" extremists and protecting Hollywood copyrights

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I was not originally enthused about DeVos. But then I saw just how much 'progressives' hate her. That showed that she must be doing something right.

Explanation of why they fought DeVos so hard
(did any of this improve public school kids test scores?)

Pocahontas is now the face of your party
She's a disgrace to actual minorities who face real discrimination.

She consistently claimed being Native American and a minority to get into Harvard (btw at the expense of real minorities) and to promote her law and political career. As bad as bad as stolen valor.

Given her opportunistic lies about her background, her race baiting grandstanding on the Senate floor is disgusting. She is disgusting. And again, the Democrats can't help themselves and haven't learned a darn thing about their instincts.
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She's a disgrace to actual minorities who face real discrimination.

She consistently claimed being Native American and a minority to get into Harvard (btw at the expense of real minorities) and to promote her law and political career. As bad as bad as stolen valor.

Given her opportunistic lies about her background, her race baiting grandstanding on the Senate floor is disgusting. She is disgusting. And again, the Democrats can't help themselves and haven't learned a darn thing about their instincts.

And it's the kind of lie only a Democrat could get away with. If Republican had done that, he'd get the Rachel Dolezal treatment.
The Mnuchin & Shulkin confirmation votes will be at 6PM
MacMahon will be up next, on Tues
there are 6 Others who are ready to adavnce

Andrew Puzder's nomination in trouble? 4 GOP Senators not supporting Puzder per CNN's John King

Four Republican senators -- sources say they are Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Tim Scott of South Carolina and Johnny Isakson of Georgia -- have told the GOP leadership they are withholding support for Andy Puzder, President Trump’s choice for labor secretary.

I should be noted that he has triggered multiple tripwires that would normally have resulted in pulling out of the nomination, including an undocumented housekeeper that he later terminated her employment after realizing she was undocumented and offered to help with immigration legal fees.
I'm surprised Flynn isn't a bigger topic of discussion. The guy should have been fired yesterday.

It would be serendipitous, because I don't think he has the skill set for the job.
MNUCHIN and SHULKIN (I thought this was a good job for Romney) confirmed
The Linda McMahon confirmation vote is at 10 am
And Mitch invoked cloture on 6 more --MULVANEY, PRUITT, ROSS, CARSON, ZINKE, PERRY

The story of how this is working is that the Dems are fighting almost every single person
To get a confirmation vote, you first consent to end debate.
If consent is not given, the debate part can go on and on.
That's where cloture comes in. Invoking cloture sets the table for a VOTE on the cloture motion.
Thus, the steps McConnell has been forced to take in almost every instance to defeat fillibuster is --
1 Invoke Cloture
2 Cloture Vote
3 Confirmation Vote

When a cloture vote passes, it triggers 30 hour debates for EACH nominee.
After cloture vote passes, if Dems dig in their heels on each nominee that is 180 hours of debate just to get this next group all six through.

So this group of 6 puts Senate Dems in a little bit of a pickle -- Do they literally shut down the Senate and close it for ALL business for 180 hours?

Not all of these people are "controversial" (if any of them are). So Mitch may be able to "negotiate" to get some degree of consent to limit debate on some nominees.

But, if Dems play hardball then after the McMahon vote, it will take the rest of the week just to get two more confirmed -- maybe Mulvaney and Pruitt. But Ross and Carson passed committee back on 1/24 and have been waiting the longest.

I think the Senate is off next week. So, this will be interesting to see if they just continue stonewall everything. They are within their rights, but it wont be forgotten.
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MNUCHIN and SHULKIN (I thought this was a good job for Romney) confirmed
The Linda McMahon confirmation vote is at 10 am
And Mitch invoked cloture on 6 more --MULVANEY, PRUITT, ROSS, CARSON, ZINKE, PERRY

The story of how this is working is that the Dems are fighting almost every single person
To get a confirmation vote, you first consent to end debate.
If consent is not given, the debate part can go on and on.
That's where cloture comes in. Invoking cloture sets the table for a VOTE on the cloture motion.
Thus, the steps McConnell has been forced to take in almost every instance to defeat fillibuster is --
1 Invoke Cloture
2 Cloture Vote
3 Confirmation Vote

When a cloture vote passes, it triggers 30 hour debates for EACH nominee.
After cloture vote passes, if Dems dig in their heels on each nominee that is 180 hours of debate just to get this next group all six through.

So this group of 6 puts Senate Dems in a little bit of a pickle -- Do they literally shut down the Senate and close it for ALL business for 180 hours?

Not all of these people are "controversial" (if any of them are). So Mitch may be able to "negotiate" to get some degree of consent to limit debate on some nominees.

But, if Dems play hardball then after the McMahon vote, it will take the rest of the week just to get two more confirmed (probably Mulvaney and Pruitt). And I think the Senate is off next week. So, this will be interesting to see if they just continue stonewall everything.

They are within their rights, but it wont be forgotten.

McConnel could also just keep the Senate in session until all nominees are voted on. 180 hours is only a long time if you try to go home every day.
Flynn screwed up and lied about it. Trump then caved and Flynn resigned. This represents a major *** kicking of the establishment over Trump. The cabinet and advisers are beginning to take on the appearance of banksters and neocons. Same as it ever was.
Flynn screwed up and lied about it. Trump then caved and Flynn resigned. This represents a major *** kicking of the establishment over Trump. The cabinet and advisers are beginning to take on the appearance of banksters and neocons. Same as it ever was.

There are alot of factual questions over just exactly what happened here -- Who called who? Who said what? Was it more than him simply telling the Russians "Trump is going to change Obama's policies?" But no matter, just keep moving forward.
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This also might be a good time to post a reminder that Obama never fired anyone senior over --

IRS Targeting,
Hillary's Emails,
Benghazi and/or the Islam Video lie,
Green Energy Grants,
Fast & Furious, or
Uranium One
Flynn screwed up and lied about it. Trump then caved and Flynn resigned. This represents a major *** kicking of the establishment over Trump. The cabinet and advisers are beginning to take on the appearance of banksters and neocons. Same as it ever was.

An ***-kicking by the establishment would be if Flynn didn't screw up and didn't lie about anything and still got fired for policy reasons. Screwing up and lying about it isn't an ***-kicking. It's someone who screwed up and lied about something getting canned the way anyone else would be if they did something similar.
An ***-kicking by the establishment would be if Flynn didn't screw up and didn't lie about anything and still got fired for policy reasons. Screwing up and lying about it isn't an ***-kicking. It's someone who screwed up and lied about something getting canned the way anyone else would be if they did something similar.

There is also a Part II to this story, which will have longer legs --

An outgoing White House used classified leaks to the media to bring down an incoming National Security Advisor -- a new precedent has now been set
There is also a Part II to this story, which will have longer legs --

An outgoing White House used classified leaks to the media to bring down an incoming National Security Advisor -- a new precedent has now been set

That is worrisome, but there'd be nothing to leak if he hadn't screwed up.

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