
I still don't understand how Trump the liberal has high-jacked the Republican Primary so far. He isn't conservative in any regard politically. It makes me likes Republican voters less.
If Obama was the "great black hope" then Trump is quickly becoming the "great white hope".

Did anyone notice that he came out Friday railing against CEO salaries? He's literally whatever you want him to be. He says stuff that is totally contradictory to any previous actions and nobody calls him on it.
Said it before and will say again - there is a total and complete disgust for Washington - both parties - by a majority of people, not just one aspect or element, but all groups including many of the Democratic party.
I am not a Trump supporter nor do I believe he will persevere but I do believe that is from where he is drawing his baseline supporters. That is the only logical explanation, imho, why he and Carson appear to have over 50% of the polling GOP support.
I still don't understand how Trump the liberal has high-jacked the Republican Primary so far. He isn't conservative in any regard politically. It makes me likes Republican voters less.

It would take a long time to answer that.
In short, IMO, it has much to do with dissatisfaction with Establishment Republicans + the dissonant performance of the newer elected Rs in Congress.
A lot of the electorate really, honestly and truly doesn't like living in a complicated world without simple answers. Trump lives in a world where the answers are so simple he can recite them off the top of his head without losing focus on personal feuds with Rosie O'Donnel, Megyn Kelly, Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry.

Personally, I like the idea of politicians who have the guts and savvy to deal with complicated stuff and find acceptable solutions they can steer through a difficult political minefield.

John Kasich is the guy in this race who has done this as both an executive and a legislator. I think he's clearly the Republican candidate best qualified to be president.
Trump is making the "experts" look like idiots. Early on in his rise all we heard about was that there was a ceiling to the support. To the point above there hasn't been a ceiling so far.

With that said, I can't fathom the logic behind anyone that would place a vote for Trump. I understand the dissatisfaction with the "establishment" and the support he's showing in polls but if he ends up actually winning an election then my faith in the American voter will be further eroded. The NPR article I posted above points to the severely twisted logic being used by the Religious Right to support the guy. Seriously, Obama has demonstrated more dedication to Christianity than Trump.
With that said, I can't fathom the logic behind anyone that would place a vote for Trump.

It's not that I necessarily MIND them voting for Trump. It's that they're disingenuous about why.

Like you implied, there's no real reason that Ann Coulter, Robert Jeffress, and people on vastly different sides of the conservative spectrum would even be able to agree on a "normal" candidate, so it's suspicious that Trump is the one they're getting behind. The only real reason is because of the popularity spike. They know that they just want the next President to have the (R) next to his name. No Hillary, no exceptions. So they're colluding rather than trying to get an actual candidate with actual principles to go against her.
Now this is funny;" They know that they just want the next President to have the (R) next to his name."
because of course Dems will vote for the 'best candidate' even if there is a R by their name.:rolleyes1:
Of course not. But they're choosing between candidates with relatively progressive principles and... you know... political experience. Instead of a freak show who's never adhered to any political doctrine, has more controversial statements than Jeremiah Wright, and whose personal statements about women and foreigners aren't just a joke domestically but internationally.

There's a difference between getting behind a candidate and getting behind Trump.
that post is even funnier.Hillary is the freakshow right now . I wonder how the vast right wing media misses all her lies. :rolleyes1: You do admit she has lied and lied about what she did while SOS. That seems pretty important in the scheme of things>
Or do you consider her lying a part of her" political experience" and therefore good?
How many Dems would vote for a Republican even if Hillary is the Dem candidate?
You're changing the subject, but as long as you brought it up, I believe that her lies about emails as SOS can be lumped in (bad and everything) with her actual experiences as a first lady, Senator, and cabinet member. She will be held accountable by voters and if anyone feels that lying about emails is a good enough reason to not be electable, then don't vote for her. But are you going to deny that she has actual political experience? Or Sanders? Or Chafee? Or O'Malley?

If you had 8 major poll services write up a poll about who a freakshow is and averaged them together, do you honestly believe that the American public would choose Hillary Clinton as a bigger one than Trump?
11 is right. Trump is the ultimate freak show, and anyone who claims to be a conservative but backs Trump has no credibility at all. Ann Coulter et al. should hang their heads in shame. On economic policy, he's closer to Bernie Sanders than he is to mainstream Republicans, but nobody gives a damn. The smack talk overcomes everything.
I am hoping that Trump has plateaued at 30% and that his supporters are going to come to their senses soon. I understand the frustration with the political establishment especially with the Republican establishment. But why would you support a juvenile egomaniac who has a laughable grasp of so many critical issues. There are other political outsiders such as Fiorina and Carson who would be much better candidates. I still feel that Kasich is the best candidate by far. Why would the Republicans not be lining up behind the only guy that has actually balanced the Federal budget in most of our lifetimes. I am just frustrated beyond belief.
There are other political outsiders such as Fiorina and Carson who would be much better candidates. I still feel that Kasich is the best candidate by far.
I keep thinking that sooner or later (and I hope it's sooner) Trump will hit the wall and start declining. I could go with Carson or Kasich - I could even go with Scott Walker. IMO, Jeb Bush would do the job well, but I can't believe that the electorate will go for another Bush.

IMO, the election is there to be won for the GOP if we put up a good ticket - and that's not Trump. Hillary has too much baggage, Sanders is too far left, and Biden would have to run on Obama's record.
I still feel that Kasich is the best candidate by far. Why would the Republicans not be lining up behind the only guy that has actually balanced the Federal budget in most of our lifetimes.

Good points. In addition, people should be anticipating how HRC will spin her candidacy in the general election phase. She is going to run as a return to the '90s, and she'll argue that Bill balanced the budget and strengthened the economy. One guy in this race has the credibility to call ******** on that, because he was in the middle of it and because he's smart enough to articulate his case that she's full of ****, and that's John Kasich. He can remind voters that Clinton's proposed budgets not only didn't balance but ran deficits for the foreseeable future. He can also remind them that Clinton demagogued and fought every measure of fiscal restraint Congress tried to impose. Nobody else in this race can do that like he can.
Carson to me seems clueless when he starts talking politics. The guy has an important message and I'd love to see him on stage. Just don't want a guy learning leadership, politics, economics, military and foreign affairs on the job.
I understand that an outsider like Carson can't talk politics but is that so bad?
The Dems knocking Carson ( Not You Croc) don't seem to remember Obama never talked specifics
well unless you count saying he will stop the seas from rising.
He only talked of Hope and Change.
I am not ready yet to count Carson out. I think in that debate setting he got frustrated with the time limits. I want to liten/read some of his speeches.
Well, I'm sure Carson would be better at politics than John Kasich would be at neurosurgery. But yeah, I think it's bad to put someone in charge of something when they have no relevant job experience. I don't share an abhorrence for politics, so electing someone as president, a REALLY political job, with no experience political experience bothers me. So I consider Trump and Carson as irrelevant. Fiorina, running a public company and as a previous candidate for a Senator rates slightly ahead. Cruz is also unqualified, because though he has been a legislator, his entire experience is in gumming up the works, not getting anything done.
I like Carson, but he has no relevant experience to be President. Somebody will make him Surgeon General.

As for Trump, he is getting support from the anti establishment crowd as well as the average U.S. Citizen who is an idiot. He provides no specifics and is simply living off of his persona.

I think Fiorina had a great performance last night and will eventually overtake both Carson and Trump. Kasich is a moderate who never makes it out of the primaries, but possibly ends up as a great VP to the eventual nominee to win a pivotal swing state.
11 is right. Trump is the ultimate freak show, and anyone who claims to be a conservative but backs Trump has no credibility at all. Ann Coulter et al. should hang their heads in shame. ....

Coulter is about one issue only this cycle. Trump asked her directly for a pre-release of her book and has, more or less, been following her outline on this one issue since he announced (only ~3 months ago I think?). So, she has been pimping him (even though she may disagree with him on other things). Her position is that if we get his one issue wrong, none of the other issues matter anyway. It's all over -- permanent (political) minority status awaits.

And it's worked, helping Trump out to a huge lead. If you've been paying attention, you've seen the majority of the other candidates shift or at least "soften" their position on this, even Carson, once they saw how the primary voters responded. Too late? We will see.
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