Seattle Husker
10,000+ Posts
Well, I'm sure Carson would be better at politics than John Kasich would be at neurosurgery. But yeah, I think it's bad to put someone in charge of something when they have no relevant job experience. I don't share an abhorrence for politics, so electing someone as president, a REALLY political job, with no experience political experience bothers me. So I consider Trump and Carson as irrelevant. Fiorina, running a public company and as a previous candidate for a Senator rates slightly ahead. Cruz is also unqualified, because though he has been a legislator, his entire experience is in gumming up the works, not getting anything done.
Careful, now you're talking about needing someone who can make deals. That's the death knell to anyone seeking the Republican Party nomination. Rhetoric and bluster claiming are valued more than actually finding compromises that can get passed.