
He is calling for a flat tax for everyone, is it that hard to understand?
I think Romney's biggest weakness in 2012, when he got 191 electoral votes to 281 for maybe not the best president/presidential candidate in modern times was that there was a perception he would place a priority on favoring the monied classes at the expense of working class folks who have been steadily losing ground while the 1 percent has prospered.
So Carson stakes out a position about 10 steps to the right or Romney? I'm sure that causes him no problem with Major Whiteapples or Nashhorn and if he get's the Republican nomination he'll still carry Texas. But he sure as hell isn't going to win a national election with a tax policy overtly harmful to most Americans for benefit of billionaires.
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3 million fewer people voted in 2012 than 2008. Wasn't as cool to go for Obama the 2nd time around, considering the messes he neglected to clean up. And it's an incumbent election.

So while the election was closer between blue and red in 2012, I don't think we'll see that gap further narrow in 2016 if Carson or Trump is the candidate. I think Fiorina would probably have to be on the ballot as either of Pres/VP to get the "women who are too smart to vote for Palin" electorate.
You have to ask yourself, Trump or Hillary? Trump is an easy choice.
2008: You have to ask yourself, Obama or McCain? McCain is an easy choice.
2012: You have to ask yourself, Obama or Romney? Romney is an easy choice.

see where fox news continues to lead you astray?
Your opinion Chango, like I have mine. Do you watch Fox, how about MSNBC, I rarely do either?
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Mr. Deez nailed it. Carson and Trump typically give the "I'll hire good people" line when pushed for anything more than superficial policy questions. Neither has demonstrated any policy depth that would warrant POTUS. Would Carson be interested in the Surgeon General role? Department of Health Services? It seems he's better qualified for those roles than POTUS.
I think Trump is the only one who has actually made the better people comments, I only inferred it re:Carson. But Hillary hasn't been asked anything so no need to defer. If she did , or was asked I'm sure her comment would be she 'has' the best already, and when it comes to handlers I am certain she does.
I think Trump is the only one who has actually made the better people comments, I only inferred it re:Carson. But Hillary hasn't been asked anything so no need to defer. If she did , or was asked I'm sure her comment would be she 'has' the best already, and when it comes to handlers I am certain she does.

Ben Carson's interview on Meet the Press this last Sunday.


Final question. You would not, I'm guessing you would not hire somebody to be a doctor if they didn't have experience in the medical field. What do you say to folks that say, "Why should we hire you as president when you have no experience in government or the political field?"


I would say that there are a lot of people who like to believe that whatever they do is the end-all and that nobody could absolutely do things better than they could. It's sort of like the Constitution. People say, "What are you doing talking about the Constitution? You're not a constitutional lawyer."

Well, the Constitution was written at a eighth grade level for a reason. They wanted the people to be able to understand how they were being governed. And our government was set up for citizen statesmen, not for career politicians. And, you know, common sense is a lot more valuable than many years in the political arena.

Witness the fact that in Congress we have 8,700 years of political experience. Where has that gotten us? And I think the people are willing to open their eyes and say, "Let's talk about common sense." Now, that doesn't mean that if someone like me were to get in, that we wouldn't have plenty of people around us who were well-seasoned in what was going on in Washington and in various parts of the world.


So you're going to surround yourself with experienced people is what you're saying?


I think you have to do that. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, said in Proverbs 11:14, "In a multitude of counselors is safety." If the wisest man who ever lived thought that, I certainly believe that. I think you're a fool if you think you know everything.
Thanks Husker, and nope, I really don't have a problem with that. But I will say I wasn't impressed with his debate performance, not as bad as Bush but I thought Rubio was most impressive with Cruz and others doing well, including Fiorino.
Rubio benefits the most from this debate. He looks very presidential. I think Trump has peaked and will start trending down. His act has grown so tiresome. As others start dropping out, support will coalesce behind Rubio. He is a rising star.
I think Cruz and Christie get the best bump.

Chango gets his talking points straight off MSNBC. I was amazed to see the Debbie Lookslikeman-Schultz talking points reverberate through the liberal media shows today. Early this morning, one of Morning Joe's libs said he was on a Jeb Bush Campaign death watch. I heard the same "independent" thoughts plagiarized all day long. I swear liberals cannot even think for themselves much less live without some democratic politician giving them freebies.
I think Cruz and Christie get the best bump.

Chango gets his talking points straight off MSNBC. I was amazed to see the Debbie Lookslikeman-Schultz talking points reverberate through the liberal media shows today. Early this morning, one of Morning Joe's libs said he was on a Jeb Bush Campaign death watch. I heard the same "independent" thoughts plagiarized all day long. I swear liberals cannot even think for themselves much less live without some democratic politician giving them freebies.

It's not a stretch to recognize that Jeb Bush is in trouble. After all, he cut 40% of his campaign staff last week.

I was impressed by Christie. I think Rubio helped himself the most but Christie is someone I may be able to vote for even though I believe he has ethics issues. Cruz is waaaaayyyyy too far right for me to consider. He's dangerous in that he truly believes his views are mainstream.
Unfortunately, Christie can't win. He made too many deals with Democrats in New Jersey, and that makes him too easy to brand as a moderate. It doesn't look like Kasich can win - just not big enough of an ******* and not apocalyptic enough in his rhetoric. Of the sane candidates, Rubio probably has the best chance.
It's not a stretch to recognize that Jeb Bush is in trouble. After all, he cut 40% of his campaign staff last week.

I was impressed by Christie. I think Rubio helped himself the most but Christie is someone I may be able to vote for even though I believe he has ethics issues. Cruz is waaaaayyyyy too far right for me to consider. He's dangerous in that he truly believes his views are mainstream.

I agree, it is not a stretch. But the terms and words used were unique and exactly the same by multiple libs on different forums. The DNC is handing them their talking points and they are repeating them to a tee.

I agree with Deez, no way Christie escapes the Obama hug. I think Trump is changing his campaign to be less combative to appear more presidential. If his whole strategy was to get attention early (which he has) then shift as people like Bush drop out, it would be an impressive plan. Only way I vote for him is against Hillary.
Just running a test. Very cool that Dion allows this now.
Yeah, I knew that was political suicide the second I saw it. Pretty stupid move politically.

I think it was a good move for general election politics but a terrible one for GOP primary politics. Honestly, I don't think Christie was worrying about politics at the time.

Couldn't resist posting another shot. I'm in Salzburg and took this photo this morning.
Honestly, I don't think Christie was worrying about politics at the time.

100% correct. The mid-Atlantic coast had just been decimated by a storm that left 125 Americans dead (40ish in New Jersey iirc) and caused billions of dollars in property damage. Most of the damage was to private homes and family-owned businesses, creating a genuine humanitarian crisis. Christie put his all into coordinating rescue, recovery, and emergency aid, which necessarily involved working closely with President Obama. Criticizing Christie for a friendly embrace with the president during this crisis is petty.

Suppose Obama had been president during 9-11, and Mayor Giuliani had embraced Obama during the rescue and recovery efforts. Would Giuliani have been pilloried for that if he later ran for president? I like to think not, but I have my doubts.

That said, the merits of the broader criticism are arguable. At a state level, Christie worked closely with Democrats to achieve some monumental legislation, most notably pension reform. The reform fell well short of what die-hard Republicans hoped for, and if you don't like compromise then you wouldn't like the result. However, with a Democrat-controlled Assembly and Senate, the legislation that Christie managed to get passed was better than what anyone up here was expecting.

It is a sad reflection on America (right and left) that compromise and cooperation are seen as weaknesses.
Trump is the only chance left and he is pissing more people off with his mouth every time he opens it, every constituency though so it is a **** you to everyone since he is a new yawker, for crissakes.

Rubio as Trump VP.

Hillary will be tough to beat as all Democrats can't seem to care when their guy breaks the law.(shameful)
I think Trump is pivoting so he will be a different candidate as the election draws closer. Still, I have no interest in Pres Trump.

And I think this might be the most interesting election ever. I think HRC ultimately gets disqualified either by indictment or just the notion of indictment due to her emails. The question becomes whether Sanders ends up as the Dem option or whoever HRC has picked as VP running mate.

I think Rubio, Graham, Christie or Fiorina emerges as final candidate after more drop out. The Bush, Huckabee, Kasich votes go to one of those candidates, not Trump.

Just joking on Graham. Just seeing who is actually reading the post.
I think it is becoming increasingly likely that Rubio is the guy. I still don't see trump or Carson hanging around when it's actually time to vote. Bush can't get any traction. Primary voters tend to start thinking much more about electability in the general as time goes on. Rubio mops the floor with hrc IMO. He also could potentially change image of the party for Hispanics long term, which is a huge plus. Trump....not so much.

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