Please explain the double standard. I don't feel any particular loyalty to either party.
Heh. you really cant see it?
You just agreed there should be a "single standard" (which I and everyone else commend you for), but then you immediately applied a standard to Trump that was never applied to Obama (or any of the other names I listed).
Here are some of Obama's promises --
--reduce the debt in half by 2012,
--close Gitmo,
--end Afghan War ("the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home, we will end this war.
You can take that to the bank"),
--"if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,"
--health care costs will come down,
--the most open govt in history,
--an end to the lobbyist/govt revolving door,
--all those "shovel-ready" projects in his first giant (~$1Trillion) spending bill (was any of it actually spent on infrastructure? Or, did it all go to his political cronies?)
--a new era of race relations,
--limit or eliminate spying on US citizens (Patriot Act),
--end the blacksite prison program (replaced with death by drone, so while partially true, an even worse outcome),
--his rejection of "of claims of ‘inherent’ presidential power” (see his plethora of Exec Orders),
--his claim that "the President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" (uh, Syria?)
Run these through the same analysis. If we view Trump and Obama as extremes, why is it the media (and you) complain so much about Trump's extremes but NEVER about Obama's?
I dont really like being put in a position of defending Trump. It's not really my deal. But I will always argue against the double-standard that exists in this country. And Trump is currently the single worst victim to that.