I don't think you folks realize what it means to come to the US legally. It really sounds like you think illegal immigrants are just rebels that don't care about obeying laws and by nature just come in illegally for the **** of it. They likely tried the process and they got denied because they were not skilled professional or were not highly educated... and even if they were, they probably waited years to get visas... and those skilled workers that can wait for visas are able to stay and wait and support their families... the other cant afford that.
Typically the next argument is "well, **** them then... it's not our job to feed those uneducated criminals... because that's what they are, criminals because they break our immigration laws." OK, point taken... it's not our job to feed them... But at this point, the need for them goes beyond obeying a law that the government sends mixed signals on... a law they say is enforced, but not really... The "word on the street" since the 80's in Latin America is that the US government just fronts enforcement to shut people up, but they know how necessary immigrant labor is, so they just enforce it softly... and people are willing to risk that trip because of desperation... They know when they come in that they will have to bust their *** to work and earn money... they know they will not be able to call the cops when they need protection for fear of deportation, they know that they are very much on their own... but they have little to no choice if they want to live and/or eat. Do you realize how desperate a mother has to be to send her child on a dangerous trip across the border? and to go so long with no information or contact on how they are? Sad part is that some of you think "they don't care, they are probably happy they're gone"... no, dude... I've seen the desperation first hand... many times before. Eating tortillas with salt as a meal can only take you so far.
Many of us are too disconnected and makes us not understand the situation people are in... Yes, its beautiful when LEGAL immigrants come in and contribute to our society and do what needs to be done. In a perfect system, the borders would be shut down completely to illegal immigration and free flow of registered, legal immigrants would be in place... taxes collected and backgrounds checked... but that's not reality... not only is it too expensive, but its a fiscal nightmare... and political suicide... the easy way out it to have the laws in place, just in case, but not enforce...