Trouble in Paradise?

To shamelessly borrow a phrase from author Douglas Adams, I prefer to think of aggy as a bunch of "semi-evolved simians"

apes giphy-1.gif
WTF is wrong with those people?

Why can't we have a normal little brother in-state rival, like Auburn, Mississippi State, Oklahoma State, Michigan State, Florida State, Oregon State, etc. You know, almost all of them but a&m.
WTF is wrong with those people?

Why can't we have a normal little brother in-state rival, like Auburn, Mississippi State, Oklahoma State, Michigan State, Florida State, Oregon State, etc. You know, almost all of them but a&m.
A cow college is a cow college is a cow college - doesn't matter what you call it, although Auburn started as Alabama Normal College for Women and FSU started as Florida Normal College for Women.
Those clowns on Texags are now arguing with each other over how good Bowling Green is. You have the “they almost beat Penn St so they are SEC caliber” side and the “it’s f’n BGU. They have no business being on the field with a legit team. We suck!” crowd. It’s quite comical
Those clowns on Texags are now arguing with each other over how good Bowling Green is. You have the “they almost beat Penn St so they are SEC caliber” side and the “it’s f’n BGU. They have no business being on the field with a legit team. We suck!” crowd. It’s quite comical
Yes, it is comical indeed.
If they did not have a fg called good that looked not good to me there was a good chance they lose that game. They are never good and never win anything. They just act like they are an elite program.
Notre Dame is ***. Florida is ***. aggy is .500 against ***. aggy is ***.

aggy plays a weak *** schedule.

Get yer licks in now!

Misery, LSU, and Texas are guaranteed losses, which gives aggy 4.

Between Bowels Green, Arky, Mississippi aggy, SC, NM aggy, and Auburn, aggy should scrounge up at least 4 more wins to become Weedeater Bowl eligible. I say should . . .

Hold the rope!
I think Arkansas, uSC and Auburn win
If they did not have a fg called good that looked not good to me there was a good chance they lose that game. They are never good and never win anything. They just act like they are an elite program.

The Aggies are elite and even #1. No other school in football history has wasted more money for less results. They are truly in a league by themselves.
That has to be a troll or a joke post. Does thst person really believe we are a bad team?

Maybe he didn't see our game against Michigan...that is what is called a statement win.
Ease up; he's an Aggie. Since they have never had a "statement win", he surely won't understand nor recognize one.

Good point. I obviously didn’t think that completely thru. Let’s give them credit where credit is due. They deserve a natty in the profligate and squander area.
Sometimes I think the agroids posting on TexAgs have to be trolls, posing as aggy to make them look bad.
Then I remember any of my dealings with any aggy, especially a group of aggy. And then I remember, yes they really are this weird.
Some of them can even look and act perfectly normal most of the time. They still become completely psychotic, delusional, grandiose, etc if the topic of anything having to do with their school comes up, especially the football team.
Pretty sure that's not an actual aggie in that post. False flag. The interesting thing now is that it wouldn't have to be a UT fan posting as an "AI aggie." I think other SEC schools are sufficiently amused by the Aggie/Longhorn dynamic to play "AI Longhorn posing as 'AI Aggie.'"
Double false flag.
Sometimes I think the agroids posting on TexAgs have to be trolls, posing as aggy to make them look bad.
Then I remember any of my dealings with any aggy, especially a group of aggy. And then I remember, yes they really are this weird.
Some of them can even look and act perfectly normal most of the time. They still become completely psychotic, delusional, grandiose, etc if the topic of anything having to do with their school comes up, especially the football team.
Very astute and highly accurate assessment of l’il bro. By themselves - can be absolutely normal (but so was Ted Bundy). But get them together or inject anything about their school, traditions, etc….weirdness meter starts going off. Put those together - volcanic eruptions occur.

Those milkmen, though, give me the creeps, man.
Very astute and highly accurate assessment of l’il bro. By themselves - can be absolutely normal (but so was Ted Bundy). But get them together or inject anything about their school, traditions, etc….weirdness meter starts going off. Put those together - volcanic eruptions occur.

Those milkmen, though, give me the creeps, man.

You mean these guys!?
