Trouble in Paradise?


National perception is built over many decades of history, if A&M wins 10 games a year every year through 2040 and Texas quits football tomorrow, well, then A&M will be close but still behind in wins. It's 21 top 5 finishes vs 4. It's a massive chasm. And A&M winning 9 games next year and Texas only winning 8 won't change that perception for anyone outside of College Station.
I just imagined the most insane reason possible that a group of brainwashed dudes playing soldier might have for creating this jar of rancid bodily fluids in the first place.

Best guess is that it has to be some sort of pagan cultic burnt offering, right?
Makes sense.
In summary, this is why they hate us…jealousy.
They also have an inferiority complex. On another thread, aggy explained why they hate or make fun of T-shirt fans of other schools: they think being criticized by non-alumni fans of other schools is insulting to true Aggy, who are alumni that support their school and as such above reproach from merely “fans”.
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They also have an inferiority complex. On another thread, aggy explained why they hate or make fun of T-shirt fans of other schools: they think being criticized by non-alumni fans of other schools is insulting to true Aggy, who are alumni who support their school and as such above reproach from merely “fans”.
Americans are deemed arrogant and uncouth worldwide. Texans are arrogant and uncouth. Longhorns are arrogant. Westlake is arrogant.
Most humans are no more than monkeys with car keys who hate other monkeys with more bananas.

As long as one concentrates on what one doesn’t have then you’ll never be happy and progress. You’ll definitely need someone to blame and hate. I know that’s all obvious but common sense,it seems, is less and less common.

When one meets another who is more successful, better looking and with a hot wife treat them like a decent human being. Don’t envy or slander them or cheat them or you certainly will suffer yourself.

This is what has happened to the Ags.
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My question is: Have they ever gotten out of our shadow?

Of course the answer is "no", and the reason for it lies entirely with them. aggy can't get out of our shadow because they cannot live for even an instant without comparing themselves to us in some way or another. They delude themselves into believing if they ever exceed our accomplishments (yeah, right) then our shadow will no longer be of concern. This is delusional because they will still be making the comparison.

We are their measuring stick. Always have been, and always will be.
They also have an inferiority complex. On another thread, aggy explained why they hate or make fun of T-shirt fans of other schools: they think being criticized by non-alumni fans of other schools is insulting to true Aggy, who are alumni that support their school and as such above reproach from merely “fans”.
I am a T shirt fan since i was roughly 10 years old….I am 61 now.
I have always felt that Aggies use that excuse because they really truly don’t have T-shirt fans. Normal people don’t hitch their wagon to Aggieland. t shirt fans are nothing more than college football fans that support their states football teams.

That fact seems to escape aggie. OU, Nebraska, Miami, Florida, State Florida, Alabama, Georgia, I could go on and on but fans in that area simply love college football, and those teams. The people in Texas generally do not support A&M because they’re ******* weirdos.
I am a T shirt fan since i was roughly 10 years old….I am 61 now.
I have always felt that Aggies use that excuse because they really truly don’t have T-shirt fans. Normal people don’t hitch their wagon to Aggieland. t shirt fans are nothing more than college football fans that support their states football teams.

That fact seems to escape aggie. OU, Nebraska, Miami, Florida, State Florida, Alabama, Georgia, I could go on and on but fans in that area simply love college football, and those teams. The people in Texas generally do not support A&M because they’re ******* weirdos.
If i could post on TexAgs, i would have said something along the lines of, “reminds me of what a cult would say”.
I am a T shirt fan since i was roughly 10 years old….I am 61 now.
I have always felt that Aggies use that excuse because they really truly don’t have T-shirt fans. Normal people don’t hitch their wagon to Aggieland. t shirt fans are nothing more than college football fans that support their states football teams.

That fact seems to escape aggie. OU, Nebraska, Miami, Florida, State Florida, Alabama, Georgia, I could go on and on but fans in that area simply love college football, and those teams. The people in Texas generally do not support A&M because they’re ******* weirdos.
Agreed. Roughly every person in Louisiana or from Louisiana is an LSU fan, even the other Louisiana college graduates. Tell any '"t shirt fan" they don't count and you will either be ignored, punched or given a quizzical look. The Aggie complaints/dismissal of t-shirt fans is another Aggieism that exists nowhere else.
The Aggie complaints/dismissal of t-shirt fans is another Aggieism that exists nowhere else.
On this Aggy agrees. But the question is why is it peculiar? Because they are better, or because they believe in their cult?
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Just took another hit of aggy misery at TexAgs. If Texas wins it all this year, there will be some heads exploding. Some are doubling down on idiocy, jealousy, and self-hatred. It will be glorious.
Aggy will be fine. Tonight for example they are busy celebrating their big Peach and Orange Bowl wins, because no one does success by association better than our backwoods cousins down in College Station.
Aggy will be fine. Tonight for example they are busy celebrating their big Peach and Orange Bowl wins, because no one does success by association better than our backwoods cousins down in College Station.

I bet you're right, but how fast they forget...

Oh we branched off a millennia ago. Our most recent common ancestor was a bipedal ape.
Our species learned to walk more upright, discovered fire, and put a man on the moon.

their species never evolved past throwing feces (for real) circle jerks (also real), and evolved red asses (like a baboons) etc. Their handlers dress them in coveralls, just like chimps. For some reason it does not endear them to humans like it does chimps
Speaking of the “redass” thing. I know we’re not supposed to understand these things from the outside. And most of their traditions are WTF. But “redass” WT actual F? Apparently it’s complimentary. Gayest bunch of homophobes ever.
Weird-*** aggy traditions are largely laughed at, mocked or ridiculed by outsiders.

Many aggys mistake these behaviors for admiration, misunderstanding or jealousy.

Face it aggy, you continue to live and will always live in UT's large shadow.
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So, how will aggy celebrate New Years Eve?

Bowl losers, 7-6 record, sitting at home naval gazing. Humiliated (again), Jumb$ gone, some already intoxicated on visions of Elko future success.

Get drunk, grab & squeeze their nuts? Get drunk grab someone else's nuts and squeeze?

Get drunk, ***** & moan to fellow aggys about Daddy in the CFP Jan. 1?

Get drunk, grab a sheep or another unsuspecting farm animal !?

What say you?
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I just imagined the most insane reason possible that a group of brainwashed dudes playing soldier might have for creating this jar of rancid bodily fluids in the first place.

Best guess is that it has to be some sort of pagan cultic burnt offering, right?
Wait until the new coach’s wife hears of their crusty, satanic jar.