What we're basically seeing now would appear to be two sides that have gone so far to portray their "side" as above reproach that BOTH of them appear to be dishonest at this point.
The video doesn't disprove the basic idea that Zimmerman was assaulted, but it does make you wonder if his account of the physical trauma was exaggerated greatly.All you have to do is look at the photo that is still used to depict Trayvon Martin to see how the media has attempted to mis-portray him from the start.
Clearly the story of the innocent child wandering home just wanting to be left alone before he was delilberately stalked and killed by Zimmerman doesn't hold water. I'm not convinced that Zimmerman's story of being in fear for his own life and being in danger of being pummelled to death is going to pass the smell test, either.
The sad thing is that neither of these people should be viewed as a microcosm for me or anyone else. Both made horrible decisions, one paid with his life, and another is about to do so as well (one way or another.) It never should have happened, and all we have to do as a nation is to act with even a small amount of common sense to prevent this type of issue from ever happening again.