Trayvon Martin story

The whole "people of color" idea is perpetuated by people who are racist to the core.

There is only one race - the human race. The suggestion that different races exist based on variances in our skin pigmentation is completely absurd.
A. I'm sick of hearing about this story. No one knows what really happened, except Zimmerman. All the rest is overly emotional speculation.

B. Get whatever guns/ammo you want before BO is reelected in November. The Left will not fail to capitalize on this incident.
The witness say it was zimmerman screaming according to the link above. That changes everything.

Actually, I think it brings the focus to a legitimate area of public concern -- stand your ground laws. If the laws allow you to confront, start a fight then and when the other person responds with a bare fisted beat down you can gun them down we an area where there are differences of opinion. The NRA and it's supporters seem to think that is a good law. I and I'm not the only one who thinks it's not. It's a legitimate public policy issue -- not to decide who is good and who is evil -- but how laws should be written and applied.

The "stand your ground" law actually states you can't be arrested is you claim you were "standing my ground" according to the crew one This Week with George S. They quoted the passage from the law.

That law should and will get changed. It's a horrible law and a grave example of the NRA overstepping its bounds.
I suggest race is clouding this issue. This should be a story about a renegade "neighborhood watchman", a senseless killing and a poorly written or interpreted self defense law.

The 'hoodie' Sundays at church and black organization protests in a totally unrelated states aren't helping. Obama throwing his politicized crap into this subject isn't helping.
Let me be more specific. How should he have responded to the question about Trayvon? What could he had said that you could accept as appropriate?
Again, what could the President have said, IN REPSONSE TO A QUESTION ABOUT THE MURDER OF TRAYVON MARTIN, that you would have found appropriate?
These kind of laws which are for the most part conceived with honorable intentions, almost always disportionately and adversely affect communites not represented by people who support them. Whether it's Stand Your Ground, Make My Day, Castle, I Dare You, Stop and Frisk, they all are discriminately applied, often with negative impact to people of color.

Take for instance New York CIty's Stop and Frisk law, which the courts have found to be consitutional.
These stop-and-frisk practices raise serious concerns over racial profiling, illegal stops and privacy rights. "The Department’s own reports on its stop-and-frisk activity confirm what many people in communities of color across the city have long known: The police are stopping hundreds of thousands of law abiding New Yorkers every year, and the vast majority are black and Latino.

An analysis by the NYCLU revealed that more than 4 million innocent New Yorkers were subjected to police stops and street interrogations from 2004 through 2011, and that black and Latino communities continue to be the overwhelming target of these tactics. Nearly nine out of 10 stopped-and-frisked New Yorkers have been completely innocent, according to the NYPD’s own reports".

While some of you might bemoan a critical relook at these laws, I whole heartedly support looking again at them with a discerning third eye.

The Link
Because one is considered Black and one is not considered Hispanic, but both are half white. That's why.
Actually, Zimmerman is not "half white." He may be half Hispanic, but in his case that would sort of like saying someone is "half Scandinavian and half white." These are not mutually exclusive.
The President's response should have been to tell people to stay calm and let the investigation run it's due course. That is all. Unless he wants to pander, then he would say how Trayvon would look his own son.
He could have also said that Zimmerman would look like his son if he had married a Hipanic, especially since the President and Zimmerman are more close in relation of both being half white.
Bull. You can't electively choose to pursue someone and then flip the script when your pursuit turns into your very own *** kicking.

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