this tiger didn't go crazy

While the young men's actions were very irresponsible, IMO the zoo has to ultimately be held accountable for a failure to provide adequate containment for the tiger. What if it had been young children taunting and agitating the animal into a frenzy resulting in it's escape from the enclosure?

I see a relatively significant lawsuit/settlement for the families of the "victims". At the very least they should receive lifetime free admission to the zoo.
drunk and stoned. and it's the zoo's fault?

f these guys. they got what they deserved. they were acting tough taunting a tiget thinking that wall would stop it. LOL.

they will sue. and i hope the lawyers bring up what douchebag irresponsible dicks these guys were. they'll win money but they are to blame.
I got blasted a few weeks ago during the Michael Vick thread for stating that I thought PETA freaks and people that equate animal lives and Human lives were the weirdest ******* people on the planet.

Reading this thread........ I still believe that.

Im guessing some of you are people that were at the Candle light vigil, holding back tears for Jabari the Gorilla once he got put down after he escaped from the Dallas Zoo.
you reading comprehension must be screwed up. none of the posters here are feeling too sorry for the tiger.

most are feeling that the dickheads got exactly what they deserved.

i have an idea, let's got stoned, drunk, then drive an hour to a zoo on xmas so that we can act REALLY tough and taunt a tiger. i bet they were feeling tough running and screaming like ******* as the tiger showed them who's the apex predator and who the little ******* are.

if you're looking for my sympathies for these douchebags, you'll not find it here. they got EXACTLY what they deserved.

and sorry, i don't give out sympathy for human beings that act like idiots and then blame others for the consequences.
I agree with the poster that said the tiger didn't deserve to die for some drunken POS teenagers. But it is the zoo's responsibility to provide for the safety of it's animals - especially a critically endangered Siberian Tiger.

Regarding the teenager, I don't believe the zoo bears most of responsiblity for his death - that's almost wholey on him and his idiot friends. If some kid gets drunk and stoned and decides to run across I-35 repeatedly and gets killed by a semi, I don't believe I'd hold the highway department at fault for not fencing in the roadway.

That said, I feel bad for the kid's family, but it was his decisions that caused this to happen. Furthermore, I think the truly depressing part of this is that the Siberian Tiger inches closer to extinction (total numbers are below 500 including zoos & in the wild) because of the negligence, stupidity, & arrogance of people.
so if i stick my penis in an electrical outlet, is it then the manufacturer's fault for making a penis-sized electrical outlet? and not printing a warning label "do not stick your penis in this penis-sized electrical outlet"?
This is a seriously awesome thread:

1. One of the best comments was the OP's Subject Line. The tiger didn't do anything wrong. It just went tiger. In a truly just universe, the tiger would have been safely returned to an enclosure with a higher fence, and a big *** sign, "do not **** with tiger."

2. I must be a bad human, because I am still 100% pro-tiger in this thing. I cannot work up any sympathy for these pricks at all. It may have not been "what they deserved." But what they were doing was cowardly and cruel, and the consequnce was natural and predicatable. **** them. Kids die in car wrecks all the time. That's a tragedy. This is something less of a tragedy.

3. Was the zoo at fault? Absolutely. The enclosures should be high enough to deal with such forseeable human idiocy. And they should damn sure know how high they are, they did not have a clue. I am very glad no innocent bystanders got hurt. If one of these ******** or the family of the dead kid (seemingly the least assholish among them, ironic) wants to take 10m off the zoos insurance company, so be it.

4. And mad props for the Peter Hathaway Capstick reference. I read DITLG when I was a kid, and it changed my life. Brilliant, brilliant stuff. Have not thought about that stuff in almost 30 years. Thanks for bringing that up. I'm heading to amazon now to find a copy.
that zoo is probably open 6-7 days a week all year. it's prob had a 12 foot wall since the tigers have been there. i don't know how long it's been open but i would imagine years. and all this time, nothing has ever happened.

why's that? probably because this is the first time some dickheads got drunk and stoned and tried to **** with the tigers in the exhibit. so yes the zoo may be to blame in this, but i find it ironic that this was never an issue before until these geniuses decided to test fate.

the only thing that i'm sad about is that the other 2 idiots didn't get killed either. then it would've been justice.

for the tiger getting his last hunt before he was shot. and
for darwinism almost proving itself true.
What those kids did... stupid as hell.

What I did at that age... a whole BUNCH of stupid ****, none of which was meant to harm anyone.

We don't know that these guys were really ******* hard with the tiger. I bet they weren't.

No one deserved to die, including the tiger.

The zoo ****** up.

I DESPISE frivolous lawsuits, but that zoo should be taken to the ******* cleaners.

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