this tiger didn't go crazy

It's like swimming in a golf course pond in Central Florida after dark. You take your chances; **** with the bull, don't be surprised if you get a horn up your ***.

This thread did remind me of the debate here a few years ago in which a number of people felt they could kick a cheetah's ***. One on one sans weapons, humans are a step below the big cats on the food chain.
The intelligence and cunning of these big cats is amazing. A friend of mine is a big game hunter and his father is written about in a book about the 100 greatest Big Game Sheep hunters in the world. This guy has hunted everything from Cape Buffalo in Africa to Marco Polo Sheep in Mongolia to The fercious Steinbuck in Scotland. One night after a deer hunt I asked him what the toughest animal he ever hunted was and he said it was a tie between the Bongo in Africa (something about it being incredibly elusive and living in the most dense bush imaginable) and a South American Jaguar. He told me of a hunt he went on where another hunter wounded one and his guides were asked to track it. Anyway, they found the blood trail and started to follow it. Then they lost the blood and after a long effort to try to find its trail again they gave up with the dimming light. My friend's dad said he was more exhausted from the constant tension of knowing how dangerous a motivated jaguar could be than he was from the long *** walk in 100% humidity and high temp. Anyway, as they made their way back a guide noticed a big pool of blood in the trail that wasn't there the first time. Well, the cat knew that he was being tracked so he circled around behind them with the knowledge that that trail was the only way in or out for a human and waited in a tree directly above the trail for his shot at revenge. Unfortunately for him he didn't factor in that massive blood loss eventually = dead kitty. He said that everybody in the group had to change their boxers when they finally made it back to camp.
That is funny that you thought of the "Clever girl" quote from Jurassic Park because all I could think of while writing the story was the "He's using da trees" quote from Predator.
I saw the dead kid's parents on the TV the other day, man you have to be missing some normal human emotions to post things like "go tiger" and "mess with the bull and get the horns". Seriously, you're deranged.

Was it stupid to taunt a tiger? Of course. Do a lot of SEVENTEEN YEAR OLDS do really stupid things that could turn out to cost them their lives? They do.

I'd argue that driving drunk is less dangerous than taunting a tiger that is supposed to be in a cage that it cannot get out of and yet most everyone on this thread has likely driven drunk numerous times. If you're 17 year old son dies driving drunk, would you like others to post, "go telephone poll" or "time to sue the telephone company for making the polls unbendable" or "shouldn't be steering a steel projectile while impaired you moron" ?

I am all for irreverence and calling people out, but some of you people are sick.
Anyone on this thread been to the Austin Zoo?

It's a weird and cool little rescue zoo, but somewhat unique in that you can get REALLY close to the animals, i.e. tigers, lions, etc.

I take my kids there a lot and every time I walk by the tiger exhibit I wonder if a Darwin award candidate will stick his/her hand through the bars. If you're feeling so inclined, you can have your arm ripped off there. That's how close you get to the Bengals and lions.

One trip there I was really impressed by the size & agility of the Bengals when two of them were playing like two kittens. It's amazing to see an animal that large move so quickly.
I used to teach kindergarten and took my class to the Austin Zoo. While we were checking out the lion, he walked towards us. He got to the fence and started to turn. I realized what he was doing just in time to push the kids around me back out of the way as he started to spray.

Of course, all the kids wanted to tell their parents about the trip was, "The lion tried to pee on us!" You really do get *very* close to the animals out there.
What really bugs me about this is the zoo spokesman taking every opportunity to cast 100% of the blame on the brothers, while vilifying them in the media.

I am sure that there is an obvious concern about being sued, but in lieu of the typical "no comment on pending litigation", this guy is obviously trying to sway public opinion before the fact.

The fact of the matter is, if the containment had met the required specifications this most likely never would have happened.
surprise, they were high and drunk?! no way. i blame the idiot parents; what kind of kids say "hey, lets take some bong rips and vodka shots and go to the zoo". good parenting.
heck yeah, hell, ive probably even gone to a zoo high, im sure it was more fun that way but I know better and have more respect for others/my surrounding to not taunt the animals; heck, 2 of these "kids" were in there early 20's, they were adults. Like other poster said, point is this could have EASILY been prevented and they are lucky they didn't kill someone else driving down there.
zoos fault. Im sure the kids did more to provoke the tiger than they say. But, I dont care if theyre shooting roman candles at the tiger, the tiger should have never been able to get out.
You people are crazy, thinking these guys are the main problem. What if you were at the ******* zoo when I decided to tease the tiger and it jumped out and killed you because it was pissed... Still not the zoo's fault?
**** em, It's called thinning the herd.
Too bad the tiger didn't finish off the other two assclowns. Too bad the tiger didn't rip off an arm of those *******, just to remind them for the rest of their life what dumbasses they are.
The tiger didn't deserve to die for some drunken piece of **** teenagers.

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