The Media Industry

Caring for those less fortunate vs. a political agenda. Not a tough choice from where I sit.
Well, you can donate privately like I do to charitable orgs that serve the poor. Your concern for the poor doesn’t give you the right to question how other people spend their money and avail themselves to the tax breaks afforded to everybody.
I admit I have no idea to what you are referring
" went with a $250k donation and are bitter about $14M spend"?
He is referring to Trump foregoing his paycheck, but yet costing the country via his multiple excursions to FL and elsewhere for the weekend.
The Huff Po just cant help itself

Your concern for the poor doesn’t give you the right to question how other people spend their money and avail themselves to the tax breaks afforded to everybody.
Well said, mchammer. The libs seem to be perfectly willing to spend our money on their agenda - even if they have to tax us heavily to get it
Aside from the money, I wonder if she regrets the move to NBC. She basically has lost most of her former credibility, IMHO.

I suspect alot of people just want the money, and they dont give a crap what it means as long as they dont have to die or go to prison for a long time to get it.
I suspect alot of people just want the money, and they dont give a crap what it means as long as they dont have to die or go to prison for a long time to get it.
True, but she is posting her opinions. Probably trying to get another show somewhere. It will likely have to be on another one of the left leaning outlets as I don't think the conservative crowd buys her schtick any longer. I don't, even though she is correct above, but my 8 year old could have figured that out and written what she did.
True, but she is posting her opinions. Probably trying to get another show somewhere. It will likely have to be on another one of the left leaning outlets as I don't think the conservative crowd buys her schtick any longer. I don't, even though she is correct above, but my 8 year old could have figured that out and written what she did.

I also suspect NBC regrets it more than she does.
True, but she is posting her opinions. Probably trying to get another show somewhere. It will likely have to be on another one of the left leaning outlets as I don't think the conservative crowd buys her schtick any longer. I don't, even though she is correct above, but my 8 year old could have figured that out and written what she did.

If she returned to Fox News and did a show in which she largely grilled liberals, conservatives would watch. She might get some flack early on, but she'd be fine, especially if she didn't have the audacity not to kiss Trump's ***.

I would too. If you're a civil rights activist, your credibility and power come from being able to tell white people that large numbers of their race are rotten and willing to hurt innocent people for no reason other than their race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc., be believed, and be able to tell them that it's their problem. Those white people feel ashamed (or see a virtue signaling opportunity and pretend to be ashamed) and give you money, put you in a position of power and/or influence, and ultimately, pass laws that implement your agenda. You win financially, in terms of prestige, etc. Jesse Jackson is a millionaire rather than a broke-*** street preacher because of this formula.

Well, if you have some phony who makes up stories of victimhood, it undermines your credibility. Some white people who previously took you at your word are going to wonder if the victims you highlight aren't the next Jussie Smolletts, and if they do that, your whole racket falls apart.
I would too. If you're a civil rights activist, your credibility and power come from being able to tell white people that large numbers of their race are rotten and willing to hurt innocent people for no reason other than their race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc., be believed, and be able to tell them that it's their problem. Those white people feel ashamed (or see a virtue signaling opportunity and pretend to be ashamed) and give you money, put you in a position of power and/or influence, and ultimately, pass laws that implement your agenda. You win financially, in terms of prestige, etc. Jesse Jackson is a millionaire rather than a broke-*** street preacher because of this formula.

Well, if you have some phony who makes up stories of victimhood, it undermines your credibility. Some white people who previously took you at your word are going to wonder if the victims you highlight aren't the next Jussie Smolletts, and if they do that, your whole racket falls apart.

I totally agree with what you say. I'd be livid if I were an activist (whether it was to cynically make money or in good faith just to change the world).

A friend of mine posted some pictures on FB of Jussie demonstrating with Kamala over this anti-lynching hate crime law they are pitching (along with Booker). Sorry if it's already been discussed. Apparently the time frame may show that Jussie concocted his story about a week or so later.

By the way, I believe the anti-lynching law demonstrations is just another way to try to make Republicans look bad and put them in the position of not being supportive. Pure politics.
How did that law pass the Senate?
If it was in reaction to the hoax then the Dems will think it is worth it to throw Jussie under the bus.

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