The Media Industry

It's too late for her. The damage was already done. I hope she wins the nomination. Very weak candidate. Way too crazy liberal and unlikable. Spent too much time in Bay Area circle jerks to relate to most Americans.

Yep. A California Democrat virtually can't win a primary unless he or she is a crackpot. Keep in mind that Jerry Brown and even Willie Brown would both be on the right side of most California Democrats. That didn't used to be true.
Nick Sandmann is going after 50 media outlets and others for libel because of the reporting on the Covington Catholic School story. Link. I hope this kid makes so much money off these cases that he never has to work a day in his life. I hope he does work, but I hope he never has to.
I watched an interview of the MAGA hat kid. Whoever feels even a little bit threatened by him is completely flaky. He was a skinny, goofy, uncomfortable in his own skin kid.
Watched some of the Covington kid video. That smirking kid is a hero.
He kept calm. Didn't escalate the situation after Philips did. Then he told some of his classmates to be quiet when they started to get a little rowdy. Good kid. He'll go places if the media doesn't destroy first.

There is a legal team with some good 1st Amendment attorneys moving forward with defamation claims on behalf of the children involved

Most people think these suits have long odds. But first, plaintiffs here are "private persons" not "public persons." Further, there have been some recent successes. For example, the extortionist group known as the SPLC settled one this year for $3.375M rather than take their chances going to trial. Talk about chickens coming home to roost
Southern Poverty Law Center settlement with Maajid Nawaz, Quilliam Foundation dings credibility
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There is a legal team with some good 1st Amendment attorneys moving forward with defamation claims on behalf of the children involved

Robert Barnes must be envious of Tom Fitton. I'm fascinated by the non-profit partisan cottage industries that make a healthy income from donors yet never actually accomplish anything.

The real question is why these organizations get tax exemption status? Certainly guys like Tom Fitton make a significant living off the donations. At a minimum, his gym membership and supplements must be paid for.
Robert Barnes must be envious of Tom Fitton. I'm fascinated by the non-profit partisan cottage industries that make a healthy income from donors yet never actually accomplish anything.

The real question is why these organizations get tax exemption status? Certainly guys like Tom Fitton make a significant living off the donations. At a minimum, his gym membership and supplements must be paid for.
His income is taxed. He is not living tax free.
Really? Really SH
You want to go there?
The cost of Trumps travel?

Wow you must be desperate. :lmao:
If you are sinking to that.
Well then carry on.
Ok. You got me. Any other non-sequitor you care to get off your chest?
Yes, in one case people donate to a cause they support using their own money. In another case, people donate to a cause they support using other people’s money instead of their own. Yet, critics of the former fully support the latter. Yeah, that make sense.
Yes, in one case people donate to a cause they support using their own money. In another case, people donate to a cause they support using other people’s money instead of their own. Yet, critics of the former fully support the latter. Yeah, that make sense.

Keep in mind. "Cause they support" is Mammogram vs. Polical propaganda. Do you also claim to be a supporter of Jesus?

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