The Media Industry

Christian young adults should flood Dan Levin's message box with positive experiences about how great their Christian school was and how some of their friends were exposed to sexual harassment, bullying and drugs in public school.

Just drown him in positivity.
Can we all agree D and R that Pelosi is completely evil now? She is stealing from thousands of hard working people and causing huge amounts of emotional distress.

She is keeping US citizens from getting paid in order to protect the feelings of noncitizens. She can't claim compassion ever again, unless it is for people in other countries.

We should also publicly shame the people who voted her into office. They are equally the problem. They support evil.
I wonder what the honest political analysis should be of the re-opening of our government. Did Nancy Pelosi only stubbornly signal that people in a foreign country are more important than our government workers and our immigration laws (and by extension, the Constitution)? Does she have a plan to submit a real immigration plan that maximizes our efforts to stop illegal immigration. Is she only sympathetic to sanctuary cities, open border racists, the abolishment of ICE and tipping off illegal aliens of impending deportations? What did Trump accomplish? Did he illustrate the Pelosi is more ruthless than he in favor of her agenda? I wonder if anyone really believes this is about a silly wall.
My son is 22 and went to a private Christian school in Austin. My daughter is enrolled there now. They are unimpressed by the religious aspect. It's a very white-bread, rich kids school. The teachers all try to inspire the kids but they roll their eyes after a while. It is insular and detached. No doubt about it. Their mother insisted on this school. I'd say it's main virtue is that it feels safe, but I personally think their mission would be better served if they closed the school, let the kids go to Westlake and donate all the saved tuition to the poor.

But it's not evil or teaching the children to hate. I just think they are typical rich kids. Definitely spoiled... the girls act like little princesses which my daughter acknowledges.
SH, I will agree if Trump doesn't sign the bill that Democrats signed. If he signs then he was able to give up funding the wall for people.
I wonder what the honest political analysis should be of the re-opening of our government.

I don't see how Trump wins in the equation. He gave the Democrats what they wanted, got nothing in return, and set up the exact same fight in 3 weeks when we'll be back to square one again. Will he recalibrate at that time? Who knows? If he does, that could change the game, but he looks pretty weak now.

Did Nancy Pelosi only stubbornly signal that people in a foreign country are more important than our government workers and our immigration laws (and by extension, the Constitution)?

The people who care about that sort of thing largely aren't open to voting Democratic anymore anyway. To people who do vote or are open to voting Democratic, that kind of rhetoric is racist, xenophobic, and bigoted. There is no national loyalty.

Does she have a plan to submit a real immigration plan that maximizes our efforts to stop illegal immigration.

She might submit a plan, but it'll be "comprehensive immigration reform." It'll have token border security, no wall, and no meaningful enforcement on illegal immigrants or employers. It'll package that with broad amnesty and streamlining of legal immigration, especially from the third world.

s she only sympathetic to sanctuary cities, open border racists, the abolishment of ICE and tipping off illegal aliens of impending deportations?

I think she's a political pragmatist. She doesn't care about that stuff, but people she needs do favor it. So she goes along.

What did Trump accomplish? Did he illustrate the Pelosi is more ruthless than he in favor of her agenda?

I don't think he accomplished much. He illustrated that he will fold Pelosi and the media put enough heat on him. Unless he comes up with a new strategy, they have no reason to play ball with him on much of anything that they don't already support like infrastructure spending.

I wonder if anyone really believes this is about a silly wall.

It's about the pissing match on both sides.
I don't feel like Trump folded, and he hasn't lost my support. Gubment is open, and he has clearly said if they don't negotiate in 3 weeks, he will use his Executive power to declare an emergency and build the wall.

Again, he can't win. If he doesn't come to this agreement, he is a dictator and tyrant. He came to a reasonable conclusion, and he's weak and folded and was played.

History repeating itself yet again. GHW Bush believed them and lost re-election, same will happen to Trump. His ‘Read my lips’ moment has struck.
And just when you thought the media couldn't be more tone-deaf, here's Kirsten Powers lining up for her hot ratio take:

Yeah... that's the lesson from how the kids got smeared and attacked for standing there doing nothing: don't judge how the media reported things.
And just when you thought the media couldn't be more tone-deaf, here's Kirsten Powers lining up for her hot ratio take:

Yeah... that's the lesson from how the kids got smeared and attacked for standing there doing nothing: don't judge how the media reported things.

She is a partisan hack. O'Reilly used to have her on a lot. She was unbearable.

And, is it just me, or does she seem like the Seinfeld girlfriend who only looked good in a certain booth or light or whatever?
History repeating itself yet again. GHW Bush believed them and lost re-election, same will happen to Trump. His ‘Read my lips’ moment has struck.

I don't think this is a read my lips moment. Didn't GHW sign a bill raising taxes? Trump was forced to back down due to the rising tide of angst over the government workers not getting paid and other problems associated with services not being provided. This was not him abandoning his campaign pledge. This was him having to back down to an opponent who obviously didn't care about the government workers but has the arrogance to pretend that they do.

To me, a campaign promise is not a guarantee of a particular result; it is a guarantee that they will try their damndest to get it done. As mentioned, he is not a dictator so it didn't happen this go round. The game is not over but it probably is if the idea is that we don't spend a dime on anything that is not specifically mentioned in a bill (is that really how our spending works? Do we really not spend money unless it is approved first by Congress? I have to laugh at that). The record now shows the Democrats hate the wall and will do anything to stop it. If that is what the majority of the American people want then our process worked, even in the face of a few weeks of taking the ball home so we can't play.

I don't like government shut-downs and I don't like representatives taking a road trip out of the state to avoid a vote as the Democrats did a few times in Texas. That is not Democracy or a representative government. That is anarchy and turning our system upside down.

In the case of Jim Crow laws, I do get that an unjust law needs something dramatic in the face of cowardly politicians who cannot or will not do the right thing. To me, the wall was not that kind of an "unjust law." But what is an unjust law? What is the health of a woman? That is why the process and mature adults are vital to our system. These types of interpretative laws and subsequent actions are not my idea of how we should run this rodeo.
At this point the national emergency route is his only option. It would have been politically smarter to declare that first before announcing the deal to reopen the government. Should have claimed the high ground and explain that Dems refuse to negotiate and he cant let these poor government workers continue to suffer because Pelosi is owned by the far left. He really gets a lot of bad advice from his staff.
GHW Bush believed them and lost re-election, same will happen to Trump. His ‘Read my lips’ moment has struck.

I don't know whether Trump will win or lose, but it won't be because of this. The comparison with GHWB is flawed because the Dems had Bill Clinton ready to run. Clinton provided a relatively non-threatening moderate Democrat who seemed to have some ability and willingness to work with the GOP. The Dems are set to run likely their most liberal candidate ever coming up. I think most conservatives may see this as a worse choice even than with Hillary, and may be more likely to go ahead and vote Trump. Could be wrong... that's just my impression.
Trump proved that he cares about US citizens more than Pelosi. He was willing to give up the fight temporarily to help the workers out of their emergency.

He would be wise to repeat that on Twitter and in speeches over and over again.
Trump proved that he cares about US citizens more than Pelosi.

He cares more? If so, he wouldn't have shut down the government at the start. The bill he signed was what the Democrats had been advocating from day 1 of the shutdown.

Trump will spin the message as you suggest but we have video and actual tweets that undercut the spin. Remember when he was proud to shutdown the government despite bipartisan efforts to keep it open? Where was his "care" then?
I don't know whether Trump will win or lose, but it won't be because of this. The comparison with GHWB is flawed because the Dems had Bill Clinton ready to run. Clinton provided a relatively non-threatening moderate Democrat who seemed to have some ability and willingness to work with the GOP. The Dems are set to run likely their most liberal candidate ever coming up. I think most conservatives may see this as a worse choice even than with Hillary, and may be more likely to go ahead and vote Trump. Could be wrong... that's just my impression.

This was certainly handled poorly by Trump - from taking responsibility for the shutdown to having no strategy for winning to folding like a cheap lawn chair. However, the public rarely remembers shutdowns this far before an election. Furthermore, I agree with your assessment of the Democrats' direction in 2020. They're not going to run a moderate. They barely have any moderates left. They're going to run a crackpot rather than trying to be the sensible and sane adults in the room.

To the media and the Democrats he can't win. However, he could have handled this better.
TBD. He has a way of doing and saying things that everyone says is wrong then turns out to be right. he has put the ball in the Dems court. Gubment is back open for 3 weeks. Dems didn't come up with a real plan in the previous 5 and now they have 3 more. They don't do it and he and the Rs have a victory if the spineless Rs say so. One thing I'll say about the Dems is they rarely break ranks unlike the Republicans.
The Dems are set to run likely their most liberal candidate ever coming up. I think most conservatives may see this as a worse choice even than with Hillary, and may be more likely to go ahead and vote Trump.
Prodigal, that's a great point. Trump was not my choice for the GOP nomination in 2016, but when push came to shove and it was either Trump or Hillary, I voted Trump. If the Dems run a far-left crackpot against Trump in 2020, I'll vote Trump again.

I cannot find a single thing to like about any of the potential Dem candidates - their party is being pulled way left. They seem to view the Constitution as a roadblock to their agenda. I hate to think what would happen to our country if they ever get in power.
Watched some of the Covington kid video. That smirking kid is a hero.

He kept calm. Didn't escalate the situation after Philips did. Then he told some of his classmates to be quiet when they started to get a little rowdy. Good kid. He'll go places if the media doesn't destroy first.
here is a well-written article by Chas Cooke in NRO -- "Bad, Press - How the media fail"

Despite the fact that it is on target, IMO at least, the writing demonstrates one of the reasons my side struggles with broader appeal. It’s lofty, somewhat pretentious and even arguably snotty. It’s like Dennis Miller wrote it for his private by-invitation-only email list. I think we need for these ideas, which are otherwise solid, to be expressed in a more accessible manner.

"Our national press is a national joke. Vain, languid, excitable, morbid, duplicitous, cheap, insular, mawkish, and possessed of a chronic self-obsession that would have made Dorian Gray blush, it rambles around the United States in neon pants, demanding congratulation for its travails. Not since Florence Foster Jenkins have Americans been treated to such an excruciating example of self-delusion. The most vocal among the press corps’ ranks cast themselves openly as “firefighters” when, at worst, they are pyromaniacs and, at best, they are obsequious asbestos salesmen. “You never get it right, do you?” Sybil Fawlty told Basil in Fawlty Towers. “You’re either crawling all over them licking their boots or spitting poison at them like some Benzedrine puff adder.” There is a great deal of space between apologist and bête noire. In the newsrooms of America, that space is empty...."

President Trump & News Press -- How the Media Fail | National Review

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