The Media Industry

It was quite illuminating to watch about 4 hours of MSNBC's "analysis" of the buzzfeed crap involving Cohen saying Trump ordered him to lie (I do a lot of house calls for tech support stuff and the guy had it on the TV the whole time). I knew I'd be getting a one-sided perspective but figured I'd learn a few things about it. Nope.

The entire news team, bar none, had no interest whatsoever in educating anyone about it or looking at a variety of angles and possibilities. There was very little treatment of the incident's "alleged" status. It was almost totally assumptions that Trump had in fact done it, and based on that he had, what does this mean for his possible impeachment. Not only was it 4 straight hours of pure agenda, there was no attempt to even hide this.
It was quite illuminating to watch about 4 hours of MSNBC's "analysis" of the buzzfeed crap involving Cohen saying Trump ordered him to lie (I do a lot of house calls for tech support stuff and the guy had it on the TV the whole time). I knew I'd be getting a one-sided perspective but figured I'd learn a few things about it. Nope.

The entire news team, bar none, had no interest whatsoever in educating anyone about it or looking at a variety of angles and possibilities. There was very little treatment of the incident's "alleged" status. It was almost totally assumptions that Trump had in fact done it, and based on that he had, what does this mean for his possible impeachment. Not only was it 4 straight hours of pure agenda, there was no attempt to even hide this.
So many MSM have already basically backed Buzzfeed over Mueller. It is comical. It just really shows that they will only believe the Mueller report if it proves any wrongdoing and/or criminal activity by Trump and his campaign. That is what the investigation was about, right?
Heard an interview with the Buzzfeed author. At one point he said he didn't want to speculate about Trump's alleged motivation for instructing Cohen to lie. Didn't want to speculate? LOL.
But if we just keep looking, we can find SOMETHING to destroy these kids with!

New York Daily News searches desperately for real dirt on Covington students, accuses them of ‘blackface’

"The full-body black paint worn by the students in the school’s official video closely resembles that of the students in the photo being circulated on social media,” the Daily News report continues, going full Zapruder. “One student from the photo, not in blackface, is sporting a logo that also mirrors the Covington emblem.”

It added in reference to the most visible teen from the March for Life video from this weekend, “This won’t help Kentucky student Nick Sandmann’s case.”

Okay, a few things here: First, to suggest that the students were doing some sort of minstrel show in mockery of an opposing team seems like a stretch, to put it mildly. As many others have already noted, the Covington photos clearly depict a “blackout” game, where attendees are encouraged to dress completely in a single color in support of their team. The photo shows everyone clad in black. It also shows that some students have painted their entire bodies (not just their faces) in black.

Occam’s Razor, folks. Either these kids went all-out to promote the designated color for that specific game, or they publicly targeted an opposing team with extremely racist antics. It could be that the Covington teens in this photo engaged in extremely racist behavior, but let's maybe wait until someone can confirm that that’s exactly what happened here before we accuse them of the worst. A rush to judgment based on incomplete information is what got us here in the first place.

Secondly, what does the New York Daily News mean by, “This won’t help Kentucky student Nick Sandmann’s case"? There is no case. Sandmann maintains that he did not harass or abuse an elderly Native American in the nation’s capital, and the videotape bears him out. How does a photo from 2012 dispute his claim? Sandmann was in elementary school at the time that the Covington basketball photo was taken.

Stand-up comedian Jeremy McLellan explains the motivation behind the Daily News’ lousy follow-up reporting best.

“We have now reached the ‘Bargaining’ phase of the ‘5 Stages of Grief That You Shared An Internet Hoax,’ which is when you pivot to smaller allegations in an attempt to justify the original mob. The smartest ones drop truth altogether and pivot to ‘the larger context,’” he writes. “What every single one of these ‘bargains’ has in common is it pivots the discussion away from the original (false) allegation that sparked the internet mob. PLEASE LET’S AGREE THEY ARE BAD. But if it’s not about the original claim, it’s bargaining.”
Of course I would argue that she put that out there not as a negative, but as a justification.
Absolutely it was meant as a justification. And that may fly with extreme left wingers, but they continue to lose credibility with the only group that really matters - nonpartisan independents.
And that may fly with extreme left wingers, but they continue to lose credibility with the only group that really matters - nonpartisan independents.

Sadly, it feels like a race to see which "wing" can alienate the least people, and which can play the other side off enough that it encourages the "lesser of two evils" choice as opposed to the "i don't care about voting because everyone's awful" choice. And considering that most independents are pretty insulated from the bulk of the left-wing crazy (are the media playing up the women's march calls to boycott Israel? Or the fact that a sitting US Congresswoman is defending an African-American organization that is so vile that even the SPL has been forced to admit that it's a hate group?)
Everyday, the mainstream media shows more and more that it is participating in the problems of America. What (legal) industry provides more misery for common people.
I'd have to say after watching him handle interviews, I like the "smirking" Covington 15-year-old in the MAGA hat a helluva a lot more than the journalists I've seen interview him and 100 times more than his "adult" detractors.
I'd have to say after watching him handle interviews, I like the "smirking" Covington 15-year-old in the MAGA hat a helluva a lot more than the journalists I've seen interview him and 100 times more than his "adult" detractors.

As it turns out, Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam veteran. His record indicates that he served instead as a refrigerator repairman.

Which provides us a wonderful opportunity to name the upcoming PBS documentary of his life: “Saving Private Freon”
As I explore the web this morning I see the leftist media attack Good Morning America for it "softball" interview of the young man. Holy crap. Now I find my moderate self at odds with the liberal media.
The best hope for our country is that the Left continues to alienate more and more Democrats and liberals. Only true SJW Progressives will be left in the Democratic Party if that happens. It will be interesting to see just how many people they can radicalize.
The best hope for our country is that the Left continues to alienate more and more Democrats and liberals. Only true SJW Progressives will be left in the Democratic Party if that happens. It will be interesting to see just how many people they can radicalize.

I'd like to see more of the extremes go back to being marginalized, right or left. They collectively have outsized influence in our politics today. We need a centrist renaissance.
As it turns out, Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam veteran. His record indicates that he served instead as a refrigerator repairman.

Which provides us a wonderful opportunity to name the upcoming PBS documentary of his life: “Saving Private Freon”
The interview I watched he said he was a "vietnam times veteran" and it taught him how groups reacted to individuals who represented something. I'd say that's fair. If he claimed to be a combat veteran it would be one thing. Especially back in the day of the draft, many people served in other than front line positions that were just lucky to not be in the thick of it. He just as easily could have been drafted and put in the infantry.

I don't know how anyone can watch that video and not see that those little disrespectful turds needed an attitude adjustment. It appeared to me that he was trying to get between them and the real trouble makers. They were docile at first because there weren't many of them. Once their numbers got bigger they started getting a little more frisky, naturally.

The blackface claim is silly. That said, the tomahawk chant was something that the chaperone's should have shut down.
The interview I watched he said he was a "vietnam times veteran" and it taught him how groups reacted to individuals who represented something. I'd say that's fair. If he claimed to be a combat veteran it would be one thing. Especially back in the day of the draft, many people served in other than front line positions that were just lucky to not be in the thick of it. He just as easily could have been drafted and put in the infantry.

I don't know how anyone can watch that video and not see that those little disrespectful turds needed an attitude adjustment. It appeared to me that he was trying to get between them and the real trouble makers. They were docile at first because there weren't many of them. Once their numbers got bigger they started getting a little more frisky, naturally.

The blackface claim is silly. That said, the tomahawk chant was something that the chaperone's should have shut down.

Phillips' character is already shot having lied about a lot of things. Don't want a tomahawk chop? Don't get in someone's face. Those kids were called everything in the book by the real racists that were there. They were the ones who were harassed.
Sorry but your hero is a liar on so many levels.

He is in a vid interview by CNN clearly stating he served IN Nam. He also said he was a Recon Ranger and he got an honorable discharge
None of it true. He should stop embarrassing himself by pretending he served honorably .He has told so many lies he can not keep them all straight.
He is nothing more than a miserable lying huckster trying to use his status as a member of the Omaha nation as though he is some sincere person.

He instigated that incident and then got all the leftists outraged to the point adults are calling for the kids to be killed.
He is still today trying to pretend he is some shaman and the lefties are still eating it up.
Scum like him do a disservice to real members of any tribal nation.

Bubba if as you say he was trying to get between the kids and the black racists why did he wade into the kids and get in their face instead of staying between the 2 groups and try to" defuse" the black racists shouting at the kids? That is bs and even you know it
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As I explore the web this morning I see the leftist media attack Good Morning America for it "softball" interview of the young man. Holy crap. Now I find my moderate self at odds with the liberal media.

I get that sometimes when you're more of a moderate that it's harder to see all the attacks and more nuanced slights that the more entrenched conservatives see. But I can't imagine how anyone could be surprised at how the media is treating these kids.

I don't know how anyone can watch that video and not see that those little disrespectful turds needed an attitude adjustment. It appeared to me that he was trying to get between them and the real trouble makers.

This is a complete garbage take. For many reasons. Mainly, because he's on record himself as saying that the "real troublemakers" were the kids, and he was trying to protect the Black Israelite cultists, who he said were just talking about history and the Bible and saying lots of things that were true.

I would love to see how you'd have reacted at that kid's age when a man with a drum walks up to you and starts beating it inches from your face in a clear attempt to try and stir up a reaction.
I'm sure this will be a totally fair and balanced piece.

Notice who he wants as well. No one over 30. Only young people who are more likely to be liberal and more easily triggered by things.
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