..... why would I discuss the murder rate in Chicago? .....
That was the point. You never do. In fact, I may have just forced you to write in here for the first time ever?
What you are happy and willing to do is spend the weekend writing about a guy with 800 followers. But Spencer, like the KKK, are tools in the toolbox for leftist thinkers. They are boogeymen available to be trotted out when its convenient, or when a diversion is needed. Like when someone tries to get you to talk about a real topic with real substance that actually matters to real peoples - such as the crime rate in Chicago.
Here is my theory --
The reason Liberals/Dems/Progressives refuse to talk about subjects like "the crime rate in Chicago" is obvious. These are their people, in cities controlled by their chosen Party for decades. Any discussion at all on topics like this naturally reflects poorly on them, their Party, their ideas, their policies, their system of governing. So they stonewall it, never discuss it. Never. The minimal exception being when they need their votes.
Conservatives/Libertarians/Reps dont talk about these things because they are afraid. They know that if they do, they will be attacked. Attacked as what? Attacked as a 4-chan user, alt_rt and follower of Spencer. And so on.
And so real problems never get discussed.
While fake problems, like Spencer, are safe to discuss and get plenty of play.
This current state of civil discussion of real issues in the US and it is not a good thing. And many of you are perpetuating it.