The Media Industry

It his defense he posts most things when they first come out in the news. Unfortunately, as unreliable as news is today from both sides of the aisle, 20-30% is going to be garbage.

I may have hit a couple sour notes but I dont see it as a big deal given the volume. It's very hard to know sometimes what real from what's not on the internet. I think I have deleted a couple things and edited a few others. But the fail rate for me is nowhere near 20-30%.
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I'm sure it seems like it, but does he REALLY repost all their material? Alt-right is supposedly white supremacist, right? Do they hide that? I'm curious because I haven't seen him post any white supremacist propaganda yet, and I presume there's some out there.

I cant see what you are referring to but I can guess from the context. As I have said before it does not bother me. From my perspective, when they name call and label, it means they are conceding the argument. It means they have no actual facts to support or defend their views. And because they lack facts, they cannot fashion any logical, reasonable argument of their own. They know if they compete on an equal and fair playing field, their ideas lose. So, instead, they call you names like Nazi-Fascist-KKK-Neocon-racist. The other thing they do is try to censor you (as has happened in real life here). These two things are really all they have right now - name calling and censorship. We see this with their modern civilian military wing, the Antifa who decided if they cannot beat our ideas and policies, they will beat our faces in.

College campuses, due to their unique insulation, have actually been able to make us stop talking. We see it on social media as well -- FB, Twitter, Google, Youtube all censor conservatives. Just within the last 48 hours, Twitter attorneys admitted under oath that they artificially suppressed Twitter #hashtags that they judged hurting Hillary's chances of winning the election. This is outrageous behavior! Corporatism and censorship are close to the traditional definition of Fascism, that libs say they hate. But not a single word from them about what Twitter did. Like everything else, they only hate Fascism when it suits them.

Where I think this discussion should go next is to ask what they are going to do about all the losing. I see a parallel to the late 60s-early 70s when certain groups became so frustrated with how they saw US society, they started blowing stuff up. People today have no concept of just how bad things got back then. But there were literally THOUSANDS of bombings per year by domestic terrorists during this period. I dont think its much of a stretch to see Antifa going this route considering they have no qualms about bashing someone's face in simply because they have a different opinion.

One thing we know for sure, once the bombings start, the big issue over there will be Richard Spencer and Pepe the Frog.
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Doing so will require liberals being beaten back and demoralized.

I think I've found the root of why we can't have a civil discussion. If you're expecting the opposing viewpoint to simply submit to your whim then you may want to point the thumb rather than the finger when pondering the lack of civility.

BTW- Hello JoeFan...I know you're reading this by showing the "ignored messages". :thumbup:
I cant see what you are referring to but I can guess from the context. As I have said before it does not bother me. From my perspective, when they name call and label, it means they are conceding the argument. It means they have no actual facts to support or defend their views. And because they lack facts, they cannot fashion any logical, reasonable argument of their own. They know if they compete on an equal and fair playing field, their ideas lose. So, instead, they call you names like Nazi-Fascist-KKK-Neocon-racist. The other thing they do is try to censor you (as has happened in real life here). These two things are really all they have right now - name calling and censorship. We see this with their modern civilian military wing, the Antifa who decided if they cannot beat our ideas and policies, they will beat our faces in.

I'm not saying you're playing the victim card but that sure sounds "victim-like"? That must be why you feel you need to "beat back and demoralize" the opponent when what you really yearn for is a civil conversation.

Everyone, I present to you the ALT-RIGHT!

For the record, the only "censorship" that I'm aware of for JoeFan was to follow the guidelines of the site, the same one we all follow, that stipulate no personal attacks.
I'm not saying you're playing the victim card but that sure sounds "victim-like"? That must be why you feel you need to "beat back and demoralize" the opponent when what you really yearn for is a civil conversation.

Everyone, I present to you the ALT-RIGHT!

For the record, the only "censorship" that I'm aware of for JoeFan was to follow the guidelines of the site, the same one we all follow, that stipulate no personal attacks.

Joe Fan said: "From my perspective, when they name call and label, it means they are conceding the argument" Then you come by and scream "ALT-RIGHT!" Priceless!
Speaking of Antifa, here is their scheduled riot locations. I think what is not listed is more interesting than what is listed.
For example, Texas is missing
Translation: We win again

I dont think any of that is factually correct. Spencer has maybe 800 followers worldwide? To me, pages of discussion on him is much ado about nothing. I look at the murder rate in Chicago and I see a real issue that affects Americans. This is something that should be dealt with. But you guys always prefer to talk about people like Spencer instead. Why is that?

It's like you don't even read. First, why would I discuss the murder rate in Chicago? It has nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you want to talk about it, start a thread, and I'll talk about it. (Personally, I think it's pretty obvious why it's high.)

Second, I identified Spencer's ideology as indicative of the alt-Right's viewpoint. I didn't say he came up with it.

Third, you did see that I actually defended you against Seattle Husker, right? We don't reflexively agree with each other.

The fact that Americans cannot have a civil discussion about the ridiculously high crime in Chicago and its causes is the sort of thing I do spend time thinking about (not Pepe or Spencer). In my view, the primary reason we cannot discuss this type of thing civilly is because liberals wont let us. They know where the discussion will go, so they prevent it. They divert attention elsewhere (imagine the sound of of a dog whistle followed by "Hey look, there is Spencer kissing Pepe!"). Meanwhile, people continue to die and otherwise suffer for it. This needs to change. Doing so will require liberals being beaten back and demoralized.

It's going to require a change of heart and attitude on the part of people. And again, I only brought up Spencer in the context of defending you. Lol.

Lastly, I am pretty sure Spencer did not invent the alt right.

Didn't say he did.
..... why would I discuss the murder rate in Chicago? .....

That was the point. You never do. In fact, I may have just forced you to write in here for the first time ever?

What you are happy and willing to do is spend the weekend writing about a guy with 800 followers. But Spencer, like the KKK, are tools in the toolbox for leftist thinkers. They are boogeymen available to be trotted out when its convenient, or when a diversion is needed. Like when someone tries to get you to talk about a real topic with real substance that actually matters to real peoples - such as the crime rate in Chicago.

Here is my theory --

The reason Liberals/Dems/Progressives refuse to talk about subjects like "the crime rate in Chicago" is obvious. These are their people, in cities controlled by their chosen Party for decades. Any discussion at all on topics like this naturally reflects poorly on them, their Party, their ideas, their policies, their system of governing. So they stonewall it, never discuss it. Never. The minimal exception being when they need their votes.

Conservatives/Libertarians/Reps dont talk about these things because they are afraid. They know that if they do, they will be attacked. Attacked as what? Attacked as a 4-chan user, alt_rt and follower of Spencer. And so on.

And so real problems never get discussed.
While fake problems, like Spencer, are safe to discuss and get plenty of play.
This current state of civil discussion of real issues in the US and it is not a good thing. And many of you are perpetuating it.
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The reason Liberals/Dems/Progressives refuse to talk about subjects like "the crime rate in Chicago" is obvious. These are their people, in cities controlled by their chosen Party for decades. Any discussion at all on topics like this naturally reflects poorly on them, their Party, their ideas, their policies, their system of governing. So they stonewall it, never discuss it. Never. The minimal exception being when they need their votes.

I think this is overly simplistic. The reason they don't talk about it is that for them, it's not relevant. When you talk about "police racism," that's a subject that's inherently nation-wide (whether it's truly rampant or not.) In other words, if it's true, it affects everyone in the country. Chicago crime isn't something that impacts Black Americans anywhere but in Chicago. And since it's unrelated to their specific issue, then there's no reason to talk about it. In all fairness, there's nothing that says you can't care about Chicago crime and still point out perceived injustices that are more global in nature - just like it's not fair to say that you can't care about immigrants while wanting to still impose consistent and reasonable immigration laws and safeguards.
Antifa started the weekend early
Antifa feminists in France are lighting police cars on fire in "revenge for sexism”


Speaking of Antifa, here is their scheduled riot locations. I think what is not listed is more interesting than what is listed.
For example, Texas is missing
Translation: We win again

...We see it on social media as well -- FB, Twitter, Google, Youtube all censor conservatives. Just within the last 48 hours, Twitter attorneys admitted under oath that they artificially suppressed Twitter #hashtags that they judged hurting Hillary's chances of winning the election. This is outrageous behavior! Corporatism and censorship are close to the traditional definition of Fascism, that libs say they hate. But not a single word from them about what Twitter did. Like everything else, they only hate Fascism when it suits them......

Twitter actually took down Trump's twitter
(back up now)
Actually the Chicago thing was a diversion, but ok.....

You unwittingly proved my point
The 791 murders in Chicago in 2016 is ... a diversion. When we could be discussing important things likes Spencer and his 800 followers worldwide.

I can see I will not win this argument with you. I should be winning. Indeed, the world would be a better place if I were. But I'm not. Sad!
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You unwittingly proved my point
The 791 murders in Chicago in 2016 is ... a diversion. When we could be discussing important things likes Spencer and his 800 followers worldwide.

It's not a diversion because it's less important. It's a diversion because it wasn't the topic at hand but was brought up change the subject away from the topic at hand.
Why is JoeFan so concerned about Chicago violence? When has he posted about the opiod epidemic in West Virginia? (Answer: Chicago is liberal, West Virginia is not).

As Prodigal stated, the Chicago and Baltimore violence are local problems. Seattle, for example, doesn't have that problem. NYC doesn't have that problem. If you go to Chicago, you'll see that it's even more localized to specific communities. Downtown Chicago is pretty safe and clean. It's tough to speak to a topic that impacts NONE of us on this board.
Or you could go back and read. . .

That is not the issue. But no matter.

As should be obvious, Chicago was just an example. One of maybe 10 I could have used off the top of my head to make the same point. The primary issue is still that you (and the rest of your gang of bandit reflexive auto-likes) throw around dog whistle terms like 4 chan, alt_rt, Spencer for no good reason. This stuff gets the antifa/progressive types excited, but you should know better. You are supposed to be smarter than that.

What do these groups even actually do? Other than producing funny memes, I am not sure they do anything. Spencer gives speeches. The rest of them exchange messages on a board (hello). Contrast that to terrorists who want to kill you. 4-Chan makes memes. Terrorists want to behead your family. The alt_right republishes leaked DNC emails. Terrorists fly airplanes full of regular folks into buildings full of regular folks. Spot the difference?
That is not the issue. But no matter.

As should be obvious, Chicago was just an example. One of maybe 10 I could have used off the top of my head to make the same point. The primary issue is still that you (and the rest of your gang of bandit reflexive auto-likes) throw around dog whistle terms like 4 chan, alt_rt, Spencer for no good reason. This stuff gets the antifa/progressive types excited, but you should know better. You are supposed to be smarter than that.

What do these groups even actually do? Other than producing funny memes, I am not sure they do anything. Spencer gives speeches. The rest of them exchange messages on a board (hello). Contrast that to terrorists who want to kill you. 4-Chan makes memes. Terrorists want to behead your family. The alt_right republishes leaked DNC emails. Terrorists fly airplanes full of regular folks into buildings full of regular folks. Spot the difference?

I mentioned Spencer and the alt-Right to distinguish you from them, but I won't do that again. Next time I'll just let SH slap his nuts on your chin.
(and the rest of your gang of bandit reflexive auto-likes)

And this is a phony point. Seattle Husker and I actually disagree more often than not. I'm much more hawkish on immigration than he is, and I'm light years away from him on social issues. (On fiscal issues, we're probably closer.) Furthermore, I take issue with him often, as I did here. The reason why it seems like we're on the same side a lot is because our disagreement is respectful. I don't treat him like an idiot (because he's not). We agree to disagree. That doesn't make us squishes or pansies. It makes us adults.

And I have no reflexive auto-likes. Hollandtx likes a lot of (though certainly not all) my posts, but that isn't reflexive. If you've read her comments, her thoughts are extremely well-considered. If she likes a post from anybody, it means that she thought about it on the merits. She's one of the smartest and thoughtful people here.
It's kind of like watching lab mice -- what will they do with this stimuli or that (no one is actually injured in these tests).
You probably triggered the living crap out of them though. But all in all, that's a good thing. Dumbassed online "offended warriors" need to be continually offended until one day they actually grow up to realize that being offended does not confer on them some special set of rights, status, or grievances.
You probably triggered the living crap out of them though. But all in all, that's a good thing. Dumbassed online "offended warriors" need to be continually offended until one day they actually grow up to realize that being offended does not confer on them some special set of rights, status, or grievances.

Doesnt it seem like they wake up each day looking for new ways to be offended?
And full of hate
This is no way to live
Rand Paul was assaulted in his home on Friday...

5 broken ribs

Was "tackled from behind and attacked" by his Democrat-voting neighbor while mowing the lawn. The neighbor is an anesthesiologist

Yet somehow this is not even the most unusual story of the weekend
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