The Media Industry

Absolutely. Did it flying to DFW the other day. They said stop bugging us and lose this number. Lol

Seriously, yes. They appreciate that.
If they don't thank you then they suck as an ATC. I don't know if the person was a DEI hire or not and I'm not going to sign up for that NR link to find out, but reading the communication transcript the communication seems awfully weak to me. I know nothing more than logging hundreds of flights in my career as a passenger, but I do know that if I were an ATC I would made it very clear to the helo AA was landing in run way 33, not 1 and they were heading towards to path of the plane. Do you see the plane means very little and there is nothing about immediate danger. "Lookout helo, the plane is landing in RW 33, change course immediately to XXXX path", seems a lot more appropriate.

I've been accused of insulting other people's intelligence before, but I'd rather overcommunicate and make sure the person understands the risks rather than have a serious accident.
Making it about DEI without at least somewhat of a causal link isn't helpful in finding the cause or in promoting the anti-DEI cause. In fact, it's counterproductive. Suppose we find out that everybody involved in this crash was a bunch of white guys who were 20-year veterans of the agency and had no preferential treatment at all but simply screwed up the night of the crash. Hard to make that about DEI, and when we try, it makes us look stupid or dishonest and reflexively anti-minority. At a time when we're starting to attract black and Hispanic voters who lean right, that isn't helpful.

And I'm not saying DEI wasn't a factor. It might have been, but I'm not going to raise the issue or get righteous about it when none of us really knows anything. That's how the Left treated Covid.
For what it is worth, the co-pilot of the helicopter was a woman with 500 hours (1/2 of that of the pilot). That in itself will be a non-issue as long as she was performing her assigned duties.

The issue other than the controller issues (one on duty when two were the minimum requirement and failure of the controller to specify which airplane the Army was supposed to be looking out for), seems to be why the helicopter climbed above its approved flight level right before the incident. One theory is when the crew went from night vision goggles to eyesight due to the surrounding lights, they invertedly climbed 100+ feet which put them over 300 feet while the AA plane was descending from 400 feet.
Am so glad to hear

So when there are close calls could it mean other pilots don't verify?
Honestly close calls rarely happen. Nothing to be concerned about. But yes that could be a cause.
If they don't thank you then they suck as an ATC. I don't know if the person was a DEI hire or not and I'm not going to sign up for that NR link to find out, but reading the communication transcript the communication seems awfully weak to me. I know nothing more than logging hundreds of flights in my career as a passenger, but I do know that if I were an ATC I would made it very clear to the helo AA was landing in run way 33, not 1 and they were heading towards to path of the plane. Do you see the plane means very little and there is nothing about immediate danger. "Lookout helo, the plane is landing in RW 33, change course immediately to XXXX path", seems a lot more appropriate.

I've been accused of insulting other people's intelligence before, but I'd rather overcommunicate and make sure the person understands the risks rather than have a serious accident.
They always appreciate when we confirm clearances or instructions.
Making it about DEI without at least somewhat of a causal link isn't helpful in finding the cause or in promoting the anti-DEI cause. In fact, it's counterproductive. Suppose we find out that everybody involved in this crash was a bunch of white guys who were 20-year veterans of the agency and had no preferential treatment at all but simply screwed up the night of the crash. Hard to make that about DEI, and when we try, it makes us look stupid or dishonest and reflexively anti-minority. At a time when we're starting to attract black and Hispanic voters who lean right, that isn't helpful.

And I'm not saying DEI wasn't a factor. It might have been, but I'm not going to raise the issue or get righteous about it when none of us really knows anything. That's how the Left treated Covid.
Cue the Twilight zone music
New "theories " are flying,
In addition to the tower being understaffed
And possibly under qualified
The number of flight hours by either pilot not all that experienced
It was suggested the helo should have had 4 crew
With one on left Not wearing night googles to watch for other aircraft. Night googles create tunnel vision so crew couldn't see all around them
Just heard that Blackhawks can be geared to fly remotely.
Time and actual facts will take care of the "theories "

I do find the witholding of female pilot name puzzling.
Prayers for all including families.
It's just anecdotal second hand info. A couple in my Sunday school had a grandson (White, from economically/educationally priviledged background) excited about passing all the tests to be an air traffic controller. However some employment conditions were a deal killer. Basically he would have to move to New York where the need was greatest, but not in a place where the air traffic controllers salary would get him the lifestyle he wants. He would have been well into his career before he could live where he wants.
No one voted for Trump to take over other land masses. We voted for him to hold government corruption accountable within our own borders. Stupid.
Pay every Greenlander $1 million and it will be the cheapest land grab in US history.

I doubt that the real plan is to actually buy Greenland. I suspect that Trump wants access to Greenland's natural resources and an expansion of the US military presence there rather than actual territorial expansion.
I doubt that the real plan is to actually buy Greenland. I suspect that Trump wants access to Greenland's natural resources and an expansion of the US military presence actual territorial expansion.
Agreed. I watched this little video on YouTube yesterday that explains what he believes is the reason Trump wants Greenland. Not sure how much of this is true but it was a compelling argument for me.

push to make Texas the new Hollywood

Not sure what I think about this. Does this make Hollywood more Texas, or make Texas more Hollywood? Actors are acting and they don't always get to be choosy about the roles they get. (I myself worked for a very woke libtard bank for a few years). BUT, I've never thought of Harrelson or "Coach" McConaughey as conservative. I've seen other nuggets that indicate Mel Gibson, Stallone, Wahlberg and a few others are in the boat on this as well. A relocation of big media away from dipshits in California would be a good thing but is it inevitable that their politics taints Texas?
push to make Texas the new Hollywood

Not sure what I think about this. Does this make Hollywood more Texas, or make Texas more Hollywood? Actors are acting and they don't always get to be choosy about the roles they get. (I myself worked for a very woke libtard bank for a few years). BUT, I've never thought of Harrelson or "Coach" McConaughey as conservative. I've seen other nuggets that indicate Mel Gibson, Stallone, Wahlberg and a few others are in the boat on this as well. A relocation of big media away from dipshits in California would be a good thing but is it inevitable that their politics taints Texas?

I think all of those actors are conservative by Hollywood standards, but that isn't saying much. They can stay in California and keep paying California taxes.

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