The Media Industry

You should be upset with both sides. We have been in this tit for tat descent for a long while and it has gotten out of hand. Neither party should be able to use the presidency the way they are starting to. Some party has to finally stand up and say this is too far. I would like to see my party do it.

We have to stop excusing abuses of power even when they are committed by "our side" and lead to a result we favor. The processes and institutions of our democracy do matter.
Trump and the populist right has decided to adopt same the tactics first implemented by Dems. If you don’t like it, your party needs to stop pushing the limits.
You should be upset with both sides. We have been in this tit for tat descent for a long while and it has gotten out of hand. Neither party should be able to use the presidency the way they are starting to. Some party has to finally stand up and say this is too far. I would like to see my party do it.

We have to stop excusing abuses of power even when they are committed by "our side" and lead to a result we favor. The processes and institutions of our democracy do matter.

We need a constitutional amendment to rein in the pardon power. I'm not sure exactly how it should be reformed, but something needs to be done. I do think Biden's pardons are worse, but I think Trump should have been more selective in the 1/6 pardons.

What could reform look like? Maybe set forth specific criteria for pardons and make them reviewable by the judiciary. I'm open to other suggestions as well.
Neither party should be able to use the presidency the way they are starting to. Some party has to finally stand up and say this is too far. I would like to see my party do it.

They can impeach and use the power of the purse. One thing the Founding Fathers didn't anticipate was Congress being a bunch of pu$$ies. They assumed Congress would try to hold onto and assert its own powers and that this urge would be stronger than partisan politics. It made sense at the time. The House elections were local affairs, and the Senate was chosen by state legislatures. The President was chosen by the electoral college after being nominated by a national political party. He was the only real national figure. That kept members of Congress more aligned with their states and state parties than with national parties and even the president.

Now, members of Congress are TV and internet celebrities with national profiles connected to national institutions. If the President is from their party, they're expected to shill for him 24/7. (If he isn't, they're expected to demonize him to no end.) Well, if you shill for your President, you're going to vote to give him more power. After several decades of that, the presidency has tremendous political power, and the Congress is castrated.
You should be upset with both sides. We have been in this tit for tat descent for a long while and it has gotten out of hand. Neither party should be able to use the presidency the way they are starting to. Some party has to finally stand up and say this is too far. I would like to see my party do it.

We have to stop excusing abuses of power even when they are committed by "our side" and lead to a result we favor. The processes and institutions of our democracy do matter.
The J6 ensured due process would not exist. If you destroy evidence, you have committed a crime. It's why we have people in prison for Tampering with Evidence.

If a defendant cannot have access to ALL potentially exculpable evidence, they have been denied due process. And in such cases, even plea agreements were no longer enforceable as the defendant lacked access to everything needed to make an informed decision.

I hope that State AG's get creative in charging every single one of those receiving pre-emptive pardons.
Amazing how broken one can be:

Musk needs to do better. I know what he was referring to when he was agreeing with the tweet that said Jews were stirring up hatred for white people. He was referring to his feud with the ADL, but agreeing with a comment that broadly labels Jews or any other group is sloppy at best and nefarious at worst. It's asking for trouble.
Musk's salute was calculated to be provacative. Resemblance to a Nazi salute was no surprise to him nor the response it has received. Just pushing the envelope and grooming Trump/Musk supporters to get ready to defend things that would have offended their own sensibilities a few months back. I fear Musk won't be "doing better" He'll be doing worse.
Musk's salute was calculated to be provacative. Resemblance to a Nazi salute was no surprise to him nor the response it has received. Just pushing the envelope and grooming Trump/Musk supporters to get ready to defend things that would have offended their own sensibilities a few months back. I fear Musk won't be "doing better" He'll be doing worse.
Not sure if seerriuus.:idk: Anyone over 8 years old can read his lips saying my heart goes out to you.

When nerds try to do something that looks cool they usually make a fool out of themselves and everyone always misinterprets it, but it certainly doesn't make them a Nazi.
" Anyone over 8 years old can read his lips saying my heart goes out to you" . If one acknowledges that how could they then say Musk was being provacative?
Does context matter?
Trump puts a refreshing spin on the post crash news conference. Instead of the typical political pussyfooting around wile awaiting completed investigations. He's lashing out at the Biden Administration and DEI. So is anybody else think he's suggesting we have been hiring mentally challenged air traffic controllers?
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