The Media Industry

“Mandatory pregnancy” now that’s quite a stretch. There have been numerous engagements in my life where I prayed there would be no pregnancy. Oh I guess she means mandatory ‘continued’ pregnancy or some such nonsense. Man I think these people are lost in another world.
I like how hornfans changes the f word to "f**khead" so sentences stop making sense. See:

"They just want to f**khead without any consequences."
You always know when the government or some group they are cooperating with has done something wrong because the reporting uses all passive verbs or the cause of the action is kept silent.

For example, there was an active shooter near our neighborhood on Saturday. The reporting after the fact was that the suspect "was found dead in a wooded area". Some of that could be honest about not knowing. But there were at least a hundred policemen hunting for the guy and any officer who discharged their weapon was put on administrative leave during investigation. I am not saying any police did anything wrong or not. But it is clear the news was not going to make any statement putting police action in question.
You always know when the government or some group they are cooperating with has done something wrong because the reporting uses all passive verbs or the cause of the action is kept silent.

For example, there was an active shooter near our neighborhood on Saturday. The reporting after the fact was that the suspect "was found dead in a wooded area". Some of that could be honest about not knowing. But there were at least a hundred policemen hunting for the guy and any officer who discharged their weapon was put on administrative leave during investigation. I am not saying any police did anything wrong or not. But it is clear the news was not going to make any statement putting police action in question.

I haven't noticed a trend away in the media from writing "Police kill suspect."
The DNC was waiting on something like this and immediately pushed it through MSNBC and CNN. They are so desperate to overcome inflation and the formula crisis that they have to go to race baiting.
You always know when the government or some group they are cooperating with has done something wrong because the reporting uses all passive verbs or the cause of the action is kept silent.

Yeah, "a fire broke out" reminds me of "officer-involved shooting".
You think they would vary the messaging between the networks, but you will hear verbatim talking points across the board. It’s uncanny.
That’s teetering on false flag and crisis actors. :)
but it is how you behave when your mission/objective turns from informing to branding/propagandizing. Study after study has shown that repeating the same message over and over is effective at changing the mind of the recipients. MSM has turned themselves into commercials for their preferred parties and there are many more on the left side that do this. I would go so far as to say that there are people whose whole job is to echo out on different websites what MSM is saying. so instead of looking like it is 5 or 6 outlets saying it, there appear to be 30-40 saying it. And by sheer volume they attempt to provide "credibility" to their biased stories.
Any of those who focused on the hoax for all of those years, yet refuse to report on the testimony should be stripped from press credentials and source confidentiality. They are liars not press.
They just want to screw, boink, bang, have coitus... without any consequences. It is an impossible goal.

It's a funny thing to say but in reality, you're spot-on. It's their feeling that they are either being raped or denied birth control. Sex is forced upon them. They have no control.

Wish I'd have known that when I was younger. I thought they controlled it. Apparently I could have had sex daily with any woman I wanted.

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