The Media Industry

Here are Fox ratings losses on Monday over 2 weeks:

Cavuto -52%
Baier -46%
McCallum -45%
Ingraham -45%
Fox and Friends -45%
Hannity -39%
Carlson -33%
Recent FARA required disclosures shows the CCP, acting through its China Daily front, paid US publications over $2 million over the past 6 months, including the WSJ, WAPO, LATimes, Houston Chronicle, Boston Globe, Foreign Policy Mag and the Financial Times. From late 2016 through Oct 2019, China Daily paid the WAPO alone more than $4.6M.

The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post Among Newspapers Paid Millions by Beijing-Controlled News Outlet to Publish Propaganda this Year - Tennessee Star
Yes, I got a China Daily newspaper supplement within the CHRON about 3-4 times in 2020
Youtube locked/banned OANN and demonetized it

It was suspended for a week.

The weeklong suspension is the result of a “strike” issued for saying that there is a guaranteed cure for COVID-19, a claim that runs afoul of YouTube’s coronavirus-specific policy.

The demonetization came as a result of “repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy and other channel monetization policies,” Choi said. Axios first reported on the suspension and demonetization.
Just talked with a @foxnews insider: the panic there is very real. If you support President Trump, you're dead with management. If you support Joe Biden, you're dead with your audience.

Maybe you should just report the news and not worry about who you support?

What a microcosm of today's media that whole statement is.
4th_floor, or Bitchute?
I'd never heard of Bitchute. I duckduckgoed it and here is the wikipedia description.

BitChute is a video hosting service known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hateful material. The platform was created in 2017 to allow video uploaders to avoid content rules enforcement on YouTube, and some creators who have been banned from YouTube or had their channels barred from receiving advertising revenue have migrated to BitChute.Wikipedia

The one that the left fears is the one we need to use. Clearly bitchute is where we need to post our videos henceforth.

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