According to Glenn Beck, Megyn Kelly is going the same route as Bill O'Reilly - trying to monetize a website and an online show as opposed to returning to a news organization.....
If that is true then, to me at least, it means all of this tweeting she has been doing lately is just a part of a calculated campaign to regain a lost audience as she launches yet another new venture. If so, this is pretty cynical. But its what you get with people who have no principles. It also reveals she has some degree of contempt for this audience she hopes to regain.
I dont know if she can do it. She has alienated both sides now. And I dont think women particularly like her now either. I dont think she is near as charming and captivating as she thinks she is. But we will see.
I know someone who knows Glenn Beck personally (Beck used to be on local radio). He has always sworn to me that Beck is cynical too, the same way MK appears to be now. That he often does not believe the various theories he has trotted out over the years, that he is simply trying to give his audience what he thinks they want to hear. My friend says Beck is a sharp guy mentally, has good business acumen and laughs/rolls his eyes about some of the stuff he puts on the air.
To me, all of this is further testament to the greatness of Rush Limbaugh, who clearly believes what he says. Which, no doubt, is a huge part of his success. Sincerity still means something, at least on my side of the political spectrum. His loss will be so sad. How the heck do you find someone to replace him? Rush is one of a kind.
I think this same idea about Rush helps explain the more recent success of Tucker Carlson on TV. He appears sincere and has a good ability to cut through the crap and simplify/summarize otherwise complicated material. But we will have to see if Carlson sticks with the program. He has definitely evolved over time. He was not always this consistent. Is this change permanent? Only time will tell.