The Media Industry

If that is true then, to me at least, it means all of this tweeting she has been doing lately is just a part of a calculated campaign to regain a lost audience as she launches yet another new venture. If so, this is pretty cynical. But its what you get with people who have no principles. It also reveals she has some degree of contempt for this audience she hopes to regain.

I dont know if she can do it. She has alienated both sides now. And I dont think women particularly like her now either. I dont think she is near as charming and captivating as she thinks she is. But we will see.

I know someone who knows Glenn Beck personally (Beck used to be on local radio). He has always sworn to me that Beck is cynical too, the same way MK appears to be now. That he often does not believe the various theories he has trotted out over the years, that he is simply trying to give his audience what he thinks they want to hear. My friend says Beck is a sharp guy mentally, has good business acumen and laughs/rolls his eyes about some of the stuff he puts on the air.

To me, all of this is further testament to the greatness of Rush Limbaugh, who clearly believes what he says. Which, no doubt, is a huge part of his success. Sincerity still means something, at least on my side of the political spectrum. His loss will be so sad. How the heck do you find someone to replace him? Rush is one of a kind.

I think this same idea about Rush helps explain the more recent success of Tucker Carlson on TV. He appears sincere and has a good ability to cut through the crap and simplify/summarize otherwise complicated material. But we will have to see if Carlson sticks with the program. He has definitely evolved over time. He was not always this consistent. Is this change permanent? Only time will tell.

I guess this will be her main online competition?


It would be better if Trump bought CNN and just put himself as a fact checker and sat right next to Anderson Cooper.

Trump: Are you really going to lie to the viewers like that Andy?
Cooper: I'm reading the teleprompter sir.
Trump: And you don't even do that well. Why don't we start reporting what's really happening now?
Unfortunately, Fox News is being infected and undermined now by the left.

You conservatives and patriots need to move to: One America Network - OAN or NewsMax.
Unfortunately, Fox News is being infected and undermined now by the left.

You conservatives and patriots need to move to: One America Network - OAN or NewsMax.
It is strange to watch happen. Fox got its market share from being the only conservative news network on. And did very well with it. Then the sons of Murdock changed the network to be left wing, running off its own audience.

It would be like the only fried chicken place in town, that does a whale of a business, stop selling chicken and going to hamburgers, with 6 other burger places around them.
It is strange to watch happen. Fox got its market share from being the only conservative news network on. And did very well with it. Then the sons of Murdock changed the network to be left wing, running off its own audience.

It would be like the only fried chicken place in town, that does a whale of a business, stop selling chicken and going to hamburgers, with 6 other burger places around them.

The son of a Murdoch who is running Fox News now was originally supposed to start up the network. He screwed up the startup so badly that daddy had to go find a proven manager/developer less than one year before targeted air date. Roger Ailes had led CNBC from a what's CNBC to a leading cable audience. Ailes had also worked on the startup of CNN, although I'm not 100% sure of the CNN part. Ailes, who developed Rush Limbaugh's national show, convinced Rupert Murdoch that there was a large conservative audience that was unserved. He also convinced Daddy Murdoch to reassign sonny boy elsewhere.

The formula worked great until Ailes tried to fire Gretchen Carlson, with whom he had really tried to bed. She started the sexual harassment avalanche that resulted in sonny boy being brought back along with his stupid liberal wife. They have been pushing Fox left since. I don't know if Murdoch still has the fire to send sonny back to the bullpen and find a new chief. Rumor is he may sell Fox News. But who would buy it now?

The internet is “the single biggest threat to our democracy”

Translation -- what he means here is if conservatives are allowed to speak. In any form. Ever.
LevinTV is on the Blaze and they are supposedly recruiting Carlson. Newsmax or OAN are rumored to be the likely landing spot for Trump and other big $ investors.

Tucker mentioned last night on his show that he's not going anywhere. Fox has invested more $ to his show and he's "grateful " for the support fox has showed him.

That kind of disappointed me, was hoping he'd jump ship. Obviously fox likes the mega ratings he brings and unfortunately tucker is comfortable at fox
Tucker mentioned last night on his show that he's not going anywhere. Fox has invested more $ to his show and he's "grateful " for the support fox has showed him.

That kind of disappointed me, was hoping he'd jump ship. Obviously fox likes the mega ratings he brings and unfortunately tucker is comfortable at fox
"I'm not interested in any other coaching jobs out there. I haven't talked with any other programs." Boom, hired by someone a few days later.

I doubt he would say otherwise here.
Tucker seems to spend a great deal of time talking about the bias in the media. When his pwn network is starting to do it, if he stays, then he's just another hypocrite.
Tucker mentioned last night on his show that he's not going anywhere. Fox has invested more $ to his show and he's "grateful " for the support fox has showed him.

That kind of disappointed me, was hoping he'd jump ship. Obviously fox likes the mega ratings he brings and unfortunately tucker is comfortable at fox
Tucker is setting his conditions for leaving. If Fox goes over the line, he can claim the moral authority to leave.
Just read that the CIA invested big amounts of seed money into the creation of Google and Facebook through their investment firm called In-Q-tel. The cozy relationship has continued to today. I don't see any of them telling the Deep State to GTH anytime soon. They aren't concerned with elected officials.
Mona that post (and others) bring to my mind that letter from the Archbishop. Goodness, things run deep in our wasteland.

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