The Media Industry

Slightly off subject but I also caught a bit of Fredo Cuomo v Ted Cruz last night. It was a classic match between a real smart jerk and a real dumb one. I don’t care for Rafael much but watching him pull Fredo’s feathers out by the handful was pure delight
It's like Farah Fawcett. I look at her and see an ok but not especially hot chick. You messed in your shorts just from me mentioning her name.

OK, I was on your side until your comment above. :smokin:

"Don't you talk about my Luciille (Farah) like that'
-Edward Kennedy, from Cool Hand Luke
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It's like Farah Fawcett. I look at her and see an ok but not especially hot chick. You messed in your shorts just from me mentioning her name.

Oh yeah cuz I'm the only man in America who thinks Farrah was insanely hot.


You digging up the dead like that was funny, tho, so you got that going for you. :-)
They have no idea how much this damages their credibility and needlessly so. Trump says idiotic things all the time, but that isn't enough. The media has to lie and distort.

Yep. It's so bizarre, and it's almost the entirety of the left, not just the media. Trump is like, the easiest candidate ever to come up with legit criticisms against, and yet the vast majority of the main complaints about him (he mocked a reporter for being disabled, he said neo-Nazis were fine people, he told people to drink bleach, he said he was going to stay in the office no matter what, he refused to condemn white supremacists) are just flat-out falsehoods. All it does is lend credence to the idea on the right that Trump is a great representative for them; it's like "he is persecuted and falsely accused just like we are, but he gets to give the rough treatment back to them in kind", so the left just keeps ensuring that most of the right will see him as an Avenging Hero (even the ones who don't like him that much in other ways).

And no, I'm not going to go to the trouble of linking to every dumbass thing Trump has said. Too much trouble and a waste of time. You won't think any of it is stupid.

Yep. But I'll help you out here with one really obvious example that should be undeniably considered dumb, sans agenda:

"Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner."
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Aggressive masking has shown no improvement over passive masking. If you look at each country and note when they locked down or mandated masks, there is no noticeable effect for any of it. That means everything else you say doesn't follow logically. Also, the only country in Europe that is clearly looking in the rear view mirror at the virus is Sweden who did the least. Other countries like UK and Belgium are worried about a "2nd wave". They always are by the way. The only thing that could have helped save lives was protect elderly, infirm, and nursing homes. That wasn't Trump's responsibility anyway. There isn't a once size fits all solution. Nursing home administrators, hospital execs, mayors, governors, etc all need to be involved.
In Oklahoma it is the difference of about 5% positivity rate - from about 10 to 15. So, about a 1/3 difference. An epidemiologist we work with has been tracking it since mandates developed.
Here's my take (as I gently wade back in). If he'd been aggressive with masking and not fight his public health experts every step of the way we'd be on the same trendline as the rest of the world, we would be opening back up, and he'd be winning in a landslide. A lot more people would still be here. That's not where we are at. The data is not good, he's not helping, and the facts coming out don't help him.

There's no question that the haggling with Fauci and the politicization of mask-wearing created a problem. However, I think the political damage of looking foolish damaged him more than the health impact. And I'm not sure about the "rest of the world." Germany and the UK are both seeing some spikes. In fact, going back on lockdown is seriously being considered here.

Instead of needing the SCOTUS seat to pull a few voters out of the church pews to vote for the ***** grabber, his people think he needs the seat to legislate the election because he can't count on Gorsuch and Roberts to do so.

I'm sure that's a factor, but he'd be making the appointment even if it wasn't. No President just willingly ditches a Supreme Court nomination.

The media "both sides" this thing. In that debate Biden was there to play chess. Trump played all of his spades trying to get under Biden's skin and get him rattled and the debate was not like chess. It was a pissing contest with a skunk where no one wins. The media "both sides" that where the candidates were unruly. One guy was playing by the rules (or trying to) and the other was playing chess like a pigeon, knocking over pieces and pooping all over the board.

I don't see much "both sides"-ing from the media. I see Trump largely getting ripped a new one and Biden mostly being praised. They are pointing out that he got obnoxious at times, but they're justifying it as a rightful response to Trump.
In Oklahoma it is the difference of about 5% positivity rate - from about 10 to 15. So, about a 1/3 difference. An epidemiologist we work with has been tracking it since mandates developed.

It's coincidence. If it was causative you would see the same relationship across all other countries, states, regions. You don't. The virus tracks the same regardless of the precautions taken. The only difference is when the curve occurs due to when the virus gets a foothold in the population.
It's coincidence. If it was causative you would see the same relationship across all other countries, states, regions. You don't. The virus tracks the same regardless of the precautions taken. The only difference is when the curve occurs due to when the virus gets a foothold in the population.
I quietly, disagree.
Did you see that POS Acosta whined that Trump did not take questions as he walked to Marine One on way to Walter Reed?

The New York Times:
“Facing Grim Polls, Trump Leans Into Playing the Victim”

The Washington Post:
“Imagine What it Will Be Like to Never Have to Think About Trump Again”
Say what you will about O'Reily, but he was the only one in the media who refused to take crap from frauds like Rubin
There is no one left who shuts her down like this


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