The Media Industry

Any wonder why Fox News chooses Chris Wallace to moderate the debate? At least Shep Smith isn't around.

"Mr. Trump, what's the middle name, and favorite color, of the Deputy Agriculture Minister of Uzbekistan?"

"Mr. Trump, would you consider yourself to be more racist, or more sexist?"

Headline next day: "Trump flubs key foreign policy question, fails to refute questions about his racism and sexism".
More - I think this story is pretty interesting -- this part is more about Fox's 'blacklist' rather than Soros specifically

Tucker Carlson spent a lot of time tonight beating up Soros (funding DA's in TX, CA, IN, PA, etc). Same as last night. Either TC didn't get the memo or he got a green light. He lit into Soros pretty well
Tucker Carlson spent a lot of time tonight beating up Soros (funding DA's in TX, CA, IN, PA, etc). Same as last night. Either TC didn't get the memo or he got a green light. He lit into Soros pretty well

I dont think he cares what the children of Murdoch think.
Plus I guess having the #1 ratings only make him more bold
Stop me if you have herd this before, but our media is so dishonest
They are not just in bed with the Biden Campaign, but are performing services that used to be illegal while in the bed. And they are doing it all for free

How can he get through the debates without one?

@Mr. Deez This is insanity. It’s going to get worse as we get closer to Election Day. How will they behave themselves during the SCOTUS appointment?

MSNBC's Donny Deutsch: What Is The Difference Between Trump And Hitler? "I'm Not Saying There's A Holocaust"

Somebody with sanity needs to challenge these kinds of ********* comparisons. He's like Hitler, except that he didn't commit or attempt genocide, never imprisoned political or media opponents without due process, never launched a war against his neighbors, and never sought major, centralized control over the economy. How's he like Hitler? They both breathe air and eat food, though since Hitler was a vegetarian, there isn't even a lot of similarity there. They both avoided alcohol. In other words, he's like Hitler except on everything for which we view Hitler negatively. If Trump wants to be less like Hitler, he should have a beer.
Somebody with sanity needs to challenge these kinds of ********* comparisons. He's like Hitler, except that he didn't commit or attempt genocide, never imprisoned political or media opponents without due process, never launched a war against his neighbors, and never sought major, centralized control over the economy. How's he like Hitler? They both breathe air and eat food, though since Hitler was a vegetarian, there isn't even a lot of similarity there. They both avoided alcohol. In other words, he's like Hitler except on everything for which we view Hitler negatively. If Trump wants to be less like Hitler, he should have a beer.
It's like they are 8 year olds on a playground. You know when the bully is saying stupid **** there are kids who want to speak up but are afraid to do so. I think it's the same at CNN/MSNBC. When you do see Cuomo, for example, look uncomfortable at Lemon ranting about blowing it all up and abolishing the Electoral College, he seems afraid to go against the talking points when Lemon raises his voice.

It is patently absurd the things they say about Trump and get away with it. Hitler, racist, on and on. You see the videos of the Prager U people asking students for examples of what Trump says that is racist. They can never come up with a single example, but it never matters.
Isn't that the problem Mr D?
There aren't enough people with a national platform to challenge the crap the DMC is spewing.
Tucker does but how many others ? There are hundreds of haters 24/7 coming oui with this chit. And they get validated by hundreds more
Isn't that the problem Mr D?
There aren't enough people with a national platform to challenge the crap the DMC is spewing.
Tucker does but how many others ? There are hundreds of haters 24/7 coming oui with this chit. And they get validated by hundreds more
Right. People who watch CNN/MSNBC aren't probably seeking out Tucker Carlson clips to watch.
It's like they are 8 year olds on a playground. You know when the bully is saying stupid **** there are kids who want to speak up but are afraid to do so. I think it's the same at CNN/MSNBC. When you do see Cuomo, for example, look uncomfortable at Lemon ranting about blowing it all up and abolishing the Electoral College, he seems afraid to go against the talking points when Lemon raises his voice.

It is patently absurd the things they say about Trump and get away with it. Hitler, racist, on and on. You see the videos of the Prager U people asking students for examples of what Trump says that is racist. They can never come up with a single example, but it never matters.
Yep, and it's the same with Hitler. You ask a liberal for examples of how Trump is like Hitler you just get called names and told you're stupid and uneducated. Yet I can certainly cite many examples of how the democratic party is just like Nazism. They don't even try to hide their hypocrisy anymore because they know the MSM will never point it out.
Man the reporting on this latest Trump statement is incredibly disingenuous. He very clearly (and this is not from a Trump supporter), for about the hundredth time in the past few years, simply did not say anything like he's been reported as saying.

He didn't say he'd just refuse to step down even if he actually does lose the election. He said he won't immediately concede upon a report that he lost the election, until all the issues with ballots are sorted out. In other words, he'd do the same thing Gore did in 2000 when it first reported that Gore lost but then reported that there were ballot-counting issues - not accept a reported loss until it was certified as a definitive loss.

And regardless of whether his fears of fraud are justified or not, this is the same sensible thing any politician would do. Imagine a sports team behind trying to score right before the buzzer, and the ref said they fail to do so - but it goes to instant replay. Would they just walk off the field/court and accept the loss before finding out if the ref came back and changed the call after seeing the replay?
Man the reporting on this latest Trump statement is incredibly disingenuous. He very clearly (and this is not from a Trump supporter), for about the hundredth time in the past few years, simply did not say anything like he's been reported as saying.

He didn't say he'd just refuse to step down even if he actually does lose the election. He said he won't immediately concede upon a report that he lost the election, until all the issues with ballots are sorted out. In other words, he'd do the same thing Gore did in 2000 when it first reported that Gore lost but then reported that there were ballot-counting issues - not accept a reported loss until it was certified as a definitive loss.

And regardless of whether his fears of fraud are justified or not, this is the same sensible thing any politician would do. Imagine a sports team behind trying to score right before the buzzer, and the ref said they fail to do so - but it goes to instant replay. Would they just walk off the field/court and accept the loss before finding out if the ref came back and changed the call after seeing the replay?

They have no idea how much this damages their credibility and needlessly so. Trump says idiotic things all the time, but that isn't enough. The media has to lie and distort.
They have no idea how much this damages their credibility and needlessly so. Trump says idiotic things all the time, but that isn't enough. The media has to lie and distort.

Please give me an example of something you deem idiotic that Trump has said this past week. Should be really easy since he says such things all the time.
Please give me an example of something you deem idiotic that Trump has said this past week. Should be really easy since he says such things all the time.
I was thinking yesterday that Trump has been 100% focused on the election starting Aug 1 or thereabouts.
Please give me an example of something you deem idiotic that Trump has said this past week. Should be really easy since he says such things all the time.

"All the time" is an expression, not a phrase to be taken literally. If we're being literal, he says a lot of idiotic things - more often than any politician in my lifetime.
Some would say.

Obviously, plenty disagree. However, this presidential election is close mostly because Trump says idiotic things. I'm not saying that there's anything he could have done with his mouth to win a 49-state blowout like we used to see. We're too polarized to get that kind of outcome. However, he almost surely wouldn't be trailing as he is. He'd be winning in the swing states with a real chance to pickup close states he lost last time. Presidents with his economic record don't lose reelection.
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Trump could literally say and tweet nothing. The MSM would still attack and mischaracterize everything he doesn't say or tweet. Yeah, he's so idiotic. He's brilliant actually, because guys like you, Deez, are very smart yet he has trolled you as well as the media and left into focusing on his "idiotic" comments.

I know you won't agree with that, but most of us can probably see that it is true.

For F's sake, the race is close because the media hates Trump and they make it close. It wasn't close 4 years ago. It was going to be a runaway for Hillary. That really worked out well for her.
BTW, Deez, that interview with Woodward happened in Feb. That's hardly "all the time".
Right when all the news of Covid was coming's out. Yeah, would have been applauded now, I'm sure, had he come out and said it's really deadly and we should all lockdown for 6 months.

Doesn't matter what he says or does. The only thing I will say is if he thought it was good strategy to cooperate and be forthcoming with the hack Woodward, I hope he fired the idiots who gave that advice. He shouldn't have talked to Woodward.
Doesn't matter what he says or does. The only thing I will say is if he thought it was good strategy to cooperate and be forthcoming with the hack Woodward, I hope he fired the idiots who gave that advice. He shouldn't have talked to Woodward.

I am betting he went against advise on this. Just like the town hall he did with so-called "undecided" voters. He thinks he can win anyone over, and he likes to try. Way more than you can day for Hiden Biden.

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