The Media Industry

See if you can spot the difference

Shhh, you said the name, now his *** Eaters are going to be flying via smoke trail to your house.

You must refer to him as "He Who Must Not Be Named!".
That twofer of photos is good as any showcase of media suck-assitry as any I've seen.

First one of the First Lady. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what she has on. You can tell this if for no other reason that the media goes to the "people are saying" trick. It's an indefensible position that she does not look good or tasteful. So they scroll Twitter and find 3 ******** who say they don't like it, and make a story out of that.

Second one of empty brain Harris. Between the boots, leggings, and pears, she looks like a homeless person who has to wear all her worldly clothes, lest another vagrant steal them from her shopping cart while she's urinating in a public fountain.

There is nothing defensible about boots and pearls, it's a ridiculous outdoor / indoor look. And of course, the virtue signalling mask for an outdoor setting with no one else around, which is quickly taken off as soon as the media have taken their pictures.
One is hot and the other is so ugly she has to wear a mask to cover up her face?
That twofer of photos is good as any showcase of media suck-assitry as any I've seen.
First one of the First Lady. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what she has on. You can tell this if for no other reason that the media goes to the "people are saying" trick. It's an indefensible position that she does not look good or tasteful. So they scroll Twitter and find 3 ******** who say they don't like it, and make a story out of that.
Second one of empty brain Harris. Between the boots, leggings, and pears, she looks like a homeless person who has to wear all her worldly clothes, lest another vagrant steal them from her shopping cart while she's urinating in a public fountain.
There is nothing defensible about boots and pearls, it's a ridiculous outdoor / indoor look. And of course, the virtue signalling mask for an outdoor setting with no one else around, which is quickly taken off as soon as the media have taken their pictures.

OK, but my point was the media coverage itself
Same media
its like the producer voice in the ear told them to move on from Soros

Chill out, dude, That was the left wing chick of the panel saying to lay off Soros. It wasn't Harris Faulkner, and I think Newt thought he was being spiked by either Harris or Melissa. Not the case.

That show (Outnumbered) has 5 panelists, the Harp chick and/ or Juan plays the left wingnut of the group. FOX didn't spike Gingrich, the panel can chime in when they wish

HArris Faulkner even made the comment she wanted Newt to have the last word, Harp wouldn't even give him that much
If Soros is actually bankrolling these "leaders," I'm not sure why he can't be discussed. During the Tea Party rallies, all we heard about was the Koch Brothers.
its like the producer voice in the ear told them to move on from Soros

Chill out, dude, That was the left wing chick of the panel saying to lay off Soros. It wasn't Harris Faulkner, and I think Newt thought he was being spiked by either Harris or Melissa. Not the case.

That show (Outnumbered) has 5 panelists, the Harp chick and/ or Juan plays the left wingnut of the group. FOX didn't spike Gingrich, the panel can chime in when they wish

HArris Faulkner even made the comment she wanted Newt to have the last word, Harp wouldn't even give him that much

Actually, when Gingrich finishes speaking, it is actually Melissa who initially says, "I'm not sure we need to bring George Soros into this" before the smarmy Dem chimes in and agrees with her. Very awkward segment.
its like the producer voice in the ear told them to move on from Soros

Chill out, dude, That was the left wing chick of the panel saying to lay off Soros. It wasn't Harris Faulkner, and I think Newt thought he was being spiked by either Harris or Melissa. Not the case...

From REVEALED: The Real Reason Fox News Censored Soros Debate

" .... Look closely – the last few moments – before Fox unceremoniously dumps former Speaker Gingrich. That moment of silence, in case you don’t know how TV works behind the scenes, is a producer in Fox host Harris Faulkner’s ear telling her to dump out of the segment

* * *
A senior Fox News staffer confirmed to me that the network discourages discussion of Soros which management claims is “anti-Semitic”.


Talking about an atheist who hates Israel is anti-Semitic now.

But Gingrich, who did nothing but point out the accurate information that George Soros proudly and openly funded District Attorney (DA) races across the country, was silenced. For a reason.

Why don’t they want people knowing this, right now?

Because many of these DAs are going to be involved in the election dispute process after November 3rd, we’ve seen it already in the past year when a Surf City DA recused himself after one of his prosecutors spoke at a candidate’s rally...."
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From REVEALED: The Real Reason Fox News Censored Soros Debate

" .... Look closely – the last few moments – before Fox unceremoniously dumps former Speaker Gingrich. That moment of silence, in case you don’t know how TV works behind the scenes, is a producer in Fox host Harris Faulkner’s ear telling her to dump out of the segment

* * *
A senior Fox News staffer confirmed to me that the network discourages discussion of Soros which management claims is “anti-Semitic”.


Talking about an atheist who hates Israel is anti-Semitic now.

But Gingrich, who did nothing but point out the accurate information that George Soros proudly and openly funded District Attorney (DA) races across the country, was silenced. For a reason.

Why don’t they want people knowing this, right now?

Because many of these DAs are going to be involved in the election dispute process after November 3rd, we’ve seen it already in the past year when a Surf City DA recused himself after one of his prosecutors spoke at a candidate’s rally...."

More on the Soros/Fox News issue

From REVEALED: The Real Reason Fox News Censored Soros Debate
But Gingrich, who did nothing but point out the accurate information that George Soros proudly and openly funded District Attorney (DA) races across the country, was silenced. For a reason.
Why don’t they want people knowing this, right now?
Because many of these DAs are going to be involved in the election dispute process after November 3rd, we’ve seen it already in the past year when a Surf City DA recused himself after one of his prosecutors spoke at a candidate’s rally...."

Among the list of Soros funded DAs around the country is
Kim Ogg, Harris County TX
José Garza, Travis County TX
Delia Garza, Travis County TX
Any wonder why Fox News chooses Chris Wallace to moderate the debate? At least Shep Smith isn't around.

Let Tucker do it

Or me. I would do it for free and and I am a highly trained question-asker. And I would guarantee high ratings. We might get riots too, but the TV ratings would be great
Here are some of the stories on the Soros DAs
I dont know if he had legal fights over the 2020 as the main purpose but as of today, it seems possible

Here is O'Reily discussing the weird Newt Gingrich/Soros segment on Fox News -- this all ties to the rioting

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And yet Soros can continue to pour money in and buy races
In retrospect it is amazing Senator Cruz held off Beta

And some if not most of that money comes from non-US based entities
I posted some recent case law where the simple statement of facts made it clear that most Soros' operations were foreign
Yet they dont comply with FARA rules

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