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U.S. trade deficit narrows in 2019 for first time in six years

The trade deficit dropped 1.7% to $616.8 billion last year, declining for the first time since 2013. That represented 2.9% of GDP, down from 3.0% in 2018.

Goods imports plunged 1.7% last year, also the first decrease in three years. The United States imported 2.4 billion barrels of crude oil, the fewest since 1992, as the country significantly reduced its dependence of foreign oil amid a surge in production and exploration.

It also imported fewer capital and other goods. The 1.3% tumble in exports was led by decreases in shipments of capital goods, industrial supplies and materials, and other goods.
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I see some defending Pelosi and the tear by saying she may have been frustrated at Rush being awarded the MOF. Hell, a quick search showed Obama awarded it to Diana Ross, Springsteen, Deniro, Redford, Hanks, Ellen, and on and on with the celebrities.

Yes, they must have all done more for the country than Limbaugh on the conservative political front.
I see some defending Pelosi and the tear by saying she may have been frustrated at Rush being awarded the MOF. Hell, a quick search showed Obama awarded it to Diana Ross, Springsteen, Deniro, Redford, Hanks, Ellen, and on and on with the celebrities.

Yes, they must have all done more for the country than Limbaugh on the conservative political front.
I think Pelosi is saying that it was too partisan to do it at SOTU.
Class act. He may feel like Hillary and Mitt in having lost the election to the Presidency but, if that's the case, has the ability to get over it.

He doesn't feel like Hillary or Mitt. He lost the election and went on with his life. Bob Dole was and is the ultimate war hero. The guy literally had his body broken apart and mangled by machine gunfire for his country. After going through that, losing a presidential election is a cakewalk.
By the way, I agree with Dole that Trump's SOTU address was superb. In fact, I've never seen him give one that wasn't superb. He's damn good at it. (It also helps that the House Democrats basically set themselves on fire during his SOTUs and do everything they can to look like contemptuous idiots and America-haters.) It's just a shame. If SOTU-Trump was Everyday-Trump or even Most-days-Trump, he'd have a 60 percent approval rating, and basically no Democrat could even seriously threaten him. All of the main swing states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan) would already be in the tank, and he'd be putting states like Minnesota, New Hampshire, Nevada, Maine, Virginia, and Colorado into play. And obviously, Republicans would easily still control Congress.
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A look at the number of judicial appointments under Trump vs the last 3 GOP admins. All of these are through the end of Jan of the 4th year, first term --

Trump: 50
GW Bush: 29
H Bush: 31
Reagan: 23

Trump: 187
GW Bush: 168
H Bush: 129
Reagan: 122

Notes -- While there are more total seats now than during Reagan, the "quality control" is also better now (eg, more "originalists"). While it's impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of "another Souter," we do now at least take greater steps to minimise that chance.

Lastly, McConnell queued up 5 more nominees by the end of the day yesterday. As mentioned many times before, this is the way we save our little republic. This is the way.
California trying to make it against the law to “not vote”. Huh? Are they nuts? And how do you enforce that? They are threatening jail time if passed.
He doesn't feel like Hillary or Mitt. He lost the election and went on with his life. Bob Dole was and is the ultimate war hero. The guy literally had his body broken apart and mangled by machine gunfire for his country. After going through that, losing a presidential election is a cakewalk.
He may have gone on to Utah and became a Senator again, but you are the only person, besides his fellow Democrats, who I have seen or heard say he isn't bitter and jealous of Trump.
He may have gone on to Utah and became a Senator again, but you are the only person, besides his fellow Democrats, who I have seen or heard say he isn't bitter and jealous of Trump.

I was referring to Dole. I do think Mitt is bitter. Jealous? Not sure. Bitter? Yes.
IMO it was mostly the tariffs
If so, will probably disappear due to Phase I
You still hate any and all tariffs?

If tariffs reduced trade deficit that sounds like overall trade reduced but imports reduced less than exports. Not a good outcome.

I don't hate tariffs if there is no income tax. Sales tax would probably be best to more broadly spread burden across products. A small overall tariff in addition is probably okay, but a tariff against a specific country or product is going to cause acute pain that will get on the news.

Hey. I think taxes are theft, so I have a negative attitude about all of them.
California trying to make it against the law to “not vote”. Huh? Are they nuts? And how do you enforce that? They are threatening jail time if passed.

The Democrats believe there are more voters who will vote for them if forced to vote. They believe that is the only reason they lose elections (as long as Russians don't interfere). Enacting laws is always the Democrats' solution to a problem. Therefore, they want a law forcing everyone to vote. They may not throw people in jail, but they would then fund the government to go pick voters up and take them to polling places.

It would be honestly just like elections in Russia. "Get in the van, here is a $20 bill, we are from the Democratic Party to take you to vote."
I see some defending Pelosi and the tear by saying she may have been frustrated at Rush being awarded the MOF. Hell, a quick search showed Obama awarded it to Diana Ross, Springsteen, Deniro, Redford, Hanks, Ellen, and on and on with the celebrities.

Yes, they must have all done more for the country than Limbaugh on the conservative political front.
I'll let you google all of the horrible things Rush has said about people over the years. He's a pathetic human. Sorry he has cancer. He shouldn't be lionized. At least not in that setting.

I thought Pelosi pulled a Trump. She took some shine off of his grand moment. Everyone was talking about her and not the SOTU.
I was referring to Dole. I do think Mitt is bitter. Jealous? Not sure. Bitter? Yes.
Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode where Elaine and Jerry are setting up George.

Jerry: I was just trying to help your bitter, twisted friend.
Elaine: She's not bitter!
Jerry: Well, bitter's a judgement call, but she's twisted!
Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode where Elaine and Jerry are setting up George.

Jerry: I was just trying to help your bitter, twisted friend.
Elaine: She's not bitter!
Jerry: Well, bitter's a judgement call, but she's twisted!

But I don't think Romney's cheek has a "pinkish hue."

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