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Maybe this has been posted elsewhere, but I saw a FB meme questioning how 4 Dem candidates for President can vote to remove their opponent. The implication is the irony that want to impeach because Trump supposedly wanted Biden investigated to prevent him from being his opponent.
Maybe this has been posted elsewhere, but I saw a FB meme questioning how 4 Dem candidates for President can vote to remove their opponent. The implication is the irony that want to impeach because Trump supposedly wanted Biden investigated to prevent him from being his opponent.

I brought it up to Bubba in the Impeachment thread. I asked him if all 4 should step down from this trial due to the fact that Trump is their political opponent. He didn't answer me.
Surely someone in Senate will bring this up?
You would have thought they would have disqualified themselves since they are so concerned about appearances of conflict of interest. <sarc>

Seriously, how it is even allowed for these people to vote to remove or not is just adding to what a joke all of this really is.
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New CBO report says economic growth spurred by tax cuts will reduce the deficit over 10 years by $700m. Don’t have link yet.
I asked him if all 4 should step down from this trial due to the fact that Trump is their political opponent.

I was also thinking the same thing, the senators should recuse themselves. Also should it be brought up in the trail?

Trump defense shouldn’t because you risk alienating all senators by questioning the integrity of the 4. House managers, no way they are going to point that out, they are trying to pull the biggest snow job on the American people.
I just had 2 people walk in with clip boards into my business soliciting/looking for people that’s Democrat to register them so they can vote. I had to ask them to leave.
... Lastly, your safe-place liberal-echo chambers will not last forever. Internal conflict in this type of environment is always inevitable. They always turn into circular firing squads. History is full of real life examples -- one of my favorites is how the Bolsheviks turned on the Jews in Russia, which was also always inevitable. (for this story, I recommend Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Center — Two Hundred Years Together ).....

Example No. 3 trillion and one
New CBO report says economic growth spurred by tax cuts will reduce the deficit over 10 years by $700m. Don’t have link yet.
Not sure how you can reduce the deficit when your spending keeps adding to it?

These reports are useless and have very little truth to them. Until we have a balanced budget or budget surplus then the debt will continue to pile up.
Not sure how you can reduce the deficit when your spending keeps adding to it?

These reports are useless and have very little truth to them. Until we have a balanced budget or budget surplus then the debt will continue to pile up.
You can’t. But the higher growth economy is project to pay for the tax cuts over 10 years.
Sounds like Trump took out another terrorist leader -- the head of Al Qaeda in Yemen. He had repeatedly threatened to attack American soil. He was involved with the 2008 attack on the US Embassy in Yemen and planning for the 2009 plot down a US airliner.

I don't understand why we trust the news on war. The media get their information from the military. You know the Deep State? The Swamp? They have lied about just about every war. Did you read the documents about Afghanistan? It is a total cluster-eff. But now we should believe that the military has a totally cogent and specific strategy for Yemen? In that country we are literally helping Saudi Arabia to starve civilians. This Al Qaeda guy may be bad. I don't know. Let's try not killing innocent civilians in his country and then see how many people want to attack America. But until then, we are waging war in THEIR country.

Do we expect they are okay with that? Do we expect that they don't want to hurt America back? If another country's army was killing people in the US, I would be calling for death to them too. Wouldn't you?
Not sure how you can reduce the deficit when your spending keeps adding to it?

These reports are useless and have very little truth to them. Until we have a balanced budget or budget surplus then the debt will continue to pile up.

Trump has never even claimed he wants to balance the budget. It won't happen while he is in office.
Trump has never even claimed he wants to balance the budget. It won't happen while he is in office.

Somebody has to care for it to happen. The Left will hate Trump no matter what he does, so they don't care. So long as the Left hates him, the Right will love him no matter what he does, so they don't care either.

Before the Trump supporters start yelling, "we care about the deficit!!," you only care about something if it can actually impact how you vote. If you're going to vote for Trump (or against Trump) regardless of the deficit, then you don't care about the deficit.
Hillary Voter Explains Why She Walked Away From the Democrats - YouTube

I think there is more of this happening than everyone realizes. I personally knew back in 2016 the Democrats were in trouble when my Dad (who was a hardcore Dem) called me to say he’s voting for Trump. He voted for Obama in 2008 and then was so mad at him that he didn’t even vote in 2012. First time in his life he didn’t vote. We didn’t even speak politics because we didn’t want to harm our relationship. I remember as a kid playing with my cousins in the living room and hearing my dad and uncle in the dinning room arguing over who Ronald Reagan as president. My uncle would bash Jimmy Carter and my Dad defended him. So I knew in 2016 the Dems were in trouble when they lost my dad’s vote. I just never thought he’d vote for a Republican in his lifetime.

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