Joe Fan
10,000+ Posts
The reactions from many at Davos supporting Trump and what he has done wil drive the haters nuts.....
My impression is that he was politely trying to convince them that "this is the way."
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The reactions from many at Davos supporting Trump and what he has done wil drive the haters nuts.....
.... I am still trying to figure out why America First is bad.
I assume you include me in "they", but if so you are dead wrong. I spend a lot more time reading alternate viewpoints than I do reading stuff I agree with, because I agree that that is the best way to learn and challenge opinions. .
SH likes to post on the crypto thread."They" could begin and end w/ Seattle Husker as far as I'm concerned. His last appearance here included an insulting diatribe to a poster here (mc, garmel, I35, don't remember). His demeaning comments were proven false, outright. I commented on it. Seattle was no doubt embarrassed by his tone as well as inaccuracy. Haven't seen a post from him since
Bubba - hard headed but I enjoy reading his stuff. Longest-, can be R to X rated in comments, but take him fwiw
I'm with you on listening to differing opinions. In the car I listen to npr. Makes my ears bleed at times, but it always pays to get every side of the argument.
So that was you. I thought so but couldnt say for certain. And then you disappeared for months after.
And werent you also the poster who argued with me about who started Obama birtherism? I said it was Hillary bag man and dirty trickster Sidney Blumenthal. You said no way that it had to be the crazy Republicans. Then I showed you. And you were gone. If this was not you then apologizes. I am somewhat infamous for getting usernames mixed up.
Not a fair comparison since Hillary accepted SoS under Obama to help set up her 2016 campaign.That said, I'd be interested to know whether Clinton joined Trump in continuing to pound the issue even after it was proven to be false.
vid of Trump stopping to talk with Gov. Abbott at Davos summit.
Really classy
You seem to suggest that I walked away due to some irrefutable point you had made. That isn't at all what happened. The discussion carried on for pages and pages. You kept throwing out allegation after allegation, and I countered them all with cold hard facts. I just re-read the thread, and my biased opinion is that I won the debate by a wide margin. I'm sure you disagree, but don't flatter yourself by thinking I gave up and walked away.
My decision to drastically reduce how often I post on the West Mall happened years later, for irrelevant reasons. This thread reaffirms that I made the right decision.
I can't find any evidence that you and I ever discussed this issue on Hornfans. I thought for sure I must've mentioned the words "birther" and "Blumenthal" at some point over the years, but the search feature says I haven't. In any event, the main thread where you have posted on the topic appears to be this one. I posted on that thread, but on irrelevant topics.
For what it's worth, I don't know whether you are right that the Hillary Clinton campaign "started" the birther attacks, but I do agree with you that they raised the issue long before President Trump's campaign did. Both Clinton and Trump deserve condemnation for doing so. That said, I'd be interested to know whether Clinton joined Trump in continuing to pound the issue even after it was proven to be false.
(I think your sarcasm detector is on the fritz...)hic?
You didn't like Trump offering the take our Gov home on AF1?
This is silliness. I am somewhat surprised to find someone still willing to defend the Clintons and their "Foundation." Someone who still wants to litigate how they used it. I honestly thought that ship had sailed.
Everyone knows the Clinton's travel a lot. You know how they roll. They go large. So ask yourself --
How do they travel? Do they book their trips on a money saving site? Or do they go first class?
How do they fly? Do they travel commercial? Or do they fly on private jets?
Where do they stay? Are they in hostels, maybe AirBNB? Or are they in 5-star hotels and rented villas?
Where do they eat? Are they eating from food carts on the street corner? Or, are the eating at Michelin-starred restaurants? (well, maybe bill still scrounges up some fastfood, but the Clintons females certainly are not bellying-up to a McDonald's counter)
Do they travel alone, or do they have a posse? Who provides said posse's travel and accomodations?
Does Hillary take personal medical care with her wherever she goes? Seems like she has to.
Do they hire private security wherever they go? Or do they just completely rely on their limited, taxpayer-funded SS protection?
Do they shop while on travel? Buy gifts for anyone? What do you suppose that operation looks like?
How much does all this cost? Rolling this way with such a giant footprint is expensive. Sure they get help with some of the travel via friends (like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, lol) but the Clintons dont really have as many friends as they used to. Do they?
It adds up. Who pays for it all? Just think of their monthly cash outflows. It's probably staggering. It might not be as high as it used to be, but even so, they probably spend more on travel (in total) in a week than most Americans do in a year. That money comes from somewhere. Yet both are unemployed? How is it even possible?
I suggest to you that the explanation is very simple. It just involves a little common sense. The Clinton Foundation was a money-laundering scheme set up to fund this lavish lifestyle. I believe it was pardoned fugitive and expert financial schemer Marc Rich who told them how to set it up to avoid scrutiny. Hillary traded access and US Govt positions on certain issues for cash "donations." As well as the promise of more, once she became president. There are hundreds of examples. And just look at what happened to those donations to the CF once it became clear she would not be president. They fell off a cliff. Everyone knows this. Everyone except you apparently.
So, anything out of top 25 is essentially zero?Ranking of countries by % of GDP donated to charity:
1. US (1.44%)
2. New Zealand (.79%)
3. Canada (.77%)
4. United Kingdom (.54%)
5. South Korea (.50%)
12. Japan (.12%)
18. France (.11%)
24. China (.03%)
So, anything out of top 25 is essentially zero?
I was locating the floorThere are more than a few conclusions you could draw from this
.. But is it fair to hold the Clintons to such a standard when other major charities don't operate that way? ...
The French are at it again tonight
It is widely accepted that the hurricane relief was not handled well, and I'm sure there was both corruption and incompetence at play. But some degree of waste is inevitable under emergency conditions. I'm sure that there was even more of it in Puerto Rico than is normal elsewhere, but that is at least in part because the conditions were worse and the island is, well, an island.
Don't forget that the discussion was over whether we should refuse to provide more relief because the relief we did provide was wasted. I was pushing back on that, saying the known waste was not nearly widespread enough to justify such a reaction. I still stand by that.
Agreed. I never thought he was.
The media isn't silent about it here. The sad thing is that they're pissed about something good that Macron is trying to do (pension reform).
We dont see any of it. Or I havent noticed it at least. Maybe on the BBC channel?
In 2014, expenses exceeded 51% of donations. About 3% of donations were granted to legitimate charities. The foundation claims that most money is used for charitable purposes.........Yeah, right............On the spending side, most of the money went to legitimate operations. There was quite a bit of travel involved, but this is not unsual or inappropriate for an international foundation. ...........
I partially agree that most successful politicians are corrupt and will never be prosecuted. I still consider their behavior as criminal. Any charity that uses more than 50% of donations as "expenses" is a fraud............I should add -- are the Clintons unstained angels who should be emulated and admired? Of course not. They are ruthless politicians who use shady tactics to get ahead -- just like all successful politicians. But that doesn't make them criminals, and it doesn't make their foundation a fraud.
Dangerous lie?
Here is Ralph Northam himself on post-birth abortion
Still one of the most chilling things I have ever heard a politician say.
On top of everything else, Trump tricked the MSM into covering the March for Life, something they dont normally do
I was working in DC for some of those, they were huge, yet never generated much media coverage. Go figure