The First 100 days

Mike Lee on an issue that does not get enough attention -- but we really dont talk about it because of Trump-hate -- its worth the time if you have the 14m

“President Trump might be the only one that could make that hard choice because there would be a firestorm if anybody talks about actually ending this [war in Afghanistan].”

I have some numbers and something of a timeline to act as an update on the current economic battle with China, which is something a couple of us like to discuss

Year-to-date, the US goods deficit with China is at $199B, down 10.2% from the same time last year

Aug 2019, Trump implemented new 10% tariffs on $300B worth of imports
Sept = 112B in clothing, footwear, textiles
Dec = 160B in consumer electronics, toys, Christmas ornaments
The existing tariffs on $250b was +/- 29% of imported goods
The Sept tariffs increased that to 69%

China retaliated by announcing tariffs on $75B of US exports of auto’s, crude oil, agri products like corn, pork, soybeans, to be phased in Sept and Dec

Trump retaliated to their retaliation, US to raise tariffs on $550B worth of Chinese imports by 5%.
Increasing the existing 25% tariff on $250B worth of Chinese goods to 30% on Oct 1
Raising the previously announced 10% tariffs on $300B worth of Chinese imports to 15%

Trump also called on US companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative to China” and to make more products in the United States

“... in conference calls with investors...dozens of executives have signaled plans to further diversify their supply chain...substantially reduce their dependence on Chinese manufacturing....”
Companies did began to remove themselves from China. For example, in Sept -- “Apple today confirmed that its newly redesigned Mac Pro will be manufactured in Austin, Texas.” Other companies announced moves out of China but not to the US. These include Vietnam and other now "friendly" countries. These friendly countries have already become our new trading partners.

Timeline - click once to enlarge

CNBC story about Trump asking US companies to move from China President Trump ordered US firms to ditch China, but many already have and more are on the way
AAPL story on the Austin plant Apple’s new Mac Pro to be made in Texas
WSJ article on the crucial supply chain story Manufacturers Move Supply Chains Out of China
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She is pretty, and for politics, she is absolutely stunning. Politics is largely a sausage fest and largely the domain of nerds. It usually repels hot chicks.
Can you imagine being one of those political nerds working in the same office as her?
There are a few marriage enders I have contemplated. She is one of them.

And political dorks like us are exactly what she's looking for. Lol.

Can you imagine being one of those political nerds working in the same office as her?

It would be a little like this.


I do understand somewhat, yes. Back in the day, there was a girl involved in our group who had been a model as a preteen, so she was a pretty girl (though not as stunning as Hope Hicks). However, she also "blossomed" very, very nicely - probably wore a 34DD, and she almost always showed cleavage. It wasn't enough to say she looked like a skank (and she actually wasn't), but it was enough to attract plenty of attention. Basically, all the hormone-raging dorks drooled over her all the time.

And I was one of the lucky ones. No, I didn't get to go there or get to touch anything, but I was one of the few present the night she drank too much at a pool party and took her top off. I saw "the goods," and it was pretty much life-changing.
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Going to dig into some of the Gallup details

Trump’s job approval at personal best 49%.
He is also helping improve the image of his party. 51% now view the Republican Party favorable, up from 43% in Sept (1st time over 50% since 2005)
Only 45% have a positive opinion of Dems, a dip from 48% in Sept


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