The First 100 days

Trade deficit to 3-year low in November -- Some here suggested this would be impossible but the sharp decline in the US trade gap with China suddenly has us on the verge of posting first annual decline since 2013.

Exports rose 0.7% to $208.6 billion in Nov (we exported more aircraft engines, autos and equipment for oil drilling and exploration).

Imports slipped 1% to $251.7 billion (we imported fewer computers, cell phones, drugs and aircraft, offsetting a big increase in auto imports).

The deficit in goods with China fell another $2.2 billion in Nov to $25.6 billion. The gap with China has tumbled $61.3 billion to $319.8 billion in the first 11 months of 2019 compared to the prior year.

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I usually later regret saying stuff like this, but these retracements in oil and gold were pretty easy to figure. Hope you saw this too

DOW thru 29,000, for first time ever
It was just 37 days ago when it hit 28,000


Again, I don't understand why anyone listens to him anymore. I've never seen someone so discredited but taken so seriously. It's as if people were still talking about Milli Vanilli as great musical artists and singers.
DOW thru 29,000, for first time ever
It was just 37 days ago when it hit 28,000

Again, I don't understand why anyone listens to him anymore. I've never seen someone so discredited but taken so seriously. It's as if people were still talking about Milli Vanilli as great musical artists and singers.

And next week he will be spewing stupidity again and there will still be people eating it up.
So real recently we’ve watched Democrats attack a man who stopped a church shooting, mourn over an Iranian terrorist, and blame our President for starting a war with a country that’s been attacking us for over 40 years. You can’t make this stuff up.
The Democrats are trying (or did) pass a resolution that will prevent President Trump from stopping an Iranian terrorist from attacking Americans.

again, you can’t make this stuff up.
Actually, they didn’t. It was a non binding resolution. Call it a “proclamation” much like giving someone keys to the city.
She is the embodiment of Ricky Gervais' joke at the Golden Globes.

"You're in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg."

What can we do to encourage these folks to follow through with their threats?
A bunch said they were "moving to Canada" back in 2016. But then they didnt. How can be force them to honor these commitments? I am willing to pitch in.

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