They were I agree. Good points. But that doesn't really address my points about ideology because the ideology I had in mind was formal Muslim doctrine. Japanese and Germans I am sure resented occupation. But their religion didn't teach them that they had a sacred duty to expel any "Christian" occupier.
Japan is Zen Buddhist, which does devalue human life a bit but is neutral on the issue.
Prior to the war, the Japanese would have been horrified by the idea of a foreign power occupying or having a military presence. They were extremely nationalistic and frankly had a very "blood and soil" mentality - perhaps even more so than Nazi Germany. Japan was for the Japanese and no one else.
Germany's culture is built on Western Christianity though they had become one of the first countries to start secularizing. There was still real Christian sentiment.
Yes, that is true, but they defined themselves by and were motivated by their German ethnicity (or Aryan race, as they saw it), not by their Christianity. After all, to them, a Jew who converted to Christianity was still a Jew and was still destined for the gas chambers. That's also why the primary purpose of the Nazi aggression was to form a nation that included all ethnic Germans - not Christians. That's why they annexed Austria. It's why they took the Sudetenland. It's why they wanted the Alsace region of France. It's why they wanted Western Poland. Those were areas with large ethnic German populations.
Their contrition even today for the sins of the Nazi Party show that, and at least partly explain why the post-WW2 period went like it did.
In part, yes. However, nobody gave a **** about contrition until the country was completely destroyed. That should tell you something. The guilt came after the smack-down, not before. If they hadn't been stopped, they'd feel no shame about gassing a bunch of Jews and murdering tens of millions of people.
That is evidence supporting my belief that we shouldn't so aggressive. We won't accomplish anything and put even more of our people in danger during the war. Sending soldiers onto the battlefield while putting their lives even more at risk is a horrible thing. That we have a government that is so eager to do this is disturbing.
We aren't aggressive. If you think we are, then you don't know what aggression looks like. Look at what other countries that held power have done. Look at what the world looked like before the United States became a major power. No nation has held our degree of strength and exploited it less.
It is a huge difference. The fact that you minimize it is probably one of the reasons we have different opinions on this matter. The Nazi Party is not the same a Tribal affiliation. You make good points about the Nazi's involvement in society but you have to realize that they were what 10 years into inculcating their populace into their ideology?
I don't minimize the difference. No two situations are the same. However, you (and others) seem to think that the Japanese and Germans were a bunch of flaccid ******* who just naturally have very little will to fight but that Muslims are a bunch of bold, tough guys who will always fight to the death no matter what. The reality is that the Japanese and Germans were very tough, militantly committed to their cause, and a hell of a lot smarter and more resourceful than most of the Middle East. They lost their will, because they got the hell beaten out of them and were facing certain death if they didn't give in. That's not a Christian thing or a Buddhist thing. It's a human being thing. It's why everybody who gives in does so. Keep in mind that Muslim countries beat the **** out of each other all the time and fold when they've lost.
And I'm not sure what you mean about the ten-year figure. The Nazis were only in charge for a little over ten years, but the sentiments and ideologies underlying Nazism were much, much older than that. Nazism resonated and gained traction for a reason.
And I think you underestimate the size and scope of the "Nazi enterprise." It was much deeper and broader than you think, and we didn't just restore the preexisting culture. The preexisting culture led to Nazism. The post WWII German culture was a completely new civilization with almost no resemblance to what was in place before. They still drank beer, ate bratwurst, and wore lederhosen on some holidays, but their philosophy about their country and place in the world was completely overhauled.
In Afghanistan and Iraq we are talking about stripping down their traditional culture. Islam and Tribal affiliation is what their ancient cultures are based on. How do you go about stripping that away without committing even worse atrocities than 9/11?
You wouldn't have to destroy everything. All you would have to do is rebalance the incentive structures.
Al Qaeda did that. Not the Taliban. Not Afghani goat herders. And you are willing to killing more thousands of them to get back at Al Qaeda for their murder? Seems off base to me.
The Taliban enabled Al Qaeda and gave them safe harbor and continued to do so after 9/11. They weren't Boys Scouts or useful idiots. They were bad guys. Yes, I am willing to kill goat herders to stop them if those goat herders are helping the Taliban, who help terrorists murder Americans. Sorry, but hiding behind goat herders is not a reason to let Americans get murdered.
So what you are saying is that you want to end the Pashtun tribe. Eliminate their culture or kill all the people because Al Qaeda committed mass murder in the US, and the Taliban allowed Al Qaeda to have a training facility there. I just don't think any amount of force will change Pashtuns into any other kind of person, which means you want to kill them I guess.
Yes, I am willing, just like we were willing to kill every Japanese human being on the planet in 1945. However, it wouldn't have to come to that with the Pashtuns just like it didn't have to come to that with the Japanese.
Japan was a different animal because they are very centralized and hierarchical. Once we defeated the Japanese army and had the generals and emperor sign a treaty that conflict was over. No one was going to disobey the Japanese State declaration. The Japanese State would police itself in that case anyway. That is no the way the world works in the Middle East.
The Middle East doesn't rely on state actors as much as the Japanese did, but it does have its leaderships in its militaries and religious institutions. People can be brought under control. (And the Emperor signed a treaty, because his empire was destroyed and didn't do so until it was destroyed. Remember, Hiroshima getting nuked wasn't enough.)
I have never heard of that. Maybe we could try that, but I predict it won't go the same way based on the things I wrote above about tribalism. I think it would moreso result in mass murder on our parts.
Well, we'd have to destroy the local economies and reorganize them like we did in Germany and Japan. Again, I think you overestimate the will of these people relative to other peoples. We wouldn't have to commit mass murder. If the Middle East functioned as you think it did, they would have wiped themselves out millennia ago. Avoiding starvation is a tremendous motivator no matter what your religion or tribe happens to be.
What have we actually accomplished in 18 years? That is my point? Why keeping throwing away bad money after good?
Well, we killed Osama Bin Laden. I think that's an accomplishment. It's not enough, but it's an accomplishment.
I think the deficit is a bigger problem for American than Afghanistan goat herders. Let's balance the budget, saving on military spending will need to be one part of that.
You're right about the deficit. Half-assing a war costs a fortune. It's a lot more expensive than what I'm talking about. We'd be hundreds of billions ahead if we did what I'm suggesting.
They may be more dangerous in power, but you are advocating for occupying Afghanistan forever basically. It is a waste of life and money.
No, it's much cheaper. And what do you do if the Taliban goes back to what it was doing before the war? If they become a safe haven for terror organizations to launch war on the United States, what is your plan?
By your logic though, we should invade China and depose their Communist government. The Communists are much more dangerous in power in Beijing that running around the mountains of Western China. But it would also be a waste of money and life to try that.
Not at all. My motivation for destroying the Taliban is that they enabled somebody to go murder thousands of Americans on US soil. As much as I dislike China, they haven't done that, so I'm going to support invading China and deposing their government. I think we should be militarily prepared for that in case the need arises, but no, we shouldn't do anything like that.
I never said collateral damage was NEVER justified. I said it shouldn't be used as a BLANKET justification for attacking other countries.
Who has ever said collateral damage was itself a justification for anything? All I'm saying is that avoiding it shouldn't be justification for letting bad apples go free.
What did you mean by "even if it means killing a lot of people?" That is an ominous statement with no qualification. It sounds like you support killing whoever in whatever numbers, so that the US can control the Middle East.
You're a pretty sharp guy. Why do you say **** like this? I'm not talking about "controlling the Middle East." Why the wild hyperbole? You libertarians thrive on that nonsensical rhetoric. I'm talking about destroying a regime in one country that harbored and enabled a terror group to murder a bunch of Americans. That regime should not be allowed to exist - period, and if that means having to kill people to keep it from existing I'm OK with that. No, that doesn't mean we should needlessly murder everybody, but it does mean that we should force our will in this situation. Is it OK to knowingly enable people to murder large numbers of American civilians on American soil OK, or is it not? I say it isn't. You can disagree, but I'm not OK with it.