The First 100 days

Pay closer attention. "Progressives" is not equal to extremists (eg. antifa, LaRaza) even though you'd like to make it so. Look at my response to @ProdigalHorn.

Unless you think money can be used to absolve a person's sins I'm not sure the point of the charity remark. That's not to discount someone that chooses to give to charity but that doesn't absolve one of being an ******* in another area of their life.
The new progressive party also calls itself the resistance, right? And they are sympathetic to Antifa. See Chris Cuomo for more details.
The new progressive party also calls itself the resistance, right? And they are sympathetic to Antifa. See Chris Cuomo for more details.

Resistance to ******** because they tend to be pretty stinkym. They don't claim antifa anymore than conservatives claim white supremacists.
If that's true, they need to start talking like they do. Most of what comes out of progressives' mouths is abolishing ICE and granting a general amnesty to all but violent offenders.

The abolish ICE rhetoric is because of their gestapo like tactics in our communities. General amnesty? We just happen to value our local communities more than conservatives not in our communities. Of course, most of the sanctuary cities are cash cows for the Federal coffers so just maybe we know something conservatives don't in terms of incorporation of immigrants into our culture and economies.
Law enforcement, like the myriad big city law enforcement depts that are not supporting ICE methods? THEY not know the business?

Keep moving that goalpost, SH. ;) Most places are supporting ICE methods except some of the more nutty areas.
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It was pretty predictable that CNN would suspend one of these two guys. But instead of suspending the white guy for dropping N-bombs, they suspended the black guy, because he is a Trump supporter
Because of course

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Gestapo like tactics in "your" communities.:rolleyes1:
The gestapo were rounding up innocent people, mostly Jews.
Using that analogy to link ICE going after illegal aliens is disgusting.

Were you as outraged on the horror to your communities when the gestapo ICE raided and deported in 2008 through 2016?
The abolish ICE rhetoric is because of their gestapo like tactics in our communities.

Gestapo? I'll ask the same question that I've asked those who invoked Auschwitz a few months ago. What tactics has ICE deployed that are the same or substantially similar to those deployed by the Gestapo?

General amnesty? We just happen to value our local communities more than conservatives not in our communities.

Let's break that down a little. I would assume that Hillary Clinton represented the progressive position on illegal immigration. After all, they voted for her and made her their party's nominee. She promised a pathway to citizenship and promised to only deport "violent criminals, terrorists, and anyone who threatens our safety." She also criticized the Obama Administration for being too tough with deportations. I wouldn't use the term "open borders" to describe her policy because she also promised border security (if you believe her), but that is pretty much a general amnesty.

Let's go back to your original comment. If progressives support deporting "the vast majority of illegal immigrants" as you indicated previously, they are far to the Right of Hillary Clinton on the issue and much closer to Trump.

Of course, I don't buy your description of progressives' position on the issue. It might be your position, but it's not the common progressive position. Can you find a progressive who says what you claim progressive's support?

Of course, most of the sanctuary cities are cash cows for the Federal coffers so just maybe we know something conservatives don't in terms of incorporation of immigrants into our culture and economies.

LOL. Come on, Dude. These big sanctuary cities don't incorporate most immigrants into their culture and economies. They're some of the most segregated places in the country. Yeah, tech workers from India who speak English and make a lot of money might get incorporated to a point, but that's true in conservative areas too. The people who are actually at risk of deportation by ICE - meaning Mexican guys who mow lawns, build houses, and bus tables and hang out at Home Depot looking for work are not incorporated. They don't speak or read your language, so they can't incorporate into your culture. In fact, those who come from rural parts of Latin American frequently can't even read their own language.

And of course, they can't afford to live in your community or any community remotely similar to it. For the most part, they live in what amounts to ghettos - shabby slumlord-owned apartment complexes in contained areas and cram several into each unit. Furthermore, they interact with people like themselves far more than they interact with people like you and me. That's not cultural incorporation.
Let's go back to your original comment. If progressives support deporting "the vast majority of illegal immigrants" as you indicated previously, they are far to the Right of Hillary Clinton on the issue and much closer to Trump.

And BTW, he still hasn't provided an ounce of support for that.

After all, they voted for her and made her their party's nominee. She promised a pathway to citizenship and promised to only deport "violent criminals, terrorists, and anyone who threatens our safety." She also criticized the Obama Administration for being too tough with deportations. I wouldn't use the term "open borders" to describe her policy because she also promised border security (if you believe her), but that is pretty much a general amnesty.

I'm not sure if this was your point, but it is a bit contradictory that progressives argue that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are harmless, non-criminal, and an asset to society, that they want to focus on the violent, dangerous immigrants (the extreme minority), and yet SH wants us to believe that they believe in deporting "the vast majority of illegal immigrants."

He's not stupid, so he's either being incredibly dishonest, or he's in complete denial.
stupid, so he's either being incredibly dishonest, or he's in complete denial.

He also believed the IG's report that there was no bias in Clinton's case even though there was bias everywhere. He lies to himself and doesn't even realize it.
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Target CEO raves about the state of the economy: This is the best consumer environment 'I've seen in my career'
  • Target sees unprecedented growth in same-store sales and foot traffic during the second quarter.
  • CEO Brian Cornell credits the strongest consumer environment he's ever seen for the retailer's solid results.
  • This follows similarly strong results from companies like Walmart, Kohl's and TJ Maxx owner TJX.

Target CEO raves about the US economy: This is the best consumer environment I've ever seen
Atlanta Fed raised its 3Q GDP forecast to 4.6% (up from 4.3)
A lot folks out there said this was not possible
You realize this leaves the Dems with not much to whine about
except that he is sometimes not a nice polite person who cheated on his wife.
If only you guys were so interested in affairs back when Slick Willie was ******* every bimbo that came within a 50 yard radius of him, I might be less inclined to simply ignore you due to your blatant hypocrisy.

But no, I distinctly remember being lectured "it doesn't affect how he does his job, it's just sex, blah, blah, blah".

Well, in your face.

Edit: Use of the pronouns "You", "your", etc. in this post is not directed at LongestHorn personally, but refers to the Dems, the left, and the media in general.
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If only you guys were so interested in affairs back when Slick Willie was ******* every bimbo that came within a 50 yard radius of him, I might be less inclined to simply ignore you due to your blatant hypocrisy.

But no, I distinctly remember being lectured "it doesn't affect how he does his job, it's just sex, blah, blah, blah".

Well, in your face.

Yep. When the media rolled their eyes and made it ok to run male prostitution rings and get blown by interns in the Oval Office, it pretty much ended the outrage over sleazy but consensual sex. It also mostly killed it as a political weapon. They're trying to use it on a selective basis against Republicans, but people usually see through it.
If only you guys were so interested in affairs back when Slick Willie was ******* every bimbo that came within a 50 yard radius of him, I might be less inclined to simply ignore you due to your blatant hypocrisy.

But no, I distinctly remember being lectured "it doesn't affect how he does his job, it's just sex, blah, blah, blah".

Well, in your face.

Edit: Use of the pronouns "You", "your", etc. in this post is not directed at LongestHorn personally, but refers to the Dems, the left, and the media in general.

Conversely, it was very important then but not now. Lots of hypocrisy on both sides.
Conversely, it was very important then but not now. Lots of hypocrisy on both sides.

Perhaps, but I think this begs the question. Suppose a significant number of Democrats had voted to convict Clinton back in 1998. Would things be different today? They might be. It's a lot easier to convice people to hold their own side to a certain standard if they can expect everybody to be held to that same standard. Once the Democrats not only stood by Clinton but ridiculed those who disagreed, that pretty much killed any willingness by Republicans to throw one of their own who's in a similar situation under the bus. Nobody's going to follow a standard that they know their opponents didn't follow and never would.
There was a teleconference with Trump at WH and Mexican Pres who was on phone.
Each was complimentary of the other.
Trump said Mexico agreed to start buying tons of agricultural product from American farmers immediately.
The Mexican Pres. ended the call saying he would give Trump a big hug when he saw him next.

The deal will be sent to Congress by Friday.
I wonder how the left will spin this negatively.
Conversely, it was very important then but not now. Lots of hypocrisy on both sides.

Big difference between people who used to hold people to a higher standard and got continuously smacked on the nose for it until they finally gave up caring about it, as opposed to those who never cared about it until it was in their interest to care. The dems have not gotten more "moral" or "family-focused" - but you could definitely make an argument that a lot of conservatives have drifted from that talking point and likely won't go back.
Big difference between people who used to hold people to a higher standard and got continuously smacked on the nose for it until they finally gave up caring about it, as opposed to those who never cared about it until it was in their interest to care. The dems have not gotten more "moral" or "family-focused" - but you could definitely make an argument that a lot of conservatives have drifted from that talking point and likely won't go back.

Big difference only because you are on the other side. I get it. My thoughts on the Clinton scandal were that Whitewater should be investigated and ended up being a nothing burger. In the end he lied about a hummer. I didn't think it was a big deal then but demonstrated a low moral character for Bill. My beliefs are the same with Trump in that it demonstrates low moral character. I'm withholding judgement on the payoffs impact on whether Trump violated any laws. Bill Clinton perjured himself and was held accountable. Trump appears to be trying to be trying to avoid the public exposure that he's been lying to the public all along or perjuring himself in sworn testimony. Hopefully he chooses the former.

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