The First 100 days

My thoughts on the Clinton scandal were that Whitewater should be investigated and ended up being a nothing burger.
When the chief witness refuses to testify(goes to prison for refusing) against the Clintons I wouldn't call that a nothing burger.
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It is sad to see and I know it is hard to be patient when you are the one in the grinder, but PR folks deserve a fair share of the blame for their own situation. You live on an island for goodness sakes. There are hurricanes in your neighborhood almost every year. Make some hurricane shelters. Have some supplies set aside. Build your National Guard element specifically to handle these situations.

Puerto Rico's official death toll related to Hurricane Maria has risen from 64 to 2,975. That's more than double Katrina. Yikes!

The Mayor of San Juan deserves an apology and certainly more than some rolls of paper towels being thrown to the masses.
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This mayor?

Administration of Trump-bashing Puerto Rican mayor reportedly facing FBI corruption probe

The administration of the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, who shot to international fame after criticizing President Trump for not doing enough to help Hurricane Maria victims, is being investigated by the FBI on corruption charges, according a local news outlet.

Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz and her administration are under fire for allegedly obstructing critical supplies from reaching victims of the category-4 hurricane that leveled much of the tiny U.S. territory nearly nine months ago.

The FBI reportedly launched the investigation following a February lawsuit filed by Yadira Molina, the former director of procurement. Molina claims she was retaliated against for reporting “alleged irregular acts” to the local comptroller."

and then
  • Water, food, and baby supplies were found festering in trailers in a parking lot in San Jun Puerto Rico.
"The water, the food, the baby supplies, the Tylenol, and more — at least ten trailers full of donations intended for victims of Hurricane Maria — were found rotting and rat-infested in a parking lot at a state elections office in Puerto Rico. Authorities admitted that the supplies had been sitting there for a year, the New York Times reports.

This mayor?

Administration of Trump-bashing Puerto Rican mayor reportedly facing FBI corruption probe

The administration of the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, who shot to international fame after criticizing President Trump for not doing enough to help Hurricane Maria victims, is being investigated by the FBI on corruption charges, according a local news outlet.

Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz and her administration are under fire for allegedly obstructing critical supplies from reaching victims of the category-4 hurricane that leveled much of the tiny U.S. territory nearly nine months ago.

The FBI reportedly launched the investigation following a February lawsuit filed by Yadira Molina, the former director of procurement. Molina claims she was retaliated against for reporting “alleged irregular acts” to the local comptroller."

and then
  • Water, food, and baby supplies were found festering in trailers in a parking lot in San Jun Puerto Rico.
"The water, the food, the baby supplies, the Tylenol, and more — at least ten trailers full of donations intended for victims of Hurricane Maria — were found rotting and rat-infested in a parking lot at a state elections office in Puerto Rico. Authorities admitted that the supplies had been sitting there for a year, the New York Times reports.


Yes, that same one, regardless of her administration being investigated or not.
Drive-by comment. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Are you sure this comment wasn't directed at DJT? Nearly 3,000 American citizens died.

Note that I'm not saying Puerto Rican authorities aren't also culpable. Clearly, lot's of people screwed up and should be held accountable.

If you think DJT's administration handled Hurricane Maria well then I'd suggest you broaden your media consumption.
If you think DJT's administration handled Hurricane Maria well then I'd suggest you broaden your media consumption.

Really? MY media consumption is the problem? You just gave a complete garbage take on the situation, claiming that the mayor who took the time while her island was in crisis to go out and get t-shirts printed out so she could wear a "screw trump" shirt in front of every newscast she could find. You falsely claim that she just got a few towels thrown her way, and yes, in fact your statement clearly laid the blame not on her, but on the feds, and Trump specifically.

I've heard enough from different sources to know that there are plenty of indications that this mayor didn't know what she was doing, didn't go to any of the informational meetings, did nothing to help the situation on the ground, and basically tried to prop up her own profile at the expense of doing her job. You clearly looked at one single voice, which was that Trump just threw some towels at the island and that's all that happened.

But yeah... I need to listen to more sources that are willing to give a completely one-sided account.

You do this every time. You say something indefensible, get called on it, and move the goal posts.

So no, she doesn't deserve an apology.
Really? MY media consumption is the problem? You just gave a complete garbage take on the situation, claiming that the mayor who took the time while her island was in crisis to go out and get t-shirts printed out so she could wear a "screw trump" shirt in front of every newscast she could find. You falsely claim that she just got a few towels thrown her way, and yes, in fact your statement clearly laid the blame not on her, but on the feds, and Trump specifically.

One person was pulling the fire alarm screaming "help". The other was tweeting this...remember, ~3,000 people died.

I've heard enough from different sources to know that there are plenty of indications that this mayor didn't know what she was doing, didn't go to any of the informational meetings, did nothing to help the situation on the ground, and basically tried to prop up her own profile at the expense of doing her job. You clearly looked at one single voice, which was that Trump just threw some towels at the island and that's all that happened.

Here's a comparison of the Hurricane Harvey vs. Maria response by FEMA. ~3,000 people died in PR.

But yeah... I need to listen to more sources that are willing to give a completely one-sided account.

~3,000 dead...which one of your current sources has an article about that? If the answer is "0" then you might want to question the "one-sided account" accusation.

You do this every time. You say something indefensible, get called on it, and move the goal posts.

Move the goalposts? Look back further into the thread and I agreed with BurntOrangeHorn that there is plenty of blame on all sides of this issue. Some have already been held accountable (i.e. leaders of the PUD) while others haven't. Nobody is infallible but Trump's pied piper routine then character assassination of those who were calling out people dying is abhorrent behavior. You may feel that's acceptable. I don't.
Healthcare on an island is always an iffy project regardless of the weather.
In a bit of a stunner, Chuckles Schumer and the Dems rolled over on a large chunk of Trump judicial appointments -- these are lifetime appointments (Article 1)

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I'm guessing we all look forward to the Dems controlling the House soon.

Have they started handing out pink pu--y hats that say

"Make America ****-y/Socialist/Racist/Divided/Terrorist Friendly/an Economic Quagmire) Again" yet?

Maybe SH or his equally misdirected brethren could enlighten us on their great Liberal plan for America's salvation.
Is it possible there were more deaths in PR from Maria due to people staying in facilities less safe than those in Texas? Did the average Puerto Rican pay as close attention and take precautions as people in Texas who had lived through some pretty fierce canes in last 5 years?

3k lost is tragic. but that is not Trump's fault.
Letting supplies rot in your city when so many needed them is disgusting.
Is it possible there were more deaths in PR from Maria due to people staying in facilities less safe than those in Texas? Did the average Puerto Rican pay as close attention and take precautions as people in Texas who had lived through some pretty fierce canes in last 5 years?

3k lost is tragic. but that is not Trump's fault.
Letting supplies rot in your city when so many needed them is disgusting.

Don't let facts get in the way of Trump bashing.
If things don't improve im pretty fast, we will find out. At this point, I just hope they hold the Senate.

Way too early to panic. Besides, these same people said that Clinton would win by a landslide. Polling just isn't an exact science.
What's to hate? This is a good thing. Does is suck to admit that Obama hit this mark 4yrs ago?

This might be helpful...

Donald Trump Says U.S. Never Hit 3% GDP Growth Under Obama — But It's Misleading

Basically quarterly GDP growth is a nice number but it's not as meaningful when isolated. Annual growth is a better picture of how things are going. Obama had a handful of good quarters mixed with several horrendous ones and a whole bunch of bad ones.

Does it suck to admit that the Obama economy was never strong and has improved dramatically so far under Trump? Of course it would but you're never going to admit that, so it's a moot point.
This might be helpful...

Donald Trump Says U.S. Never Hit 3% GDP Growth Under Obama — But It's Misleading

Basically quarterly GDP growth is a nice number but it's not as meaningful when isolated. Annual growth is a better picture of how things are going. Obama had a handful of good quarters mixed with several horrendous ones and a whole bunch of bad ones.

Does it suck to admit that the Obama economy was never strong and has improved dramatically so far under Trump? Of course it would but you're never going to admit that, so it's a moot point.

Plus all of Obama's was due to quantitative easing and not actually building an economy to last. As soon as the quantitative easing was stopped the economy did too.

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