The First 100 days

I second theiioftx's statement here. He clearly identifies the biggest political issue in our country today. It is crony capitalism otherwise known as fascism. People are getting richer and isolating themselves from the rest of the country through these associations. And are impoverishing the rest of us in the process. Government doesn't build wealth like private enterprise does. All it can do is scoop an ever-increasing amount of the pot that we all work to create. That scoop is getting bigger and bigger and the only solution is to cut it off. Reduce the size. Reduce the head count. Reduce the scope. That means less government in technology. Less government involvement in news media. Less in healthcare. Less in education.
What really makes me laugh is that progressives decry the idea of the power of money in capitalism, and how unfair it was that the ultra-rich have outsized influence over everyone else. And they argue that the solution is to equalize everyone under a socialist government, and somehow believe against all odds that governments are immune to favoritism, self-interest, and general bias.
Murphy: " It's one thing to accept the normal array of slippery political cheats and dodges in the name of tribal party loyalty with the usual tired rationalization that the "other side is always worse," but Trump's activities are so corrupt and corrosive as to elevate the problem way beyond cynical politics.
Trump's actions as President have created a clear moral test: Are you complicit or are you against? Trump has gone so far -- racial demagoguery and slurs, abuse of office, dictator appeasement, nepotism and family corruption, blazing incompetence, contempt for the rule of law, betrayal of public institutions, epic dishonesty, authoritarian thuggishness... the list never ends -- that he is damaging public institutions and debasing the Presidency of the United States.
You either have the courage to oppose that, regardless of blind party loyalty, or you don't. And the bulk of our party's elected leaders are showing moral indifference and cowardice about Trump. It's tragic and sad and makes of mockery of the legitimate criticism the GOP used to level at erring Democrats. It's a stain on the party that sadly will now last."
Everyone on this board should see this as a problem. Our government, Dems and Republicans, have turned representation into their own personal wealth strategy. Ironically, my hope was and is that Trump can bust this up. I believe he is succeeding with both establishments are being overwhelmed by opposition within their own ranks.


That is the biggest problem going and what is really frustrating is to see the arrogance that people have about the inerrancy of their own politicians and party.
.................Trump's actions as President have created a clear moral test: Are you complicit or are you against? Trump has gone so far -- racial demagoguery and slurs, abuse of office, dictator appeasement, nepotism and family corruption, blazing incompetence, contempt for the rule of law, betrayal of public institutions, epic dishonesty, authoritarian thuggishness... the list never ends -- that he is damaging public institutions and debasing the Presidency of the United States.
You either have the courage to oppose that, regardless of blind party loyalty, or you don't. ..........................................
Let's take a look at the list: 1) Racial demagoguery and slurs: The left has a strong hold on racial demagoguery to the point that if any minority dare states an opposing opinion, they are slurred with uncle tom, oreo, or something much worse. 2) abuse of office: the Obama team used a fake dossier to spy using the FBI and CIA on a Presidential Candidate. What could be worse? 3) Dictator appeasement, Remember the red line in Syria, the special delivery of pallets of cash to Iran, and the buddy-buddy with the Sandinistas and Chavez? How about restoration of relations with Castro's Cuba? 4) Nepotism and family corruption Bill Clinton got large speaking fees after Hillary sold uranium to the Russians. Hillary traded state dept favors for Clinton Foundation cash. 5) Blazing incompetence, The left steered the economy from one side of the ditch to the other and said manufacturing jobs were gone for good. In only 2 years of absolute power, the left completely destroyed health care insurance in America. 6) betrayal of public institutions - Obama turned leftists violent against the police by one loud criticism after another. Obama used the justice department to go after individual industries and to promote gun control. 7) Epic dishonesty - "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." 8) Authoritarian thuggishness - Coming down on individuals who oppose Obama with IRS audits (tea party activists), phony warrants to read emails and spy (James Rosen and various individuals in the Trump campaign). And finally we agree: the list never ends.
Murphy: " It's one thing to accept the normal array of slippery political cheats and dodges in the name of tribal party loyalty with the usual tired rationalization that the "other side is always worse," but Trump's activities are so corrupt and corrosive as to elevate the problem way beyond cynical politics.
Trump's actions as President have created a clear moral test: Are you complicit or are you against? Trump has gone so far -- racial demagoguery and slurs, abuse of office, dictator appeasement, nepotism and family corruption, blazing incompetence, contempt for the rule of law, betrayal of public institutions, epic dishonesty, authoritarian thuggishness... the list never ends -- that he is damaging public institutions and debasing the Presidency of the United States.
You either have the courage to oppose that, regardless of blind party loyalty, or you don't. And the bulk of our party's elected leaders are showing moral indifference and cowardice about Trump. It's tragic and sad and makes of mockery of the legitimate criticism the GOP used to level at erring Democrats. It's a stain on the party that sadly will now last."
Do you ever think for yourself or are you totally reliant on others to speak, think and act for you?
Do you ever think for yourself or are you totally reliant on others to speak, think and act for you?

It matters not who said it. The same words could come from me, your mom, Mel Ivonka, Tucker or Trumptard himself. At this point your head is so far up your own butt you cant see the truth for what it is. Furthermore, it doesnt even matter what is said you and the others on this site have no desire to discuss even the slightest notion of negativity your "god" creates on a daily basis.

Given the fact that you are unwilling to even consider something said by someone you would consider left leaning or even liberal I quoted a long time Republican Mike Murphy. The problem however seems to still be you guys are still caught in your collective circle jerk. So go ahead and jerk away while you and the rest of hornfans continue to reply to the same 4 threads and patting each other on the back while reaching around the front.
I listen to liberal radio with the hopes of learning. And honestly I do occasionally learn or change my point of view.

You posted someone else’s thoughts without comment. That’s scary. Give me a rational thought on your own. I might not agree, but I will respect your point of view.
It matters not who said it. The same words could come from me, your mom, Mel Ivonka, Tucker or Trumptard himself. At this point your head is so far up your own butt you cant see the truth for what it is. Furthermore, it doesnt even matter what is said you and the others on this site have no desire to discuss even the slightest notion of negativity your "god" creates on a daily basis.

Given the fact that you are unwilling to even consider something said by someone you would consider left leaning or even liberal I quoted a long time Republican Mike Murphy. The problem however seems to still be you guys are still caught in your collective circle jerk. So go ahead and jerk away while you and the rest of hornfans continue to reply to the same 4 threads and patting each other on the back while reaching around the front.

Why so arrogant?

There are so many problems on the Left but I have a feeling it doesn't matter to you. That's fine. Obama committed war crimes by his use of drones and was clearly in over his head when it came to Russia. He mocked Mitt Romney over engaging in "cold war thinking" then watched as Crimea was annexed, Syria was buttressed by their presence and then there were the hacks that occurred on his watch. The national debt doubled. There were positive economic metrics achieved given the hand he was dealt but it was hardly a sign of economic genius or a philosophy that one can say worked other than throwing money at it. In short the positive metrics were bought by the debt. He was supportive of the Paris Agreement which was clearly designed as an end-run around the Constitution which requires Congressional ratification of all international treaties. He used executive orders and stretched the law in doing so. Interestingly he deported over 3 million people but we never heard a peep from the Left. Now it's suddenly a moral problem and not just because of the unfortunate separation issue. He attacked Hillary mercilessly concerning her vote for the Iraq War Resolution during the 2008 primary but all was forgiven later for the party. There is no way the white feminist/atheist/secular Liberals want anything to do with the demographic coming from Latin America except to appease and gain the Latin vote here in the US. He cut a deal with Iran which achieved nothing except strengthen their hand. North Korea continued to develop their nuclear weapons capability. I'm not sure it's very easy to describe his foreign policy achievements. If you have something let me know. I'd like to read about it. Maybe reducing our military presence in the Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan theater which needed to happen at some point. Many things happened that were troubling and hardly a sign that there was a coherent plan. Certainly the region is a major challenge no matter who our President may be but at this point there is some calm. Concerning Obamacare, he either lied or was mis-informed when he said the individual mandate was not a tax but was bailed out by the SCOTUS ruling (led by Roberts, a jurist who reads the law and does not engage in made as instructed rulings for political gain) which I believe ruled the mandate was constitutional because it was in fact tax revenue which Congress is allowed to raise.

I say all these things in order to illustrate that Obama is more hype and polish than substance. But I don't hate the guy. I'm not a birther. I don't think he's a closet Muslim and even if he was it wouldn't matter unless he was lying about it. I think he's a good-hearted man. And to be a Liberal means you will always vote for those who support gay marriage and legal abortions. I personally have no problem with that. But the vitriol that you have chosen to launch here is not impressive at all. It doesn't make anyone think you are progressive.

Trump has a big mouth. No doubt. But some of his comments have clearly been taken out of context. There is no doubt that the sieve that is the Rio Grande River is allowing criminal elements into our country. Ok, so he was caustic. I would prefer he have not said it that way but I know he wasn't talking about all Latin people. I can't help it if you believe that. The p*ssy comments were also highly unfortunate but occurred too long ago to matter. You can say you're a gentlemen, kind, perfectly balanced in all your thoughts about women and a shining example of morality.

But I'm not sure your post reflects all of that.
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So go ahead and jerk away while you and the rest of hornfans continue to reply to the same 4 threads and patting each other on the back while reaching around the front.

I am absolutely shocked that you've been unable to get anyone to engage in honest, civil debate on this site. Clearly it's not your approach that's the problem.
you and the others on this site have no desire to discuss even the slightest notion of negativity your "god" creates on a daily basis.

You do know thats exactly why he got elected right? He is the first person I've ever seen day in and day out stand up to the thugs on the left. Do I like everything he says? No, but I do enjoy seeing liberal heads exploding because he doesnt just cower down to them when they pull their sh$t. And he'll win again because of this combined with his policies which actually seem to be mostly working. I really dont care if he hurts a few feelings along the way.
Sounds like Obama:
- racial demagoguery and slurs (gun clingers), abuse of office (politicizing FBI, DOJ, EPA, IRS), dictator appeasement (Castro, Russia, and Iran), nepotism and family corruption (daughter internship with Weinstein), blazing incompetence (Keystone XL pipeline), contempt for the rule of law (most unanimous losses at SCOTUS than any administration), betrayal of public institutions (FBI, DOJ), epic dishonesty (Obamacare), authoritarian thuggishness (you didn’t build that)... the list never ends -- that he is damaging public institutions and debasing the Presidency of the United States.
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You do know thats exactly why he got elected right? He is the first person I've ever seen day in and day out stand up to the thugs on the left. Do I like everything he says? No, but I do enjoy seeing liberal heads exploding because he doesnt just cower down to them when they pull their sh$t. And he'll win again because of this combined with his policies which actually seem to be mostly working. I really dont care if he hurts a few feelings along the way.

Which thugs? The felons Manafort, Flynn and Cohen? Or the brown people?
"Impeachment is not about punishment," Lindsey Graham said. "Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office." He urged senators to "cleanse this office."
"Impeachment is not about punishment," Lindsey Graham said. "Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office." He urged senators to "cleanse this office."
Cute. Where is the crime? Bill Clinton was actually disbarred for his actions.
"Impeachment is not about punishment," Lindsey Graham said. "Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office." He urged senators to "cleanse this office."
Are you old enough to remember the Chinese money that Clinton funneled into his campaign? That was an actual crime.
It matters not who said it. The same words could come from me, your mom, Mel Ivonka, Tucker or Trumptard himself. At this point your head is so far up your own butt you cant see the truth for what it is. Furthermore, it doesnt even matter what is said you and the others on this site have no desire to discuss even the slightest notion of negativity your "god" creates on a daily basis.

Given the fact that you are unwilling to even consider something said by someone you would consider left leaning or even liberal I quoted a long time Republican Mike Murphy. The problem however seems to still be you guys are still caught in your collective circle jerk. So go ahead and jerk away while you and the rest of hornfans continue to reply to the same 4 threads and patting each other on the back while reaching around the front.
Sorry, they said the same about both Bushes. These words mean nothing to me.
It matters not who said it. The same words could come from me, your mom, Mel Ivonka, Tucker or Trumptard himself. At this point your head is so far up your own butt you cant see the truth for what it is. Furthermore, it doesnt even matter what is said you and the others on this site have no desire to discuss even the slightest notion of negativity your "god" creates on a daily basis.

Given the fact that you are unwilling to even consider something said by someone you would consider left leaning or even liberal I quoted a long time Republican Mike Murphy. The problem however seems to still be you guys are still caught in your collective circle jerk. So go ahead and jerk away while you and the rest of hornfans continue to reply to the same 4 threads and patting each other on the back while reaching around the front.


My head is not up my ***. I virtually never read anything that pitches Trump propaganda. I don't take seriously anything that comes from Breitbart and approach anything from Fox News with great skepticism. Basically I assume I'm not getting the full story. I do read The Atlantic, the Times, and Vox. All are Left-leaning. When I read something from the Right, it is usually from a Trump critic such as Jonah Goldberg. Furthermore, I opposed Trump in the general election and frequently criticize his acts and statements.

However, there are three big reasons why your original post won't trigger any discussion. First, it's vague. Very little of it points to specific acts or omissions but to characterizations crafted by people who hated Trump before he became President, so there isn't much of a way to have a discussion of it. Second, what is specific is unsupported speculation rather than fact. Third, the overwhelming majority of those who make these criticisms don't have clean hands, don't call for doing things better, and therefore don't have any credibility. You can't complain about the "rule of law" if you like and nominate liberal judges. They virtually don't believe in the concept of written law. You can't complain about white identity politics if you celebrate identity politics in every other context. You can't complain that Trump is too soft on Putin if you were even softer on Putin. You can't complain that he's nice to authoritarians if you were nice to Iran and to Castro. You can't complain that he lies if you lie or celebrate liars.

And you are correct that it doesn't matter who made the statement, but then you go on to mention that it was Mike Murphy, who's a Republican. Well, if it doesn't matter, then so what if it was a Republican? Nevertheless, even if it mattered, does his party affiliation give him credibility? Murphy has a big axe to grind. Not only did Trump destroy Murphy's client (Jeb Bush whom I respect much more than Trump), he humiliated Murphy and more importantly, the very concept of guys like Murphy.

Murphy (and many like him in both parties) has become a rich man by getting campaigns like Jeb's to pay him a ton of money to "advise" them and to put them in charge of massive amounts of campaign money, which gives them power and influence. Trump came into the race, spent very little money, and cock-slapped Murphy's client anyway. Well, if that's possible, then what's the point in hiring a hack like Mike Murphy and making him a millionaire? That's why he hates Trump.

Now, if you want to bring up specific Trump acts for discussion, I'm happy to engage. I'll probably agree with you on some and disagree on others.
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Why do liberals always fling the race card when they have no valid argument?

"They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
So we're back to the "Trump supporters just hate brown people" line again? That's garbage and you know it.

It was stated that Trump was cleaning uo the thugs. I asked which ones? Clearly it's not his own swamp as apologists are lining up on Hornfans to blame Mueller for those.

Was "thugs" a reference to MS-13? It's not a bad thing to fight back and yes deport criminal elements, especially those that are in the country illegally. Of course, they are a very small % of his illegal immigrant battle. It's also not lost on non-Trump supporters that he's demonized large swaths of ethnicities to gin up the problem.
Murder charge in missing Iowa jogger case

I do not think Trump has demonized ethnicities. My Mexcan-American/Tejano family members tend to be Trump voters, do not feel demonized and agree there is a problem with illegal immigration. Beyond my family, I live in South Texas and plenty of Tejanos/Mexican-Americans do not feel demonized.

I have not seen Trump demonize Mexican-Americans, legal mexican immigrants, Tejanos, etc.

I will say, in my life and have discussed on hornfans before, I have certainly seen regular people in the rest of America outside the southwest (and especially in the north) demonize Mexican-Americans.

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