Indeed a great--but frustrating--ballgame. Glad our 'Horns could pull it out and keep the winning streak alive. Also hats off to 'em for making history--with tonight's victory, they now own the Big 12 record of consecutive conference wins.
Props to Augie for his pinch-hitting substitutions. As with many others, I'm not a fan of Augie's "defensive substitutions" in close games, but his offensive decisions made the difference tonight--Montalbano goes 1-for-2 with a walk, including a lead-off double that ultimately results in the game-winning run, and Weymouth steps in and delivers with a walk-off double.
Still, most of the praise belongs to the Texas pitching staff: 14 innings, one run, seven hits, two walks, one hit by pitch and 11 strikeouts. And though Cole's run was presumably earned, I'll walk out on a short limb and state that he probably notches his third-consecutive complete-game shutout if not for an error and a passed ball in the top of the ninth.
Congrats to Augie & Co. for winning yet another series and preserving their four-game lead on K-State. Get some rest and good luck tomorrow, team!