TEXAS-KSU Game Thread 2023

Great win.
Great win, ill hear of no other options.

Maalik is new, we won against a very good team.
Love it.
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There is very little good to say about today other than Texas got a win that it tried desperately to give away. Murphy is a freshman and he is making freshman mistakes. Hopefully Ewers is back next week or Fort Worth will not be a fun trip.

I am normally a glass half full guy and I wear with pride my sunshine pumper button from the early 2000's but for the life of me some of our coaching decisions just make no sense to me. I really compare Sark to Mike Leach with his damn the risk approach, and constantly choosing fourth down attempts over short field goals. You do that when you dont have a defense but Texas has a defense, there is no reason that Texas should not have been up 20-0 at the half but another fourth down attempt in the red zone instead of taking the points and then a collapse leads to a 10 instead of 20 point game and K-State with all the momentum. Why do our coaches seem to miss the simple point that in what could be a tight game every freaking point counts. Three weeks in a row Texas has passed on field goals in the red zone and today like Houston two weeks ago it almost cost them.

That's my rant for the week and to be honest its just frustration not real anger as I am still on a Ranger high and frankly told myself throughout the second half to just accept whatever happens because you already got your sports moment for this year Wednesday night.
AND.....poor aggy loses again. The 11 million dollar man has led his team to a stellar 5-4 season so far. Just as I predicted they'll win the next two against Miss St and Abilene Christian then lose to LSU to end the season 7-5.
Our Offensive play calling needs to be at a level where we can get one first down in a drive to put the game away.


true but brooks almost broke it on the 2nd down run. Then 3rd and 3 you can’t put the game in MM hands at that point so you have to run it. You could certainly argue get it to brooks instead of Baxter but that was the play he ran the long td run.
Murphy has to take better care of the ball. Having said that this game turned on the blatant pi that wasn’t called followed up by the punt block which was completely unacceptable. Still had the game in hand and the only thing you couldn’t do was turn the ball over which is promptly what we did. The last third down play call by Texas in regulation was an easy recognition for the ksu defense. They didn’t even need to steal our signals.
Safeties. After we went up 20, we go to that terrible prevent where the safeties are 25 yds off the LOS. It's just pitch and catch all the way down the field for a sure drive. We do it every time we get up. Just play your damn D and trust your players. Drives me nuts.
Murphy has to take better care of the ball. Having said that this game turned on the blatant pi that wasn’t called followed up by the punt block which was completely unacceptable. Still had the game in hand and the only thing you couldn’t do was turn the ball over which is promptly what we did. The last third down play call by Texas in regulation was an easy recognition for the ksu defense. They didn’t even need to steal our signals.
On the pic, the only guy in the picture was #76. MM just can't make that mistake. He just can't. That's 2 of the worst pics I've ever seen in the last 2 weeks. No lead is safe with him. If I liked what I saw in Arch he'd be my starter next week. Gotta think he's not making those mistakes.
I don’t know if Manning is ready but his development needs to accelerate.

I have thought the same things but my concern comes from the fact that he is a clear third string to Murphy & Ewers as evidenced by playing time.

we still haven’t seen him and there was certainly a series or two at the end of BYU where we could have. He can get playing time in what…. Four games without losing his shirt?

how far behind in development is he? Reading between the lines with the staff apparently quite a drop off?
Murphy has to take better care of the ball. Having said that this game turned on the blatant pi that wasn’t called followed up by the punt block which was completely unacceptable. Still had the game in hand and the only thing you couldn’t do was turn the ball over which is promptly what we did. The last third down play call by Texas in regulation was an easy recognition for the ksu defense. They didn’t even need to steal our signals.

Still, Murphy is not going to cut it at qb at this level. He played a qtr or so at Houston, the entire game vs byu and now today. He had 2 weeks to take reps with the #1s.

He went so far backwards today it's scary. Even more scary is with ewers coming back, manning is left out in the cold. He should have been in early 4th qtr. No telling what's going through his & his dad's mind right now

The defense played awesome until sark pulled that 4th down nonsense. Give your great D the points to protect, sark. It's as though you have no faith in them
Will someone please pinch me to confirm Texas actually won this game! Damn, for 3 qrts Sark & Maalik did everything they could to throw the game. But lo & behold Kleiman is dumb enough to go for 4th and 4 when Texas can't stop the pass. Thank you Kleiman!

Cats get another series no doubt they're scoring passing it in. We owe you a big one Kleiman for being dumber than Sark, who didn't take the 3 when he had a chance. No way Red is doing anything there, they coulda see than one coming from 10 miles off.
I still do not understand why Murphy does not run. It would put a whole different prospective on our offense. Does anyone know if he can run? I understand Sark does not want him hurt but this is football.
Think I will get a foam brick for next week and onward. Just cannot understand why we leave points on the field with those dumb 4th down goal line plays. One day, those fails will cost us the game, as against OU and almost today. Sark is great for 2 qtrs, just never know which 2. I'm old and don't need this drama!

Murphy has to take better care of the ball. Having said that this game turned on the blatant pi that wasn’t called followed up by the punt block which was completely unacceptable. Still had the game in hand and the only thing you couldn’t do was turn the ball over which is promptly what we did. The last third down play call by Texas in regulation was an easy recognition for the ksu defense. They didn’t even need to steal our signals.