Re: Ewers errant passes
My wife and I were watching the game and she graciously allows me to "mansplain" football to her. After Ewers threw some bad balls she asked, "What's his problem?" Full disclosure, her kids went to Lake Travis High School so she has a soft spot for Hudson and feels he deserved to play. That's another argument. So I said, "There's something called 'the yips' and we've seen it with major league ballplayers (Chuck Knobloch and Rick Ankiel amongst others) and that I hoped it wasn't Ewers fault. She then said, "Didn't you say he skipped his senior year in high school and didn't play his freshman year in college (I was thinking, Damn! She actually listens to me!) and I said, "Yep, that's true. That may be the answer right there. He's trying to adjust to the speed of the game and possibly the atmosphere in general which creates a rush unknown to mortal man." I think I got an eye roll after that one.