Texas-Army Game Thread, Part Deux

Enoough with the frickin bunting, another free out and the runner stays at first.

We have given them two full innings of free outs.
okay, I'm not usually one to bag on "conventional" strategy, but is Augie trying to prove how stubborn he can be, with this bunt every inning strategy? I mean you've got a pitcher supposedly on the ropes, you're behind by one run, and you give them another out?
Geez... bunting with two strikes? Hate to sound like the armchair coach, but this goes against everything i ever learned in little league. And never doubt the powers of little league...
Augie must sit in his room at night with the lights off and dream-up weird-*** situtations to bunt when nobody thinks you will.

So pumped about giving up an out that inning. I think we should go ahead do that in the 8th and 9th. Let's just go with 2 outs for both of those innings.
We smallballed our way to no runs again that inning. the two runs we got came when they just hit away. This is so freaking frustrating. Another RISP left on. Gonne be a stressfull two innings here. Cant let them score again.

Augie has been doing this longer than all of us and knows more baseball than any of us but I swear he is being stubborn just for the point of being stubborn.

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