Clark to lead off the inning for Texas. He grounds to short, who throws wide but the first baseman makes the tag in time. One away, Keyes up.
Keyes works the count full, then takes the payoff pitch outside for a free pass to first. One on, one out. Rupp up.
Rupp flares one to deep right center. The two outfielders try to track it down but it lands between them. The hit goes for extra bases as Keyes moves to third and Rupp sits on second. One out, Rowe up.
Rowe taps a 2-2 pitch back to the mound for an easy out. Ouch. Two RISP, two out, Hernandez up.
Hernandez grounds meekly to short. Once again, Texas strands plenty and lets the opposing pitcher off the hook. Army still doubling up the 'Horns, 6-3.
To the 5th ...