Slightly off topic but I like how the protest defenders say, “people over property”. Such BS. Have these f*ckers ever built anything or improved a property? All they know is how to smash and torch. People put their dreams, hard-earned money, and their livelihood into property. Some property like production facilities are essential for quality of life. Talk about Marxist BS.
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Bubba do you really think this would go away if Trump did not send in the feds and instead just sat silently by and watched. I’m genuinely curious.
I think it would dissipate. The protests about police brutality have highlighted that we actually have a police brutality problem.
Huh? So, the riots (by a less than productive group of society) somehow “proves” the hypothesis that there is a police brutality problem?
I say protests. You say riots. I'm not down with riots.

The protests about brutality highlighted that we do have a brutality problem. We've all seen the videos.
I say protests. You say riots. I'm not down with riots.

The protests about brutality highlighted that we do have a brutality problem. We've all seen the videos.
I stand corrected. So, I guess the fact that people are rioting/protesting/demonstrating/gathering in large groups at odd hours, etc., is evidence that their cause/stated reasons for such is actually true. I say this with a tad of sarcasm since I think the ENTIRE narrative is FALSE. So, if I organized a group and did likewise, would this make me right?
I say protests. You say riots. I'm not down with riots.

The protests about brutality highlighted that we do have a brutality problem. We've all seen the videos.
The rioters are your kind of voters. Further the protesters gave cover to the rioters. I see them as complicit in the rioting.
At this point there are no protests, at least not in Portland. If you go downtown you know what is going on. You are either okay associating yourself with it or you aren't. If you go down there and you aren't telling rioters to quit rioting, you are a rioter.
Dissipate? Guess I’ll leave it there, but I’m guessing you mean the (few) actual protesters vs the rioters. That correct? Cause I do not believe rioters dissipate when there is no resistance. Instead they create an ever increasing CHOP zone, or whatever you wish to name it.
Trump is BEING political by intervening with "Law and order". He's dong anything to distract from his horrendous presidency.

Holy crap are you being sarcastic? This post has to be a joke. If it is a law and order protest then they don't need any federal funds to rebuild do they. I'm good with letting them burn down their own communities they can destroy that city and I won't lose a second of sleep, same with Seattle, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis and every other blue city outside of Texas. Let those idiots in charge deal with the hell and carnage they are creating. This mob is looking to spread the wealth, go for it, as soon as their done with the stores they will start on the rich neighborhoods, lets see what happens then.
I say protests. You say riots. I'm not down with riots.

The protests about brutality highlighted that we do have a brutality problem. We've all seen the videos.

Lol, we have a lack law and order problem, we have a lack of disapline problem in the home. We have a lack a parenting problem in the home. We have a lack of capital punishment problem in the states. We have a lack of tough hard-nosed prisons in the country. What we don't have is a police brutality problem.

I'm personally ready to start seeing the police use real bullets instead of rubber ones, I'm ready to see the military roll in and issue marshall law, anyone outside at night will be dead, period. That will restore order in the cities.
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I say protests. You say riots. I'm not down with riots

Yeah, you kinda are. You toss out the obligatory and passive "not down with the riots." However, you pretty much defend them when someone tries to stop them and presume without evidence that those trying to stop them are in the wrong.

The protests about brutality highlighted that we do have a brutality problem. We've all seen the videos.

Videos show that the officer in the video is being brutal and should be fired and prosecuted. They don't show that we have a "police brutality problem." Statistics that are in proportion and context are what would show that such a problem exists. But on this issue, the Left is light years longer on inflammatory rhetoric than they are on facts or statistics.
Holy crap are you being sarcastic? This post has to be a joke. If it is a law and order protest then they don't need any federal funds to rebuild do they. I'm good with letting them burn down their own communities they can destroy that city and I won't lose a second of sleep, same with Seattle, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis and every other blue city outside of Texas. Let those idiots in charge deal with the hell and carnage they are creating. This mob is looking to spread the wealth, go for it, as soon as their done with the stores they will start on the rich neighborhoods, lets see what happens then.
Bill....liberal Democrats are MORONS....
the "SO, you think"(???) is the part we need to discuss, first....
That is for the governments of the city of Portland and the state of Oregon to decide not the federal government. They are certainly able to protect federal property. What we've seen is more than that.
A. Capital punishment is not a deterrent and is not cost efficient.
B. We have plenty of prisons. PLENTY. Incarceration Rates By Country 2020 Just like defense spending, we're number 1 with a bullet!
I said this a thousand times. We imprison more people because a) we can afford it, and b) western violence. Neither applies to a European country. When compared to other countries in the Americas, our violence rate looks great. So how can you can say death penalty isn’t a deterrent?
That is for the governments of the city of Portland and the state of Oregon to decide not the federal government. They are certainly able to protect federal property. What we've seen is more than that. these PEACEFUL protests and Portland's Mayor's reaction and LISTEN to his words....closely!!!....and get back with me.....

That is for the governments of the city of Portland and the state of Oregon to decide not the federal government. They are certainly able to protect federal property. What we've seen is more than that.
the Federal building would have been in flames by now....Portland was not defending it and then, the police were told NOT to help the Federal agents defend it.... these PEACEFUL protests and Portland's Mayor's reaction and LISTEN to his words....closely!!!....and get back with me.....

The rioters could've had bombs and automatic weapons attacking "Civil" citizens and he would've said the same thing. Those people live in an alternate reality.
I said this a thousand times. We imprison more people because a) we can afford it, and b) western violence. Neither applies to a European country. When compared to other countries in the Americas, our violence rate looks great. So how can you can say death penalty isn’t a deterrent?
That's what all of the social scientists say. Also, from college.

From my personal heuristic from watching crime shows on TV it is a tool to get people to confess or cooperate as they "take death off the table". I will admit that this part of the opinion is not based upon science or research. :)

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