Riots in Minneapolis

In what I'm sure was a totally spontaneous moment of dumbassery, the Dems all happen to wear kente cloths in tribute to the Floyd funeral.
I had to look this up. Apparently "kente cloths" are a big deal in Ghana and now, in Washington.

Bwahahaha! Isn't this preempting another culture? Is there nothing that embarrasses these folks?
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In what I'm sure was a totally spontaneous moment of dumbassery, the Dems all happen to wear kente cloths in tribute to the Floyd funeral.
I had to look this up. Apparently "kente cloths" are a big deal in Ghana and now, in Washington.

Bwahahaha! Isn't this preempting another culture? Is there nothing that embarrasses these folks?

Minnesota deserves everything they get. They were the only state that voted for Mondale. They also voted Hillary. And that crazy wrestler for governor. The current Mayor is a leftist moron. Let them burn it down.
Riots, people being killed, buildings and businesses being burned to the ground, folks losing jobs for opinions, defunding of police departments, etc... and LH is trying to score brownie points for his "side" by finding random people saying mean things.

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