Lol...I know what you mean. It is annoying, right...for both of us regardless of perspective.
So many things you can say these days people on both "sides" of the issue immediately start shaking their heads like, right on you tell 'em. Like, "Marxists" or "Nazi" or "power hungry traitors."
I personally believe there is a truth. But, alas, how can one prove it to another?
My older son asked me about truth and I tell him a story of a well down a winding path in a forest. Away from this place some distance a group is thirsty. A man who has been at the water source comes up out of the woods and reports of the beauty surrounding, the cool breeze, and delicious, fresh water aplenty. Now a man can look around and speculate, doubt, scoff, pray, procrastinate, or ridicule. A wise man can go down the path earnestly, check it out for himself, and, drink deep from the Spring and know.
But, Bubba....I think you know who holds to those philosophies I noted in my post.
I, for one, believe the opposite of those things. I've tasted and seen.
Come to the well, Bubba...Come and drink freely!!