Riots in Minneapolis

Brave when it's 6 on 1. I lived about 2 miles from where that took place. Notice at the end the one black guy watching after those dudes left, he walks up and kicks the guy in the face.

Is this the world the democrats and black people want? White people can also play this game. To be very honest, this wasn't even a political thing, that easily could have happened to a Liberal as well as a conservative.
Brave when it's 6 on 1. I lived about 2 miles from where that took place. Notice at the end the one black guy watching after those dudes left, he walks up and kicks the guy in the face.

Is this the world the democrats and black people want? White people can also play this game. To be very honest, this wasn't even a political thing, that easily could have happened to a Liberal as well as a conservative.
Remember, it is the years of oppression from white people that justifies all of that.
This is the America democrats want. I’m sure some of the resident liberal on WM will approve of over 100 arrests at 31 years of age and out punching - not shoving MSM - 92 year old women.
Brave when it's 6 on 1. I lived about 2 miles from where that took place. Notice at the end the one black guy watching after those dudes left, he walks up and kicks the guy in the face. ... Is this the world the democrats and black people want? White people can also play this game. To be very honest, this wasn't even a political thing, that easily could have happened to a Liberal as well as a conservative.

Disbanding the police will fix it all
Did you watch the vid?
Yes. Like I said, I can't see a criminal charge. I could see, in light of Atlanta's documented overuse of force/taser in the recent past that you might not want someone who go's to shots in the back so fast. I'd like to think that you and I could take that guy. And, if he runs off and gets run over by a car then OK but you didn't shoot him twice in the back to make sure he "didn't get away". It's a DUI, not a potential murder. You know who it is.
The DA in Atlanta on explaining the murder charge, just said "Mr. Brooks was peacefully sleeping." Also about how peaceful and how he was not aggressive while being questioned and tested. If I were a police officer in Atlanta, I would quit today.
Lulz. Sad party of whiny babies don’t actually like personal accountability. Shocked, I am.

Bet you don't have the guts to be a cop. Of course you refuse to divulge your career, if you have one. Interesting you are lecturing people on personal accountability when I bet you've never been accountable or earned anything in your life.
The one accused by the DA of standing on the criminal after he was shot? He has been charged and will make the statement to avoid his own prosecution. But keep flinging LH, keep flinging. Sponsor button is at the bottom.
^ Heck even Bubba and Husker were shamed into donating.
LH is typical socialist. Thinks Dion and all are doing this work and paying all the costs just so he can post bs

reminds me I need to make another donation
Doesn't change the fact that the dead suspect fired at him.
“We have also concluded that Rolfe was aware that the Taser in Brooks’ possession, it was fired twice, and once it’s fired twice it presented no danger to him or to any other persons,”

Scared for his life! What a *****.
“We have also concluded that Rolfe was aware that the Taser in Brooks’ possession, it was fired twice, and once it’s fired twice it presented no danger to him or to any other persons,”

Scared for his life! What a *****.

In the heat of action I doubt he would be aware or even think of that. Once again you're on the side of criminals/terrorists along with with this POS DA.
Dude, the way you overreact to the coronavirus I highly doubt you have the nuts to go through what a cop does on a daily basis. The most danger you have in your day consists of giving funny emoticons and calling other people that disagree with you racists. :p
I looked at it again from the security camera angle and agree with you. There was less than two seconds from the time he pointed the taser until the cop fired. No way should he have been fired or prosecuted.

Amazing how many people are being disingenuous with their description of what happened. I watched it again and you guys are right - but what I expected to see based on the descriptions was a guy in full sprint away from a group of officers for several seconds while they carefully took aim at his back.
Does it really matter if the cop is innocent or guilty, the left have already convicted him and are ready to execute him. In the mean time they will continue to loot, destroy and attack white people.

We will continue to think like law abiding citizens that the police will save us. They aren't coming so it's time to load the guns and protect ourselves.
Shockingly, Rayshard Brooks had a serious criminal record and was likely going back to prison if arrested. Record includes False Imprisonment, Cruelty to Children, Family Violence, Battery and Simple Battery.
Shockingly, Rayshard Brooks had a serious criminal record and was likely going back to prison if arrested. Record includes False Imprisonment, Cruelty to Children, Family Violence, Battery and Simple Battery.

Seems like most of the police killings that have rattled the nation the last few years have involved men with extensive criminal records. I'd guess that's why, instead of putting their hands up and cooperating, they resist. They don't wanna go back to prison.

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