Riots in Minneapolis

Sounds like the 2nd Amendment is alive and well.

But look at it this way...

Back in 1980ish I lived in South Padre Island. The place was leveled by Hurricane Allen. I evacuated along with EVERYBODY else and returned a few days later. Guess who was waiting for us? THE NATIONAL GUARD armed with what looked like M-16's and menacing frowns on their face. Here's what they said:

"We're here to prevent looting. Curfew is 7:00 PM. We will shoot on sight after that."

NO. SH*T. That's what he said.

And guess what? There were no black people on that Island. I know because I was there. And the order stood. FOR WHITE PEOPLE.

So there are some things in life that are just the way they are. Thinking politically 24/7 turns everything upside down and the truth and what needs to happen are the first two casualties.
Sounds like those who continue to use the word fascism or (pick the label of the month) in relation to any conservative leader.
A. They can't even define the word
B. They clearly lack historical context and understanding of fascism and other related philosophies in practice

With an accurate understanding of the pitiful, cruddy, and dangerous political philosophies the Eastern world, Europe, and others have seen it is easy to see the modern day Democratic Party of the USA is, in actuality, closest to resembling and being in position for implementation of the sort

The other intellectually lazy, absurd and misused word is "Nazi", Nazi's" or perhaps even calling someone a "Hitler". I believe many that use those terms are truly ignorant of history, what the National Socialist party in Germany was, what they and Hitler did, etc.

Those terms are cheap / throw-away words to label someone in position of authority you disagree with or you don't want to follow the law or rules. It's also another convenient way of ending an argument you are losing or you need a really negative name to call someone to try and shut them up.

Unfortunately, the word "racist" is also thrown around the same way.
The other intellectually lazy, absurd and misused word is "Nazi", Nazi's" or perhaps even calling someone a "Hitler". I believe many that use those terms are truly ignorant of history, what the Nationalist Socialist party in Germany was, what they and Hitler did, etc.

Those words / terms are just are cheap words to label someone in position of authority you disagree with or you don't want to follow the law or rules. It's also another convenient way of ending an argument you are losing or you need a really negative name to call someone to try and shut them up.

Unfortunately, the word racist is also thrown around the same way.

I was calling some Totalitarian Socialists "Fascists" on a left-wing atheist site (just describing the lean) and they mocked me for incorrect usage of the term. I told them it has become universal for heavy-handed mind control, intimidation and destruction of personal freedom. They just told me I was ignorant.

So I use Totalitarian Socialist now... but it doesn't matter. People like that will always arrogantly attack you even if you have the proof of their errors staring them in the face. They will move the goal posts or red herring you to death.

Semantics over the word Fascist is a technique for trolls
Why did it take so long?

You see, Minnesota is an enlightened state, with a liberal Democrat Governor, a liberal Democrat AG, a liberal Democrat Mayor in Minneapolis, none of whom (like some posters on here) are smart enough to read and understand the state laws, some of which they would and are now being appalled by. It is too late to change their laws for this case, but upping the charges could very well result in acquittal, because now the DA has to prove malice of forethought, which I do not believe can be done; yet, the liberals are screaming and could scream themselves into total loss.

Fuckedup state run by liberal idiots. They deserve what they get; George Floyd did not.
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You see, Minnesota is an enlightened state, with a liberal Democrat Governor, a liberal Democrat AG, a liberal Democrat Mayor in Minneapolis, none of whom (like some posters on here) are smart enough to read and understand the state laws, some of which they would and are now being appalled by. It is too late to change their laws for this case, but upping the charges could very well result in acquittal, because now the DA has to prove malice of forethought, which I do not believe can be done; yet, the liberals are screaming and could scream themselves into total loss.

Fuckuped state run by liberal idiots. They deserve what they get; George Floyd didn't.
Not surprising from a populace that put The Body and Stuart Smalley into office. Reaping what they have sewn.
because now the DA has to prove malice of forethought

I was talking about this with my 16 year old daughter (I'm SO proud of her for taking an interest in current events and not just selfies). We were actually talking about the cops wife and how her life changed so much. Imagine waking up and as we all do, not knowing how the day will end. Same for the cop. Did he wake up thinking, "I'm going to kill a black man today?" Probably not. Then he did. So where is the premeditation? They'll probably go after some angle that a racist is a premeditated murderer just looking for an opportunity.
The question is: When there are differing reports, do you trust the park police or clergy and VIDEO?

We haven't seen the full video. I doubt the clergy can see everyone. This DC crowd was burning **** down the night before. I'll believe the cops.

Edit-Barr himself said that he saw stuff being thrown in his direction.
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From a friend:

The ******** burnt down Uncle Hugo’s a famous used book store in Minneapolis specializing in Sci-fi. Lot of first editions etc. I bought many books there some 40+ years ago.
i'm saddened by the left/right of the discussion.

i have close friends, (black) who are military veterans, pastors, UT educated engineers, that tell me they feel the tension of their hands on their steering wheel when a police car pulls in behind them and they wonder if their kids will grow up without a father.

there is no reason not to stand up as humans and support the idea that we are all created equal. man, we love the story of the Boston Tea Party in America. we love that our kids learn that. destruction of property. wholesale destruction of valuable goods. i don't agree with the destruction of property, but lives are more important than stuff. i question those who invalidate the anger of hundreds of years of oppression because some angry blacks and some nazi whites are inciting destruction. you are throwing the baby out with the bath water.

I feel the tension in my hands when a cop gets behind me and I'm not Black. Who doesn't get a little clammy and hope they didn't do anything wrong when a cop pulls up behind them?
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Were the other 3 non-white cops overcome with fear of the white cop and his white supremacy? Are they all that bad of cops in Minneapolis that none of them felt they needed to get the rogue cop off of Floyd?

Has any video been unearthed yet showing what happened that ended up with Floyd being on the ground? That usually happens in cases of resisting arrest.
This is from a socially liberal fiscal conservative. If you can’t convince this person, you have utterly failed.

Can dionysis add "Reluctant and Bullied Sponser" to my tag? Maybe ii's can shut the **** up now.

Also, I do appreciate arguing with you jerks. [hook'em]^(-1). Also, as a sponsor I will remove my self imposed ban from doing the upside down horns 51 weeks of the year now.
Proud of you Barry. I will shut up. OU still sucks though, maybe a little less today. :hookem:
What’s comical is that why does anyone think you can change anything that’s been going on since the beginning of time?

There is a reason it’s like this and you can throw all the money you want at it and things will never be anything different than what’s going on now. No matter what you try.

it is a real simple and absolute fact.

and the notion that “property can be replaced because this is much bigger than that” is coming from people that haven’t lost any property.

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