Riots in Minneapolis

I am sure the potheads, thugs and pedophiles have rejoiced given that school district police departments are basically impotent when it comes to any manner of crime detection or prevention...

Not to mention the drop in revenue from not being able to have their officers writing tickets for two miles over the limit in a school zone...oh, and the inevitable tax hikes that property owners in the district will be paying (another cost that won't be borne by the looters and rioters).
I traveled today so just now catching up. Lobot and OUMoocher are on a roll. They either are for all of this and are despicable human beings, or they are tools of the left. Lobot generates way too many tweets to be legitimate while the Mooch - with all his degrees - certainly supports the Antifa violence. You would think he could afford to donate since he can bet $25 whole dollars on Antifa.
Thinking about donating to Texags just for you. Maybe I should do it in your name.

Oh please, the writer of that article is obviously a white racist himself.


He has white supremacist written all over his smug face.
It must be nice to be an elitist living in an ivory tower and condemn all whites as being supremacist. Although I never bought their overpriced crappy ice cream anyway, there's 0% change I'll ever buy it now.

Ben & Jerry's issues lengthy statement in response to George Floyd death: 'We must dismantle white supremacy'
Just like that, the "Hero front line worker" commercials will be replaced with this crap. Thang Gawd idiotic companies can scold me for being such a racist my whole life.
Can dionysis add "Reluctant and Bullied Sponser" to my tag? Maybe ii's can shut the **** up now.

Also, I do appreciate arguing with you jerks. [hook'em]^(-1). Also, as a sponsor I will remove my self imposed ban from doing the upside down horns 51 weeks of the year now.
Can dionysis add "Reluctant and Bullied Sponser" to my tag? Maybe ii's can shut the **** up now.

Also, I do appreciate arguing with you jerks. [hook'em]^(-1). Also, as a sponsor I will remove my self imposed ban from doing the upside down horns 51 weeks of the year now.
No, no, 2885 posts is a reasonable amount of time to feel the place out before unloading $1 a month. Well done. :clap:
Written to the Chron biz columnist:

Subject: Ever get tired of writing lies all day?

Dear Sir,

You must be frustrated of late. The amount of lies in your articles have become more appalling with each subsequent article. To wit:

- You insinuate the federal minimum wage at $7.25 is one source of anger fueling the protests. You failed to note that the minimum wage is $15 in NYC and Washington DC, $14.25 in LA, and $10 in Minneapolis.
- Your reference to an inflation adjusted minimum wage of $13 is another lie (of omission). This represents the highest minimum wage in the past (inflation-adjusted), not the average. Why not report the average min wage unless your intent was to lie and deceive like a good socialist?
- You mention half of blacks are jobless but fail to mention why. Maybe it is because of the lockdown that as of last month you wanted imposed until a vaccine was available.
- You failed to note that the schools systems in the protest-stricken cities are run by Democrats in the thrall of the teachers unions. How many of these cities are against charter schools?
- You falsely imply that higher taxes on the wealthy will solve the problem. There isn’t enough marginal tax income from the wealthy to fund the programs you proposed. You would have to raise taxes significantly on the middle and lower income classes to pay for your programs. Another lie of omission. Why not report the truth about taxed income unless your intent was to lie and deceive like a good socialist?
- We don’t need higher taxes on companies as that hurts investment and jobs.
- Why should readers care about income inequality when they see rioters destroy minority-owned businesses? The rioters and protestors obviously don't care income inequality, otherwise why would they be destroying these businesses?

Finally, stop writing as if you care about the poor. Your nothing but a phony. All you care about is your socialist utopia and the power it brings to people like you.
"If the riots are happening to bring broader change. What is that change? I haven't heard that explained."
From what I see the protests have no purpose but we all have to pretend it is a a good thing.The looting and destruction are just plain criminal.
Well, was all about resolving the great Nike inquality. Oh, and nothing says justice quite like plasmas from a moving train.
From a smart Longhorn from Lubbock, who by the way grew up in a poor, broken home, where alcohol/drug abuse was common.

"If the answer is something poorly defined and amorphous — capitalism, white privilege, inequality, etc. — then the answer may as well be imps or evil spirits or the Bilderberg group. Pat Brown thought the answer was free school lunches. We have those, and breakfast, too, but the discontent endures."

George Floyd Protests: Progressives Have Done Poor Job Governing Cities | National Review
Cuomo is right to criticize DeBlasio, but I think it's just a strategy to deflect from his disastrous handling of Covid in New York.
Good sound bite from one of the southern lawmakers this morning that it was one of the few times that Cuomo has been right. Also said...and I may have missed a word here- "I'm not sure what planet DeBlasio parachuted in from, but I sure haven't seen HIS happy *** going in there to protect anyone."
Good sound bite from one of the southern lawmakers this morning that it was one of the few times that Cuomo has been right. Also said...and I may have missed a word here- "I'm not sure what planet DeBlasio parachuted in from, but I sure haven't seen HIS happy *** going in there to protect anyone."
Do you agree that Cuomo would only say things against DB if it serves his purpose of detracting from his recent failures? They are usually lockstep and in love.
I'm shocked that Cuomo didn't find some way to spin this into trumps fault. I guess he needs a lesson in how to stick to the party line.

You have to remember that Cuomo still needs Trump's financial assistance. Cuomo will go back to the Trump bashing once he gets done fleecing the feds.

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